Tuscany-Canterbury is beautiful in the Winter.
January 2022 Newsletter
In this Issue

TCNA President's Message

Neighborhood Committees
  • Public Safety
  • Streets
  • Greens
  • Calvert School Liaison

Calvert School Project

Neighborhood News
  • Concerns about Our Dogs
  • Recycling Schedule - Every Two Weeks
  • New Recycling Carts Update
  • Neighborhood Dumpster Dates for 2022
  • Frozen Pipes
  • MD State Transportation Survey
  • Hillside Park Updates
  • Space Telescope Science Institute and the James Webb Telescope, just launched
  • Mail Delivery- Inspector General Report
  • Speed Cameras on i-83

Johns Hopkins University
  • Ice Skating Rink Available for Community

Neighborhood Restaurants Updates
  • Ambassador: 25% off takeout orders
  • Cypriana: Curbside only - new hours 12-9

Home & Condo Current Sale Prices 

Events In and Around Tuscany Canterbury

Neighborhood Winter Pictures
Message from TCNA President - Julia Frazier
Happy New Year Tuscany Canterbury!

I hope you are settling into 2022 - rested, healthy, and recovered from the hustle and bustle of all that accompanies the year's end. With the Omicron variant upon us, it is likely that you or someone in your family received a dreaded positive test - we experienced this in our family over the holiday - and I'm here to tell you, it's no fun. I sincerely hope that you and those close to you remained active and healthy, and that you didn't have to cancel travel, or fun family plans. Looks like we have a bit more hunkering down to do, but hopefully, as spring approaches, COVID cases will diminish, and we can once again resume some more in-person socializing, and easier living. I am thinking of all of you inside your homes, and wishing you health!

Despite the pandemic, progress continues in the neighborhood! Calvert School is busy building their new athletic complex. I take a stroll around the middle school every few days or so, and it is amazing to watch the building being erected before me. Along with the childrens' laughter and voices are sounds of beeping machinery and busy bulldozers. I know they are working hard to complete the construction, and it has been very interesting, watching the progress.

Our TCNA board committees remain active - planning new projects, as well as staying committed to executing plans that have already been made. Our Streets Committee, under Brian ten Siethoff, continues to work on projects throughout our neighborhood to make safer thoroughfares, and pedestrian walkways. Please make sure you read about the upcoming changes coming to 39th Street! I am pleased to watch the improvements that will come to fruition from plans and community efforts several years in the making. 

January and February can be difficult months for some. I hope that you can light a fire in your grate, and stay in and stay warm! We're all feeling the stress and strain of imposed solitude - and maybe the distance from friends and loved ones. Make sure you are staying in touch with friends, and getting out for walks in our lovely neighborhood surroundings. Don't let the dark days of winter get you down - and reach out if you are in need. There are unexpected beautiful moments in wintertime, I find.

Dust of Snow

The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.

With warm regards from Canterbury Road,

Public Safety Committee
Paul Gallo, Committee Chair
Neighborhood Crime Statistics
Crime significantly decreased in Tuscany-Canterbury between 2021 and 2021. The larceny category are larcenies from autos and bicycles. Please remember to lock your car all of the time. Tuscany-Canterbury continues to be one of the safest neighborhoods in the City.
Tuscany-Canterbury Winter Safety Suggestions

  • Don't start your car to warm it up and leave it unattended.

  • Check your car doors to make sure they are locked (even if you park in a condo or apartment building garage). Don't leave any valuables visible in your car.

  • Keep outdoor lights on porches and outside on condos throughout the night even if you are not home. This discourages crime from happening.

  • If you see something suspicious, call 911 as soon as possible.

Coronavirus Information
COVID Testing Information
Order 4 At Home Tests Free
You can order the free rapid COVID at home-test kits either by using the website or by phone.

  • The new federal website is or CLICK HERE for the website to order tests. Very simple, easy to use website.
  • You can order the test kits by calling 1-800-232-0233 any day between 8AM & midnight.

Expect to wait 7-12 days for the test kits to be mailed. No payment required for the COVID test kits.

