IAPMO recently completed Technical Committee Meetings toward the proposed 2024 editions of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC®) and Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC®), in-development American National Standards governing the installation and maintenance of plumbing and mechanical systems nationwide.
During the May 2-5 meetings at the Sheraton Park Hotel at the Anaheim Resort, the two committees acted on a total of 358 comments on previously submitted proposals to amend the 2021 editions of the Uniform Codes.
The UPC Technical Committee acted on 155 public comments. Topics generating the most debate included rehabilitation of existing building sewers, common-use facilities, and Legionella risks. Other topics discussed included building service and supply piping, pitless well systems, two-way cleanouts, freeze protection, tankless water heater connections, waste piping, greywater systems, indoor horticultural facilities, and professional qualifications.