Friday Newsletter

August 11, 2023

This Sunday

Worship Service in Boulder Hall: 10 am

Coffee Hour: following service

Plethora of Produce continues

Youth City Camp Begins

Worship Notes

Come hear Pastor Kelly’s reflections on ‘Shall the Fundamentalists Win?’, the question we first had a taste of in late July during the Great Annual Preacher Swap! In addition, homemade breads will be awaiting everyone on Sunday morning at each of the tables in Boulder Hall.

August 2023 In Worship ~ Boulder Hall

8/13 “Shall the Fundamentalists Win (part 1)?”

  • Exodus 1--Israelites Make Straw Bricks

8/20 “Shall the Fundamentalists Win (part 2)?”

  • Esther

8/27 Worship Service with Creative Reflection

  • Genesis 37--Joseph & the Multi-Color Coat


Plethora of Plenty continues for the month of August. Remember to bring your surplus to share.

Smile! Photo Directory time is coming! Sign-ups are ongoing so bring your calendar to church this Sunday or plan to sign up online (on church website beginning Monday morning). Photo shoot dates are scheduled to happen between August 27-September 11 at the church.


Women's Night Out is Monday, August 14 at 6 pm at Red Lobster. Please RSVP to Susan Ray ( or 503-319-0511).

Men's Night Out is Tuesday, August 15 at 6 pm at The Ram. Please RSVP to Bill Faust ( or 908-415-7875).

Leadership Retreat is Wednesday, August 16, 5:30-8:00 pm for all elders, deacons, staff and committee chairs. Main dish will be provided, bring salad or dessert to share. Please plan to attend.

Plan to attend the Family BBQ & Potluck on Tuesday, August 29, at 6 pm. Burgers and dogs (with vegetarian options) will be provided, along with games for the kids. Last name A-M bring a dessert, N-Z bring a side or salad. Everyone welcome to this end-of-summer time of relaxation and connection!

The Pastor’s Bible Study on Tuesdays @ 10:30am is continuing its summer schedule with a variety of interesting topics. They are open to everyone--feel free to drop in any week!

8/15: Culture & First Century Life

8/22: Jeffrey Larkin's dissertation presentation

8/29 & 9/5: Off

9/12: Narrative Lectionary year 2 begins

In the Community

You're invited to Widening the Circle of Belonging, an event featuring Rev. Ben McBride, August 14, 5:30-7:00 pm at Chemeketa Eola Wine Studies Center. McBride is the co-founder of the Empower Initiative and author of Troubling the Water: The Urgent Work of Radical Belonging. See flyer for details.


Land Use Signs have gone up around the church this week in preparation for our request to the City of Salem to authorize a childcare onsite.

City Camp is Aug 13-17! Westminster will host 20+ middle school students for a week of service, friendship, and fun.

The sanctuary staining project will begin August 17 after City Camp ends.

Summer Staff Schedule Info (August-September):

Pastor Kelly will be out August 28-September 5.

Krisha will be out September 5.

Access the full church calendar here.  

Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am!


Thanks for a successful 5th Sunday donation collected by Mission Peace Ecojustice Committee. A great assortment of hygiene items was donated by our congregation to Church @ the Park this month. Over 30 bags and over 100 pounds! They will be used by the needy at C@P locations and on the streets.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped on Plethora of Plenty Sunday. It takes a congregation to set up tables and chairs, music and sound equipment, bring in Bibles and Hymnals, and set out the needed napkins all while doing their regular duties such as setting up the online broadcast, preparing for music, preparing communion and coffee hour. We did it! Well done.

Thanks go to Paul Negstad and Ted Burney for their hours of work moving furniture and removing items and multiple wires from the walls in very warm weather, in preparation for the sanctuary oiling project.

Pray for

Carol Huber and family at the passing of Bert.

Crystal V., who requests prayer for a full-time job and for help sleeping at night.

**If you would like a written prayer included in Sunday's worship bulletin, please email or call the church office (; 503-364-3327) or fill out the prayer request form on the website by Thursday at 10 am each week.


School Supply Drive: 8/9-8/31

It is that time of year for the annual Backpack School Supply Drive! In addition to continuing our tradition of filling backpacks for elementary and middle school students, this year we will also be helping South Salem High School with their school supply drive (supply list here). Visit the giving tree in the narthex, grab a supply list, and go shopping! Please consider supporting youth in the community to have a successful 2023-2024 school year.

Bird Bath Items Needed: Pamela & Mark Schmidling are wanting to make a bird bath for Winola House. I need extra large leaves, like rhubarb leaves or elephant leaves. Does anyone have some? Please bring them to the table of plenty on Sunday. We are also looking for a hooved garbage can lid, plastic or metal. 

Give Your Time & Talent: Mission Peace Ecojustice Committee has a broad base of mission community outreach projects just waiting for you!


  • IHN/ Family Promise home kit preparation: make contact with the organization and on your own schedule and from a list, prepare home supply kits for new families. Funds are provided. Occurs a few times a year. Contact Kathy Curlee to volunteer and for information. 
  • 5th Sunday Community Aid Project: Help local organizations with their current needs 4-5 times a year. Reach out to local groups, share ideas with MPEJ, and advertise to the congregation for those requested supplies. For more information and to volunteer, contact: Lucy Foster
  • Peace and Global Witness Presbyterian activity: Information and opportunity provided to the congregation in September. Supplies available. What’s better than peace action? For information and to volunteer, contact: Susan Tanabe
  • Creation Care Working Group: Our lives here at church and in our communities are intertwined with opportunities to celebrate, honor and work with the environment in ways such as energy efficiency, reducing carbon footprint, improving quality of living for all. New team forming now! Contact : Deanie Anderson 

Mission Peace Ecojustice Committee: we would welcome any level of involvement you can share. Be a part of an active, involved and community outreach team! Contact Lucy Foster for information.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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