Free Covid At-Home Test Kits Available
at the Pratt on Saturdays in January
Free COVID At-Home Test Kits will be available at ALL Pratt Library locations every Saturday in January. One box will be given out to each adult and minor accompanied by an adult from 10am-12pm. . There will be 600 kits to give away per location. Regular library services begin at noon.
Private Health Insurers must Reimburse for 8 COVID Tests per Month
Starting January 21, private health insurers will be required to cover up to eight home COVID-19 tests per month for people on their plans. Under the new policy, first detailed to the AP, Americans will be able to either purchase home testing kits for free under their insurance or submit receipts for the tests for reimbursement, up to the monthly per-person limit. A family of four, for instance, could be reimbursed for up to 32 tests per month. PCR tests and rapid tests ordered or administered by a health provider will continue to be fully covered by insurance with no limit.
Where To Get Tested
Current information is posted on the Maryland Dept of Health Website at

As of January 17, 2022
NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Tuesday through Sunday 9 to 3
  • Johns Hopkins Bayview, Baltimore      
  • Lifebridge Health Northwest, Randallstown

APPOINTMENT REQUIRED: Wednesday and Friday 8-3:30
  • State Center Vaccination and Testing Baltimore 21201    
      call 410 649 6200 or CLICK HERE
What To Do If You Test Positive
The CDC is currently recommending that for the general population, people self-isolate for 5 days if they are asymptomatic or their symptoms are resolving and there has been no fever for 24 hours, followed by mask wearing around others for an additional 5 days. Science has demonstrated that transmission mainly takes place 1-2 days prior to symptoms and for 2-3 days after.

Current Websites for Reliable Information about COVID

  • Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count CLICK HERE

Calvert School Project Update
  • Pat Hawthorne & Mike Travieso
  • Tuscany Woods Project Committee
Questions and Concerns About Any Construction Issues

  • If you have questions or concerns about any construction issue please do not call Calvert or members of the TCNA, TLCC, Gardens or Ridgemede Boards unless it is an emergency. 

  • Click below and someone from the Tuscany Project Committee will get back to you quickly.

  • From time to time when there have been many questions on the same issue the Project Committee will answer in the monthly TCNA E-Newsletter.
Calvert School Project January Updates
Now that we are several months into the Calvert School construction project on Tuscany Road, we wanted to give you an update on where the project is and what the next steps are.
The big mounds of dirt that are evident from Tuscany Road are approximately where the western half of the athletic field will be although the finished field will be much lower in height. To get an idea of the height the finished field will be, we suggest visiting the Charles Street side of the Middle School where the new athletic center is being built. The entire field will be approximately level with the side entrance to the new building.
Unfortunately, as with all construction projects, there is a certain amount of disruption to those living within close proximity. On several occasions, a number of residents on Tuscany Road experienced significant ground tremors in their homes caused by the heavy equipment used to remove tree roots and tamp down the dirt where the retaining wall will be built. We have been assured by Calvert and the construction team that we should not experience similar tremors as the project moves forward.
What’s Next?
1.   BGE was on-site the week of January 3rd to pull the lines for electric and cable underground from the connection near Warrenton to the headmaster’s home. Verizon and Comcast will complete the utility work by late January/early February. Once their work is completed, they will remove the temporary utility poles that were erected on the site. Just a reminder, while all construction equipment is required to enter the project site via Charles Street, utility trucks have approval to enter the site via Tuscany Road.

2.   There has been a delay in beginning construction of the retaining wall around the western and southern sides of the field due to supply chain delays. Work on the retaining wall should begin in early February and will take approximately 6-8 weeks to complete. The wall will be 15 feet at its highest point at the southwest corner of the field and will taper off to be flush with the ground behind the headmaster’s house and on the western side as it nears Warrenton Road.

3.   Landscaping will be completed in the late spring vs. August/September as previously thought. Provisions have been made for watering the trees and shrubs during the summer months.

4.   The 3rd Amendment to the TCNA Covenants has been finalized and signed by Calvert and the same various neighborhood associations within Tuscany-Canterbury that signed the original covenants. The 3rd Amendment will be posted on the TCNA web site soon.
New Athletic Center (December 2021)
Playing Field (December 2021)
When the field is down to about the desired elevation, the power company will come in and remove the poles and put the power lines underground.
View from Tuscany Road - September 2021

Streets Committee
Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair

39th Street Improvements Progressing
In the coming years, it will be safer and more pleasant to walk along and across 39th Street in Tuscany-Canterbury. The Broadview Apartments has been working with The Traffic Group, a local engineering and design firm, to draw up plans for additional improvements to 39th Street that would slow traffic, add more visible and protected crosswalks at three mid-block locations, and extend the high-quality median and curbside landscaping along 39th Street between University Parkway and Canterbury Road. Thanks to generous donations from neighborhood residents, TCNA was able to cover its share of the costs of the design work ($1,600) with minimal impact on the TCNA operating budget. 

TCNA has had several opportunities to provide input to the project design team as 39th Street improvements have advanced from concept to final design.

