Pro Bono Update

Give the gift of justice this holiday season

As a pro bono volunteer, you already make a difference. You give selflessly of your time, which is in short supply, and your talents, which are in high demand. We know that you make real sacrifices to serve North Carolinians in need, and we deeply appreciate you for it.

This holiday season, you can make an even bigger difference than you already do but without sacrificing more time and effort. With only a few clicks of your mouse, you can make a donation to Legal Aid of North Carolina that will help us provide life-changing legal help throughout the year.

Will you give the gift of justice this holiday season? No amount is too small even modest gifts can make a big difference.

Whether you can give or not, we extend our sincerest thanks for everything you do and our warmest wishes for a happy holiday season.

See you in 2025! 


Let's celebrate!

As 2024 draws to a close, let's ring out the year by celebrating some of the amazing pro bono partners and volunteers whose selfless service over the last 12 months has made a major impact in the lives of North Carolinians in need. We can't do it without you!

Our partners

Robinson Bradshaw helps launch Summer Associate Pro Bono Program

Charlotte Triage marks 6th anniversary

UNC Law Economic Justice Clinic scores $11k settlement for LANC client

Better Together partnership honored by NCBA

Garfinkel Immigration honored for immigration work

Bank of America, McGuireWoods launch child-custody project for domestic violence survivors

Wells Fargo, Cadwalader lead pilot project for name and gender-marker changes

Our volunteers

Meet our 2024 Pro Bono Hero Award winners

  • Honeywell
  • Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A.
  • Sneed & Stearns, P.A.
  • Aishah Reed Foster, Moore & Van Allen
  • Amily McCool, Scharff Law Firm
  • Brad Banias, Banias Law, LLC
  • David Lindsay, K&L Gates LLP
  • Jon Powell, Campbell Law
  • Peter Robinson

Connor Crews - McGuireWoods

Diana Santos Johnson - Waldrep Wall

Mark Kinghorn - McGuireWoods

Dana Lumsden - Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

William C. Moore

Kris Pickler - Honeywell

Todd Stillerman - Wells Fargo

Now hiring!

Join our Pro Bono team!

Take a leading role in bolstering our partnership with the private bar by applying for one — or more! — of the open positions on our Pro Bono Programs team. Not in the job market yourself? Help spread the word by forwarding this email to someone who is.

Charlotte Triage Pro Bono Partnership

Charlotte Triage is the Queen City legal community's concerted effort to use pro bono to meet residents' most pressing legal needs. An inaugural member of the partnership, we help coordinate services to housing clients and domestic violence survivors. Learn more.

Sign up for courthouse clinics on 12/16, 12/19

Want to keep families in their homes over the holidays? Sign up for this month's eviction courthouse clinics Monday the 16th and Thursday the 19th. Courthouse clinic volunteers provide on-the-spot legal advice and representation to tenants who come to court without a lawyer.

Sign up

Housing volunteers serve Helene survivors

Huge thanks to the volunteers who participated in the Dec. 5 Lawyer on the Line clinic! The clinic was a special one — volunteers provided pro bono legal advice over the phone to Tropical Storm Helene survivors struggling with serious housing-conditions issues. Special thanks to Triage Champions Timothy Hughes from Bank of America and Mark Kinghorn from McGuireWoods LLP for organizing the event.

Sign up for next month's Lawyer on the Line clinic

Program Spotlight

Disaster Legal Services

A partnership between the NC Bar Association, American Bar Association, FEMA and Legal Aid of North Carolina, the Disaster Legal Services partnership has recruited 1,000+ legal professionals from around the country to provide pro bono legal help to Tropical Storm Helene survivors. If you are an NC legal professional and haven't signed up yet, click the link below to learn more and join the partnership today.

Learn more and sign up!

Volunteer Spotlight

Kate L. Eaton · Bridges EXP


Huge thanks to Kate L. Eaton, Chief Legal Officer at Bridges EXP in Wilmington, for coming to the rescue of one of our housing clients.

Our client's landlord had started eviction proceedings against her. Rather than go to court and risk winding up with an eviction on her record, which would seriously hamper her search for new housing, our client decided to voluntarily vacate her home. In response, her landlord agreed to dismiss the eviction case. 

Believing everything had been taken care of, our client began the search for new housing. Imagine her shock when her application for a new rental home was denied because she had an eviction on her record. Something had gone wrong.

We asked Kate if she could help and she readily agreed. Working against a tight deadline, Kate reviewed the case, gathered evidence and filed to have the court set aside the eviction judgment based on the landlord's promise to dismiss the case. The court agreed, leaving our client with a clean record that wouldn't stand in her way of securing new housing.

"My time volunteering with Legal Aid ... and other pro bono opportunities is what keeps me grounded, reminds me of the duty and responsibility of my profession, and helps me feel confident and motivated and find pride in my work and effort," Kate wrote in a LinkedIn post.

"I strongly encourage all professionals who read this, if you don’t already, to find a way to volunteer your professional expertise in your local (or extended) community," she wrote.

"Trust me ... you will never regret the time spent. It will come back to you tenfold in personal pride and satisfaction and gratitude."

Thank you, Kate!

Pro Bono Go

Pro Bono Go is a one-stop shop for pro bono opportunities from NC's leading civil-justice groups. Check out our latest opportunities below. More at

Housing conditions advice (attorneys only)

Statewide · Serve remotely

Our Lawyer on the Line program seeks attorney volunteers willing to receive referrals for brief advice on housing conditions and landlord-tenant issues. Training provided.

Learn more

Brief advice in rural DV Protective Order cases

Statewide · Serve remotely

One-hour phone consultation with a client preparing for a pro se 50B hearing. Sign up for a 2-week period and receive 1 referral within that time. Experience required.

Learn more

Grandparent guardians seek custody of grandchildren

Davidson County

Volunteers needed for drafting custody complaint for grandparent-guardian of two grandchildren. One of the grandchildren is special needs.

Learn more

Advise community garden on nonprofit governance

Wake County

Seeking attorney to provide brief advice and counsel to community garden providing fruits and vegetables to low-income families and volunteers.

Learn more

Pro Bono at Legal Aid NC

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Pro Bono Go

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