Ancient Medicine Made Modern

Seeking Healthspan

Experts all agree that a long life that is not a healthy one is not really worth pursuing. There are things to prolong life that are in our control, but others that are not. So we concentrate on the things we can change!

I now have a youtube channel. If you're interested, scroll down for the link!

Acupuncture reduces your stress. Feel better, live long.

Make an appointment to come in and see me!

Washington Post Article on Acupuncture for Chronic Pain

The Washington Post had a positive article about Acupuncture for chronic pain and constipation written by an MD PHD. You can read more about it here. I especially loved what she said at the end of the article,

“But when doctors like me suggest acupuncture to their patients — which I often do for pain or constipation — it’s not because we’ve run out of ideas, or that we’re grasping for a last resort. We recommend it precisely because of how compelling the data is.”

Stanford Academic Scandal, President Steps Down

I follow this topic pretty closely because corruption in medical research really, REALLY hinders forward progress. I blogged about it here here and here.

You have to keep in mind that when false results are "out there", other research is based on those false results, and the end result is like a house built on sand. The end product doesn't hold up. As one scientist quipped "“You can cheat to get a paper. You can cheat to get a degree. You can cheat to get a grant. You can’t cheat to cure a disease,” he says. “Biology doesn’t care.”

Live to 150?

The article discussed here, makes the case that there is a finite limit to our lives, but it's pretty high! Somewhere between 120 and 150 years. Most of us don't want to live a long time with a poor quality of life, that's why the term "long healthspan" is the goal.With advancing years we lose our ability to heal ourselves and adapt, in sum, we lose our resilience. Exercise, sauna and acupuncture improve our resilience. Cold plunge does too, but it's a harder sell...

Anti-aging, or longevity science is pretty new as a legitimate field of study. But it is an intrinsic part of Ancient Chinese Medicine. They outline specific treatments, herbs, and strategies for long life that don't include medications.

I now have a Youtube Channel.

So there's that. It's still rudimentary. It is part of my mission to share what I know about ways to stay healthier and acupuncture's uses, science, and limitations. You, readers, will be familiar with most of what I've posted so far! But I'm realizing more and more that only some are readers, so videos may make the information easier to take in.

Patient Appointments
I am still scheduling loosely so there is plenty of time between appointments. Hope to see everyone! Call me or email me or Make an Appointment!
Kristen Sparrow MD
2000 Van Ness Ave. Ste 310
San Francisco, CA 94109