Phases 1 and 2 will immediately delineate three mid-block crosswalks with ADA-compliant curb ramps, spaced along 39th Street between University Parkway and Canterbury Road.

Phases 3 and 4 will involve more extensive improvements that will install high-quality, durable landscaping and materials throughout. All three mid-block median crossings will have raised crosswalks across the 39th Street travel lanes and stone pavers across the median, similar to the new patio and seating area in the median near Hopkins Deli. Landscaped curb bump-outs at all crosswalks will be filled with topsoil and sod or plantings where feasible, or they will be filled with attractive and durable cobblestone pavers. 

The Traffic Group has been particularly helpful in improving the intersection of 39th Street and Stony Run Lane, reducing the width of the lane and installing a highly visible and well-signed crosswalk. Last but not least, the project will designate curbside loading and unloading zones for delivery trucks so that they can pull out of the roadway more safely pull out without blocking people driving, walking, and biking along 39th Street.

The next step is to send the final proposed design plans to Baltimore City Department of Transportation for review and approval. Property owners along 39th Street and the City are nearing completion on a long-term maintenance agreement and will continue to partner as the project advances into procurement and construction. 

TCNA's Streets Committee will continue to be engaged in the project as it advances to ensure the final implemented project meets the original objectives of making 39th Street a safer and more pleasant place to be, enhancing our community.

Greens Committee
Bonnie Boland, Committee Chair

Progress and Plans for TCNA Public Gardens

Spring will be here soon. If you are interested in helping with the four neighborhood gardens, please let Bonnie know. We are looking for a few volunteers to help maintain each garden.

CLICK HERE if you want to help

Calvert School Liaison Committee
Calvert School Dates of Interest to Tuscany-Canterbury
  • February 18, Friday        School Closed – Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • February 21, Monday      School Closed – Presidents’ Day

If you have any questions or concerns about Calvert School, the next meeting is in February. Please let the committee know. CLICK HERE
Neighborhood News

  • Questions
  • Comments
  • Messages
If you have a neighborhood question, comment, or
issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please CLICK HERand we will try to help.
Concern for Our Dogs

Hello neighbors and fellow dog lovers! It has been reported that someone has been leaving trails of dog kibble around the neighborhood, notably on Highfield, Cloverhill and Canterbury Roads.

While we hope this is someone good naturedly leaving treats for our dogs, we cannot be sure what the source of the treats is. Because many dog owners are very careful about their diets, we respectfully ask that you refrain from spreading any kind of snacks around for the dogs (and any other animals that call Tuscany Canterbury home). Thanks very much for keeping this a healthy and safe community for all the animals who live and walk here. 

Messages from Baltimore City DPW
REMINDER: Recycling Schedule - Every Two Weeks
Tuscany Canterbury recycling will be Week A. That means recycling will be picked up (week A- on Thursday, January 20) and will not be picked up the following week B (January 27) and then will be picked up again on February 3, It will continue biweekly recycling pick-up until further notice.

You can always take recycling to the Northwest Residential Drop-off Center, 2840 Sisson Street Monday through Saturday between 9 & 5.

Weekly general trash collections will NOT be impacted by the new recycling schedule.
New Recycling Carts are scheduled to be delivered to Tuscany-Canterbury in January or February.

CLICK HERE for more information
Mark Your Calendar
2022 Neighborhood Dumpster Dates

May 14: Location: Linkwood/Tuscany
June 11: Location: Canterbury/Highfield
Sept 17: Location: Linkwood/Tuscany
Oct 1: Location: Canterbury/Highfield

Special thanks to TCNA Board Member, Sam Park who will be coordinating with Baltimore City for this neighborhood service.
Frozen Pipes Tips and Reminders
Frozen pipes can happen. A home in our neighborhood just had a pipe frozen and water went rushing out into the alley. If you see a problem, let the neighbor know. If no one answers, please call 311 immediately and the City will come out and turn off the water.

REMINDER. Make sure your outside water faucet is OPEN and the inside water value to it is OFF.

Thank you to the neighbors who help get the water turned off.
Comments request for Statewide Transit Plan

Maryland State Transportation Department has reached out to neighborhoods for public comment about the plan. 30% of the residents in Tuscany-Canterbury to not have access to a car.

The Maryland Statewide Transit Plan (STP) will provide a 50-year vision of coordinated local, regional, and intercity transit across the state. This plan will define public transportation goals and strategies for Maryland’s rural, suburban, and urban regions with a vision toward increasingly coordinated, equitable, and innovative mobility. If you are interested, please review the plan and make comments.

