It's All About Communications
Last month, AFNJ launched three new communications platforms (this newsletter, a Padlet, and a listserv). Additionally, we held two alliance meetings focusing on communications (see recap below).

In this month's newsletter, we highlight ways that AFNJ communities have developed their communications. We also share some additional resources that we hope you find to be helpful to your community work.
Recent AFNJ Meetings on Communications
November: All-Alliance Meeting on Communications Sustainability
The alliance learned about new communications platforms developed by the Rutgers Social Work team to help keep AFNJ members connected.

Check out this video recording and this summary document to learn more about the newsletter, Padlet, listserv, and website/blog.
December: New Leaders Meeting on Building a Communications Strategy
Participants in our "New Leaders Series" learned from peer mentors in three AFNJ communities about how they developed their communications strategies.

See this video recording and read this blog post on the AFNJ website.
Check out Some Additional Resources on Communications
Upcoming AFNJ Meeting
January 11: All-Alliance New Years Party

Let's welcome 2022 together, celebrate our accomplishments, and get inspired for age-friendly progress in the new year.
Spotlight on SOMA:
Two Towns For All Ages' Partnership with Seton Hall University
SOMA: Two Towns For All Ages has an expansive and growing partnership with Seton Hall University.
Since Spring 2020, SOMA has partnered with a Public Administration professor and his technology class to offer Technology 101. This program helps residents become more digitally connected. Topics include setting up email on smartphones, navigating Zoom, streaming, online shopping, social media, apps, password safety, and more.

Currently, the SOMA team is working with another class of the same professor to update and disseminate their community assessment survey. Students will help design, implement, analyze, and present recommendations in Spring 2022. Survey findings will help the age-friendly initiative direct its focus toward areas that residents and local providers similarly identify as priorities for improvement.
Lessons Learned from the SOMA Towns Towns and Seton Hall Partnership:

  • Tech 101 started out remote in Spring 2020. An in-person experience in Fall 2021 provided hands-on learning, guided practice, and encouragement
  • Offering tech assistance sessions at different locations - including senior housing buildings - helped mitigate transportation issues
  • The long-term partnership between the initiative and the university offers opportunities for continuous improvement and growth
  • Engaging students creates mutual benefit: the age-friendly initiative gains an intergenerational component, and students have a chance to see a real-life application of their work
Tip: When working with students, set clear expectations and provide guidelines for presenting in age-friendly ways
Tip: Track participants' satisfaction to better understand and document the impact of a new program
To connect with the SOMA Two Towns team, email Tracy Carroll
Time-Sensitive Opportunities
JAN 21

Submit a proposal for the June 2022 NCOA Virtual Conference: Age+Action.
The June agenda will highlight populations that face barriers to aging well and rally attendees around proven ways to improve the lives of older adults in their communities.
JAN 21

Calling all photographers! ASA and Shutterstock are partnering to offer a visual storytelling grant opportunity for professional photographers through the Create Fund.
FEB 28

NJ Department of Human Services is studying social isolation among older adults, and other group. The survey can be accessed here between now and Feb. 28.
Check out our Padlet to view more articles, discussion posts, upcoming events, and other curated resources - including many new additions this month!
Networking Resources
We have new ways to connect online! Check out the AFNJ community bulletin board (Padlet), the New Jersey Discussion group and open forum on the AARP age-friendly portal, and our Age-Friendly North Jersey email listserv.
More on Age-Friendly North Jersey

An alliance of leaders strengthening
communities for all ages
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