The Church Bell
Vol. 6, No. 3
May 2022
The 50 days of Eastertide
Every Sunday throughout the year is a reminder that Jesus is risen.

However, the church celebrates the 50-day Season of Eastertide to specifically recall the presence of our Risen Lord from the Discovery of the Empty Tomb until the Day of Ascension 40 days later.

The season then continues until the Day of Pentecost - 50 days later - when the church recalls the Coming of the Holy Spirit and her empowerment to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Come and worship in the beauty of holiness and we increase the joy of knowing that Jesus conquered death and gave us victory to share with him.
A prayer for Memorial Day - May 30th
"O Judge of the nations, we remember before you with grateful hearts the men and women of our country who in the day of decision ventured much for the liberties we now enjoy. Grant that we may not rest until all the people of this land share the benefits of true freedom and gladly accept its disciplines. This we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
June 5th is Pentecost / Whitsunday
On the 50th Day of Eastertide, the church throughout the world remembers the coming of the Holy Spirit and her empowerment to carry the holy gospel into the world. This is the Day of Pentecost, also known as Whitsunday.

On June 5th St. Agnes' will hold a festival Day of Pentecost service at 11:00 a.m.

We encourage you to wear something red to symbolize the "tongues as of fire" mentioned in scripture. Whitsunday / The Day of Pentecost is a great occasion to invite a friend or neighbor to church - so keep that in mind as well!
June 9th Faith in Action program
What would our communities look like if all the churches got together and prayed for the community, then took action to help those who need help?

We invite our entire community of believers from the local churches to pray together, work together, and help bring healing and recovery through the love of Jesus Christ.

Together we can make a change!

Let's get together on June 9th, 5 to 7 p.m. at Cowan Fellowship Church, 609 E. Cumberland St.
June 12th is Trinity Sunday
The Sunday that follows Pentecost / Whitsunday is the church's formal celebration of the Holy Trinity .

Linda will lead our 11:00 service on that day.

Also, on June 12th, we encourage you to come to a 10:00 a.m. reading and discussion of The Creed of St. Athanasius in the parish hall.

The Athanasian Creed is an ancient document proclaiming and verifying the nature of the Incarnation and of God as the Holy Trinity.

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one God: O come let us adore him.
June 14th is Flag Day
On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Flag of the United States with 13 stripes of red and blue, and a union of stars on a blue field.

The history of the flag also brings the legendary story of Betsy Ross who sewed the first version according to her family memoirs.

The Town of Cowan will celebrate the history, heritage, and unity of "Old Glory" on Tuesday, June 14th, at 6 p.m. in front of the log cabin court house. We hope you can attend!
We honor, bless and commemorate
For Easter Sunday, St. Agnes' gratefully received Easter Lilies to the glory of God and in loving memory of the following:

Elizabeth Haynes
Miss Elizabeth Haynes
Agnes Pearson
Alton Pearson
Frank and Louella Sernicola
The Rev'd Philip Werlein

For the Season of Eastertide, St. Agnes' gratefully received contributions to the New Banner Project to the glory of God and in loving memory of the following:

Howard Gene Eslick
Charles Ray Gibson
Bessie Leitzel
Agnes W Pearson
Jo Ann Robertson

"Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them."

St. Agnes' also gratefully received contributions to the New Banner Project in loving honor of Kathleen Black and Alice Black for their 30 years of service to the Altar Guild.
New Banner Project
Exactly 30 years ago, Kathleen and Alice Black re-activated the Altar Guild at St. Agnes'. Prior to their action, the Altar Guild had been in a disbanded/inactive state for more than a decade.

Prior to the re-activation, the congregation at St. Agnes' went through the 1980's decade with very few seasonal and liturgical enhancements.

Through the hard work of the Altar Guild since 1992, our time together in worship is freshened and enriched by beautiful flowers and adornments each and every Sunday.

One of our most important adornments is the church processional banner that was constructed and revealed in 1993. The banner not only symbolized a revival of the local Altar Guild tradition, but also allowed St. Agnes' to have a more visible and notable presence at the Annual Convention of the Diocese of Tennessee.

Year after year, our beautiful banner is seen at the opening of Diocesan Convention along with banners from other congregations in our ecclesiastical fellowship.

To mark these 30 beautiful years of Altar Guild tradition, the congregation voted on January 30th to retire the 1993 banner and procure a new banner to represent the next several years!