There are many ways to comment on the draft plan:
  • Provide comments directly on the draft Plan
  • E-mail the project team at to: 
  • Submit a comment or question about the plan; or 
  • Request a briefing for your organization or community
  • Call 410-220-5497 to submit a comment or question by voice message
  • Sign up for e-mails to know when major updates are available and when the final plan is published

The draft of the Statewide Transit Plan is available for public comment through February 18th, 2022!

Hillside Park Updates

The Roland Park Community Foundation signed a contract with Baltimore Country Club to buy the 20 acres of land to create Hillside Park, a new public park for Baltimore! It will be the largest public park to open in Baltimore City in over 100 years. The park could open to the public by 2024. TCNA supported this project.

CLICK HERE for the Sunpaper's article
Space Telescope Science Institute and the James Webb Telescope, just launched
The Space Telescope Science Institute is less than a block south of Tuscany-Canterbury and some of the people who work at the institute live in our neighborhood. The institute just launched the James Webb telescope. Throughout the journey of the James Webb telescope, they will provide updates. Here is the website with the timeline and descriptions of what is happening with the telescope as it makes its way to orbit. The heat shield and mirrors were deployed on schedule. If you missed the launch, you can see the whole thing on YouTube.
Speed Cameras Coming to I-83
Neighbors have written concerning the speed and dangerous curves on I-83. Your efforts have succeeded. Speed cameras are coming to I-83 in Baltimore in February. Here’s what you need to know. CLICK HERE

Message from
Councilwoman Odette Ramos
Many neighbors have been concerned about the mail delivery in Tuscany-Canterbury. Here is the latest update.

USPS Baltimore Central Post Office Audit Findings

The United States Postal Service Inspector General released their audit for Baltimore's Central Post office. The findings are not surprising although some were unexpected. The findings include:
  • A conveyor belt that carries mail from one level to the other has been broken since March of 2019 - increasing the amount of time staff spent on carrying mail from one level of the facility to the other. 
  • Management and postal worker vacancies were not filled - this was due to COVID but also due to a nationwide hiring freeze from August 2020 - May 2021. (Election time and Christmas!)
  • Mail flow was poorly timed to get from processing to truck departures. This was due to lack of training and coordination.
  • Load scanners were not placed on trucks as they arrived with mail, so the trucks were deemed empty. This was due to lack of training and supervision.

All in all, the mail service has improved tremendously but there is more to do. We continue to work with Senator Van Hollen on these issues. If you are having mail issues, please direct your concerns to his office - we will also be happy to direct them for you.

Councilwoman Odette Ramos

Johns Hopkins University
Ice Skating at Johns Hopkins
Pop-up surprise planned for winter at Homewood:
Johns Hopkins University announces plans to open a campus ice rink for six weeks in January and February, transforming the tennis courts into a 6,000-square-foot skating surface that will be free to all comers. More information below in Events section of newsletter.

More information and reservations:
Neighborhood Restaurants Updates

Support Our Restaurants in Tuscany-Cantebury

Call or check website (listed below) for LATEST information
Amy Mutch, Neighborhood Business Liaison
This space is provided free for our neighborhood restaurants.
Welcome 2022 and the call to action is ADAPTATION! Our local restaurants have made several changes in January as they must remain fluid and creative to keep their businesses afloat. Please see the current offerings for January - knowing adjustments could be necessary as COVID, staffing, and costs are being managed daily.

Cypriana is curbside pickup only for now. The great news is Chef Maria is now opened for lunch! The extended hours are 12 noon to 9pm Wednesday through Sunday. The “Street Food” menu can be ordered by adding a popular protein to a Greek salad. Just ask!  The ordering process remains the same and check out the website for instructions.

One World Café has extended hours from 10am-8pm Wednesday-Saturday and closes at 4pm on Sunday. Call for daily specials as creative Chef Sue works miracles with vegan ingredients! 

The Ambassador is giving a 25% on all take out orders Weekdays and Sunday. Indoor dining remains at full service to those who seek the ambiance of a warm glow that nourishes the soul as well as the delicious cuisine. 

Hopkins Deli is all about variety. I was impressed when I counted 24 different flavors of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and 15 selections of Haagen-Dazs in the freezer. Two Indian dishes, Paneer Tikka and Chicken Tikka is on the special menu this month. 10% discount on all orders except for delivery and tobacco products.

