February 2024

From the Station Director

One of the rewarding aspects of my job is having a "bird's eye" view of the topical and geographic diversity of research conducted by NH Agricultural Experiment Station scientists. As these world-class scientists apply their skillsets and knowledge to advance solutions to today's and tomorrow's challenges in New Hampshire and improve the lives and landscapes in our state, it's compelling to note how research goals complement one another, help add to existing knowledge, and truly innovate.

Recently, we put together a sample of the many research projects, and I'm please to share it with you below. I hope you'll find it just as interesting in connecting the dots of science. I'll also encourage you to look at the so many other impacts to which NHAES research has contributed as well as a map of the global research reach that our broader community of UNH College of Life Sciences and Agriculture scholars continues to make.

Thank you for your continued support of the agricultural, food, forestry, and natural resources research missions of your NHAES and your land-grant university.

Anton Bekkerman

Director, NH Agricultural Experiment Station

Latest NHAES Research

Revolutionizing Health

UNH's Hubbard Center for Genome Studies is pioneering health advancements through genome sequencing, impacting humans, animals, and the environment. Their "One Health" approach intertwines human, animal, and environmental health, showcasing the power of genomics in addressing global health threats. This work includes groundbreaking discoveries in tick-borne diseases and canine respiratory syndrome, as well as insights into human nutrition and plant health. Explore the transformative research at the Hubbard Center and its global health impact.

Spotlight on Research: N.H.’s North Country

UNH researchers are making strides in New Hampshire's North Country, focusing on sustainable natural resource management amid climate challenges. Their work spans from moose conservation using advanced technologies to exploring forest regenerative abilities post-timber harvests. This vital research not only supports the region's economy but also its ecological balance, highlighting UNH's commitment to addressing environmental and climatic uncertainties. Explore how UNH is driving positive change in New Hampshire's North Country, from moose conservation to sustainable forestry.

INSPIRED Food Markets, Nutrition and Community Dynamics is Here!

In this latest issue of the INSPIRED research report, uncover how New Hampshire's small-scale, diverse agricultural and food industries are making a substantial impact on the state's economy. Explore insightful research on the challenges and triumphs in sustaining local farming operations, responding to consumer trends, and promoting healthy nutritional choices. This edition offers valuable recommendations for fostering economic sustainability and health in our communities. Gain insights into the nutritional and food access challenges faced by diverse groups, including emerging adults and New Hampshire’s Bhutanese refugee population. Don't miss out on these crucial insights – read the digital version of the publication today and stay informed about the dynamic world of New Hampshire agriculture, nutrition and community dynamics.

Elsewhere in COLSA Research

Studying Fisher Mortality in the Granite State

UNH researchers embark on a pivotal study to uncover the reasons behind the decline of fisher populations in New England, with a focus on habitat changes, trapping, and health threats. This critical work, supported by a significant grant, aims to safeguard these elusive creatures and their ecosystem. Dive deeper into this groundbreaking research and its potential impacts on wildlife conservation by visiting UNH Today.

How Can We Increase the Success of Lion Conservation Plans?

The latest research by Fikirte Erda from the UNH College of Life Sciences and Agriculture reveals a novel approach to lion conservation, emphasizing the importance of addressing both ecological and sociopolitical factors affecting lion populations in Africa. This comprehensive study, aimed at enhancing conservation strategies, has been published in Communications Earth & Environment. For a deeper understanding of how this research proposes to increase the success of lion conservation plans, consider exploring the findings in detail. Discover how UNH researchers are revolutionizing conservation efforts in Africa.

UNH Faculty Make Highly Cited Researchers List

UNH's College of Life Sciences and Agriculture proudly announces Professors Serita Frey and Stuart Grandy's inclusion on Clarivate’s 2023 Highly Cited Researchers list, marking them among the top 0.1% of scientists globally for their influential research. This recognition underscores UNH's commitment to groundbreaking research and its global impact. Dive deeper into their contributions to environmental science and agroecosystem sustainability on UNH Today.

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