At retirement, the 1993 banner will be hung in a permanent display position. The new banner, as soon as it is revealed and dedicated, will go into active use and will be carried in the 2023 Annual Convention of the Diocese of Tennessee.

We hope to receive the new banner by late summer and have it ready for dedication shortly thereafter.
How to Support the Church Banner Project

The procurement of the new banner will involve significant expense due to the cost of materials, design and construction.

To help get the project to completion, we encourage everyone who is able to send a special gift to the Church Banner Project during the Season of Lent or Eastertide.

You can send a check via postal service to:

St. Agnes' Church
Banner Project
PO Box 356
Cowan, TN 37318

Or, on any Sunday in the season, you can place a check in the offering plate and simply write "Banner Project" on the memo line.

If you are placing a cash donation in the offering plate, please use an envelope and write "Banner Project" on the outside.

If your gift is a Memorial or an Honorary, please include the name(s) your are commemorating or honoring.
Updates from our extended family
Please note the following updates and concerns from members of our extended church family:

Bill Keller was able to get a follow-up treatment at Vanderbilt after a completely unforeseen delay. We were very pleased to see him in church on the Second Sunday of Easter. Bill is grateful for every accomplishment as he battles cancer while serving the Lord with gladness!

Father Jean Mweningoma sent a message of Easter greetings to all of us at St. Agnes'! He has stayed in contact with us and asks for our continuing prayers during a challenging time in his ministry.

Steve Pearson is continuing his chemo treatments for a while longer and also giving his back some time to heal from a tiny fracture caused by a (now gone!) tumor. We are always glad to see him in church and around town as he stays active and puts his best foot forward each day.

The family of Clint Prince - who is known to and related to some of us at St. Agnes' - appreciates our continuing prayers. Clint is moving along on the road to recovery after a serious COVID-related respiratory illness. His family calls him the "Miracle Man" and is grateful for every new day in his life.
Get Ahead on Recent Sermons
Take full advantage of our online presence, especially if you are unable to attend services in person.

Here are some of our recent Video Sermons:
Each and every Sunday we post the day's sermon on our Facebook page and on our YouTube channel. These posts are followed by an e-mail with video links to everyone in the congregation who was unable to attend on that particular day.

You can show your support by liking and commenting whenever you see a video sermon on YouTube and/or on Facebook. The more likes and comments we receive the more our posts will be visible to the general public.
Happy 10th Anniversary!
Dane and Shelia Leitzel - 10 years!
Spring/Summer Birthdays
May 2 - Ella Grissett
May 4 - Greg Cheek
May 9 - Carla Wilson Money
May 11 - Steve Pearson
May 28 - John N'Goma
May 31 - Kathleen Black

June 6 - Brian Judd
June 7 - Linda Milligan
June 9 - Gene Black
June 13 - James Cheek

July 5 - Greg Powers
July 9 - Pearson Garner
July 15 - Robert McDonald
July 21 - Nancy Glenn
July 27 - Alice Black


"Watch over thy children, O Lord, as their days increase; bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand, comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and their hearts may thy peace, which passeth understanding abide all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
We Uphold in Prayer
Tom Knowles, Steve and Rose Pearson, Stephanie Jellison, Brian Malhoite, Beth Rhoton, Sandi Gibson, Richard McCallie, Kathy Owens, Peyton McLaughlin, David Gibson, Randy Hall, Billy Greer, Clint Prince, Dave Myers, Harold Black Jr., Scott James, Wynona Gibson, Steve Pearson, Dick and Mary Ann Austin, Marty Judd, Iris Ellidge, Mary McDonald, Roy Tankersley, Royana Stewart, Bill Keller, Linda Milligan, and Karen McCallie.

We pray continually for Christians around the world in grave danger.

We pray for those witnessing increasing danger and crime in different areas of the world. We pray especially for God's help and wisdom in the very troublesome situation in the The Ukraine.

We pray for those in our armed service especially Wes Nevels and Anthony Russell.

We pray for the congregation at Christ Church, Tracy City, following a possible arson incident that damaged part of the facility.


"O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayer, and grant to your servants the help of your power, that their sicknesses may be turned into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
Sunday Service ....................................11:00 a.m.
Sunday School .....................................10:00 a.m.

Location/Address: 105 England Street E., PO Box 356, Cowan, TN 37318
Telephone: (931) 636-6313
The Rt. Rev'd John C. Bauerschmidt..................Bishop of Tennessee

The Rev'd Dr. Linda Hutton.................................Supply Priest

L. Jarod Pearson.................................................Lay Reader