CCMBM Winter Update
The Core Center for Musculoskeletal Biology & Medicine (CCMBM) defines itself by emphasizing musculoskeletal-specific education and services that are critical to its members but not available elsewhere in the university system.
CCMBM Pilot and Feasibility Grant Spotlight:
‘Nociplastic’ from “nociceptive plasticity’ indicates a functional change in nociception due to increased sensitivity to pain in the central nervous system regardless of the obvious damage, disorder, or inflammation neurologically. Nociplastic changes play a role in the chronicity of pain resulting from the musculoskeletal system as well as paraspinal muscle degeneration due to the pain. However, the exact cause-effect relationships are still not fully characterized. From both neuronal and musculoskeletal perspectives, this proposed study aims to elucidate the longitudinal nociplastic mechanism in degenerative disc disease (DDD) for accelerating research on low back pain (LBP) supported by the CCMBM Pilot and Feasibility Grant Program.
February 28-March 1, 2023, Mission Bay, Genentech Hall
Join this scientific event, entitled “A Picture of Pain: Advances in Management and Treatment” to explore the mechanistic foundations of pain science and how they intersect with musculoskeletal biology.
Registration is required. Remote participation is available by request.
February 28-March 1, 2023, Mission Bay, Genentech Hall
Calling all graduate students, postdocs, and other trainees: Sign up to participate in this year's Young Investigator Slam Competition and Poster Presentation.
Slam talk video submissions are due February 6th.
Poster abstracts are due February 13th.
Participation guidelines and FAQ are online. Prizes are available!
Submission deadline: Monday, February 27, 2023, 2:00 p.m. PT
The Resource Allocation Program (RAP), an umbrella consortium of UCSF funders that coordinates multiple intramural research funding opportunities, is now accepting applications for the Spring 2023 Cycle. Review the grant-specific descriptions/instructions for the grant mechanism you are applying, not the funding agency. Funding agencies will select the awardees by choosing the proposals that best fulfill their programmatic goals. Simultaneous consideration of each application by multiple funding agencies enhances funding likelihood. Funding results will be available by the end of May 2023. See CCMBM Funding Opportunities for the RFA.
Application deadline: Monday, February 6, 2023, 5:00 p.m. PT
Travel awards are intended to support the travel of trainees to develop expertise, network, or acquire skills in a field at a scientific conference that the applicant may otherwise be unable to attend. Awards may only be used to cover economy airfare for up to $200 per award, for travel occurring by June 15, 2023. All postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, assistant researchers, and specialists who are members of the CCMBM are eligible! See the award RFA for details.
The STRETCH program stimulates collaboration among scientists by supporting students throughout a two-year research experience that incorporates two academic years and one summer of research at the home campus, and a second summer of research at another UC. STRETCH Scholars receive a $12,000 stipend as well as an $8,000 credit for core services from the CCMBM.
Faculty mentor applications are due January 31.
Student applications are due April 3rd.
Recognizing the need for collaboration of MSK scientists with experts outside of the MSK field, we are providing support to MSK Center members to host a meal for a creative and enjoyable in-person networking meeting to stimulate these interactions and to further develop new research ideas and plans to fund them. Faculty, staff, and trainees who are MSKC/CCMBM members are encouraged to apply to host an event.
The Grant Development Award provides funding for a junior CCMBM member to host a meeting (e.g., lunch or dinner) with 2–3 UCSF faculty members who are outside of the trainee’s current lab to:
1) brainstorm/solicit informal feedback on a study idea or research direction
2) learn about the latest methods and techniques used in related fields
3) identify potential collaborators
4) promote inter-disciplinary MSK research
5) expand the trainee’s professional network
Both through the CCMBM and through NIH, funding is available to support mechanistic research in human musculoskeletal biology. CCMBM has partnered with CoLabs to stimulate use of the CoLabs resources to pursue clinically relevant and cutting edge unbiased analyses of human tissue in MSK disease with a special RFA for Pilot and Feasibility awards in the upcoming RAP cycle. Consultations with CoLabs are required before submission. In addition, the NIH HTORR program—co-funded by the NDRI and the NIAMS—provides investigators with donated tissues and organs from a diverse donor pool. Learn more on the NDRI website.
Next panel session: Wednesday, February 1, 2023, 8:45 a.m. PT
Sign up to receive live peer review as well as coaching from experienced investigators. CCMBM Grants Review can help with your proposal development and/or provide feedback for working drafts for NIH grant applications and/or the upcoming UCSF RAP Spring cycle deadline.
Core Center for Musculoskeletal Biology and Medicine (CCMBM), 513 Parnassus Avenue, S-1161, San Francisco, CA 94143