Alizee is very excited to share all the changes coming but late fall and winter required a change in their timeline due to Covid related factors. A new menu, atmosphere, and logo are just the beginning as creative juices are flowing on 4 West University.
Updated Hours: 
Wednesday - Sunday: 12-9
Monday: Open for Party Only

Open on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day
443 449 6200

Open Daily
7am-11am serving breakfast
5pm-9pm serving dinner
New catering menu. Can host private parties.

Wednesday to Sunday 12-9
A casual but upscale authentic neighborhood restaurant. Make reservations for patio dining weather permitting.
410 366-6603

10% discount is extended to residents. Open EVERY DAY from 10 to 10 (including holidays until 2022) including full kitchen.
100 W University Parkway

10am-8pm Wednesday-Saturday and closes at 4pm on Sunday
Call for the menu.
Recent Sale Prices of Homes & Condos

Thanks to TCNA president and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.
Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   
Source:  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
Events Happening In and Around

Ice Skating
Johns Hopkins Tennis Courts
  • Open: Jan 14 - Feb 27 8AM to 9:30 PM
  • Special weekly access to community on Saturdays
  • Each attendee will be required to sign up for a 90-minute skate session and complete an electronic waiver prior to arrival at the rink.
  • Free of charge
  • Skates will be provides or bring your own
  • Free hot chocolate and other concessions available
  • Located on tennis courts adjacent to North Charles Street

Special Ice Skating Themes
  • Harry Potter – Saturday, January 22: Dress as your favorite character or in Hogwarts house colors
  • Star Wars – Saturday, January 29: Skate in your favorite Star Wars character costume
  • Ugly holiday sweater night – Saturday, February 5: Put on your ugly holiday sweater one more time for the season and skate to winter holiday music
  • Valentine’s Skate – Saturday, February 12: bring a date for couples’ skate
  • Motown – Saturday, February 19: Groove to your favorite Motown hits
  • Disco – Saturday, February 26: Skate to some far-out Disco tunes

CLICK HERE for more information and reservations
2021-22 SEASON

Community Concerts at Second’s 35th season

Music for All, Free to All
Register here for 2021-22 concerts you plan to attend:

  •  Jan 30, 2022 - Berta Rojas, guitar
  •  Feb 27, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
  •  March 20, 2022 - Nathalie Joachim & Spektral Quartet
  •  April 3, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
  •  April 24, 2022 - Icarus Quartet
  •  May 1, 2022 - Ivalas Quartet
  •  May 15, 2022 - Wonderlic Piano Concert
  •  May 22, 2022 - Joel Fan, piano
  •  June 5, 2022 - Candlelight Concert

Community Concerts at Second will require all audience members to show proof of vaccination and to wear masks at our concerts until further notice. We ask that you arrive early to present proof of vaccination to our volunteers.

A coup for Baltimore’: BMA’s new Matisse Center makes city a top destination for students of modern art.

Matisse: The Sinuous Line
Through April 24, 2022 

Want more Matisse? If you missed our recent ticketed exhibition dedicated to the French artist, you can still visit bronze sculptures and works on paper drawn from the BMA's collection. Matisse: The Sinuous Line is the first exhibition presented in the new Ruth R. Marder Center for Matisse Studies and presents the artist's strengths as a draftsman, sculptor, and printmaker who conveyed contours, shapes, and personalities through the use of graceful lines. 
Neighborhood map
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association      

Tuscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Don't know when to pay your dues? Reminder renewal notices for 2021-2022 are sent the month that your dues need to be renewed.
Not a member yet? Join anytime!
Officers and Board Members for July 2021 to June 2022

President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley  (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Alison Moliterno  (Cloverhill Road)

Board Members:
  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
  • Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
  • Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road)
  • Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
  • Paul Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
  • Gard Jones (Tuscany-Lombardy Co-Op, Stony Run Lane)
  • Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • Nancy Lamotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Road)
  • Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road)
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street)
  • Sam Park (Tuscany Court)
  • Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road)
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street) 
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
  • Julie Watson (
Members of the Calvert Project Committee
  • *Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford)
  • *Mike Travieso (Tuscany/Lombardy Co-op)
  • Charles Brenton (Tuscany/Lombardy Co-op)
  • Lucinda Davis (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo)
  • Fred Lazarus. TCNA (Ridgemede Road)
  • Andy Parsley (TCNA Tuscany Road)
  • Julia Frazier (TCNA President, Canterbury Road)
  • Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford)

*Co-Chairs and points of contact with questions.
Click Here to contact the Calvert Project Committee
Special thanks to John Robinson sharing his great photos of Tuscany-Canterbury with us.