Sweatshirt of HOPE is a 501c3 community outreach ministry offering a warm hooded sweatshirt with the message of HOPE, God Loves You! Our message is that we all struggle with something and need a visual reminder; there is HOPE.

Don’t struggle in Silence or Alone! Resources are available. Need Prayer? Call 24/7 to talk with someone 267-367-LOVE
Our Goal is “Linking HOPE 4 Life” by bringing our community together to understand the mental, physical and spiritual needs of those struggling. We are linking First Responders, Non-Profit Organizations, Churches and Businesses for a healthier community. 
Stay tuned for information on our 4th annual Sweatshirt of HOPE EventHOPE 22. Find us on Facebook at Sweatshirt of Hope or our Website: SweatshirtofHope.org 

To be a Sponsor for HOPE 2022 or to get involved send your e-mail to: Terry@SweatshirtofHope.org or call 215-872-3733
130 N School Lane, Souderton, PA 18964
          Phone: 215-872-3733
Chamber Showcase
The Chamber Showcase, a contribution-based feature that will be shared via the Chamber website, emails, and social media channels. All we ask is that you submit an article and photo(s) that we can use in this new regular feature. Our goal is to publish this column on a regular basis (bi-weekly or monthly, depending on the content we receive), so the more member businesses and organizations that send us material, the better. This can be content highlighting an employee, a milestone, or sharing your expertise on an industry topic.  

We look forward to you participating in the project and helping us to promote you

Please submit your articles and photos to ivchamber@indianvalleychamber.com