In-Person ADU and SB 9 Study Session at the Jan. 18 Planning Commission Meeting
As discussed in the September 2023 Edition of Naples News, the City is updating local ordinances related to permitting for accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and for local implementation of new housing units and urban lot splits allowed under SB 9 in order to promote the City’s pro-housing policies while maintaining community design standards and compliance with state laws. This week, the Planning Commission will meet to learn more about the process to date, initial findings, and to discuss next steps for developing the ordinances. Please note, the Long Beach Civic Chambers are currently under construction for upgrades. While the Civic Chambers are unavailable, Planning Commission meetings will be held in person only at Long Beach Community College’s Liberal Arts Campus.
Planning Commission Study Session
Thursday, Jan.18, 2024, 5 p.m.
Long Beach Community College, Liberal Arts Campus
4901 E. Carson St., Building T, Room 110 (LBCCD Boardroom)
Free parking is located in the PS 1 Parking Structure and will be free. Please park in stalls marked student parking. The LBCCD Boardroom is west of the parking structure.