Q3 Chapter Social Media Program Performance
Our July webinar focused on providing a review of our social media program strategy, implementation and performance following the close of Q3. We are thrilled to report community size, reach and engagement are all showing strong growth year over year! We also reviewed the impact of our content strategy shift and provided progress updates on the incorporation of chapter LinkedIn accounts.
Missed it? Here's a link to the recording.
LinkedIn Strategies with SCORE Houston's Andreas Goldschmid
We were also joined by Andreas Goldschmid of SCORE Houston in our July webinar to share his successful approach to LinkedIn management at the local level. Andreas retired from the oil and gas industry and joined SCORE as a certified mentor earlier this year. He shared some of his chapter's top-performing posts and tips on how to grow a community that leads to higher engagement.
Follow SCORE Houston on LinkedIn for inspiration.
Live Training: How to Repost LinkedIn Content with a Comment
One of Andreas' many valuable tips was related to sharing your chapter's LinkedIn content to your personal profile. For this reason, our July Tip of the Month was a step-by-step demonstration on how to repost a LinkedIn post with a comment. Melissa from Hiper shared her screen and walked us through this helpful tool that allows users to expand the chapter's reach while adding a personal touch.
Watch this step-by-step training here.
Sign Up to Be a Social Media Chair
In an effort to identify contacts within each chapter that are responsible for chapter social media, we have created a Social Media Chair role in Engage. If you have not already designated someone as your Social Media Chair in Engage, please take the time to do so as soon as possible. Social Media Chairs will be the primary recipients of social media news, updates and announcements like this one in the future.
Click here to learn how to assign a position in Engage.