Grace Lutheran Church & Preschool

Newsletter - February, 2024

17880 E. Covina Blvd. | Covina, CA 91722
Church Office (626) 332-4536 | Preschool (626) 967-5855
GLC and More Online










Join us for a blended, in-person service in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. 

Sunday Worship is streamed on the Grace-Covina FaceBook page, and posted to YouTube on Monday. If you have any of the symptoms of COVID-19 or have had contact recently with anyone with COVID-19, we ask that you worship safely with us online. We also welcome our Grace family and friends from around the world to our online Worship!

Prayer requests
Make an offering here
Visit our website

Love and Ashes

(From Pastor Steve) Dear Grace Family: As we prepare to enter into the season of Lent, we don't often associate Ash Wednesday with love. But, this year Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine's Day. Bishop Dave Nagler wrote what I thought was a very thought provoking piece regarding this shared 'holiday.' So, in lieu of an article from me, I thought I'd share what the Bishop from Pacifica Synod wrote:

February 14, 2024, will hold two “holidays” that seem to be moving in opposite directions. Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark creation dedicated to expressions of love. Ash Wednesday is a time of remembering our finitude; that each of us and all whom we love are impermanent. On the surface these commemorations seem an odd pair. “Bring a date to church and get an ash cross from a person who reminds them that they are dust”. I would argue that if we go deeper, they are a perfect pairing.

An ancient symbol for impermanence in the Celtic tradition is the triskelion. It is a circle, sometimes depicted with three legs or waves chasing one another around in an endless cycle. It is meant as a reminder that Spring follows Winter, Winter follows, Fall, and Fall follows Summer. Times of scarcity follow times of abundance. Times of connection follow times of loneliness. It is an echo of Ecclesiastes 3 which sings, “To everything, there is a season and a time under Heaven.”

The key to living this fundamental reality in a spiritually heathy way is to not get overly attached to any season or any moment in your history. And yet, to celebrate its beauty to feel deeply and to not deny the power that a moment can have on us. It is a delicate dance between not distancing ourselves from what is happening in our lives, but also remembering that all things fade away. New things arrive daily.

Anyone or anything that we love does not truly belong to us. They are shooting stars that shine brilliantly and then are gone. When they go, they return to the Source; to God. We feel the weight of their empty space and grieve. We also know that this grieving will shape us into a form that will be new for us. The grief we feel is a mirror of the love we shared. The hollow ache is an echo of the heartfelt joy.

One year on Ash Wednesday, I invited the congregation I was serving to a different practice of the imposition of ashes. I traced the ashen cross on the forehead of the first person who came forward and proclaimed the truth, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Then this person turned and did the same to the next person in line. This sequence continued for the whole assembly. Tears flowed when husbands made a black cross on the forehead of their beloved spouses. Voices cracked when parents reminded children that they too would not live forever. As they say, it got real that day!

So, on February 14th we will bear witness to love and impermanence. Some of us will spend time with loved ones. Others will be alone. Some will go to church and receive a cross and a word of remembrance. Others will be unable to bear that this year. No matter what you choose, remember that you are loved in this impermanent form. Please consider a Lenten practice of telling someone that you love them everyday until Easter (and then beyond if it makes you and them happy!) And let us not cling to any season too tightly. Our fragile planet will do another lap around the sun. People will come into our lives and depart. All of it is held in Divine hands.

Peace and All Good,


Pastor Steve will be available for Imposition of Ashes between the Noon and 7:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Worship services. Please contact him at (714) 717-6174 to make arrangements.

January Council Report

From the Council Meeting of January 9, 2023

• The financial report for the year showed that the church ended the year 2023 in the black. The PPP loan (pandemic money) was forgiven and the monies transferred into the general fund.

• The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 28 at 10:45 am in the sanctuary. The proposed budget for the church was reviewed.

Employee evaluations will be completed soon with Pastor Steve and Brenda Noriega being the evaluators.

• The transfer of monies from the CCCU Money Market account to the new First Internet Bank savings account has already reaped dividends in interest earned.

• There are a number of Grace’s members that are homebound, in care facilities, or otherwise needing the prayers of the rest of the congregation. Please keep them in your thoughts.

In His Service, 

Brenda Noriega

Council President

The Grace-Covina annual meeting was held after Worship on Sunday, January 28.

• Diana Alley and Brenda Noriega were affirmed by those present to continue as council officers.

• Cindy Skolaski was affirmed by those present to continue as a member at large. All terms are for two years.

•Jane Wurtz was elected to two year term as a member at large on the council. •Keith McHugh was affirmed by those present to continue as Financial Secretary for another two year term. •There were no nominations for Synod Assembly.

•Both the church and Pre-School budgets were passed.

February Scripture Readings

Sunday, February 4, 2024

5th Sunday after Epiphany

Isaiah 40:21-31

Psalm 147:1-11, 20c

1 Corinthians 9:16-23

Mark 1:29-39

Click here for readings

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Transfiguration Sunday

2 Kings 2:1-12

Psalm 50:1-6

2 Corinthians 4:3-6

Mark 9:2-9

Click here for readings

Sunday, February 18, 2024

1st Sunday in Lent

Genesis 9:8-17

Psalm 25:1-10

1 Peter 3:18-22

Mark 1:9-15

Click here for readings

Sunday, February 25, 2024

2nd Sunday in Lent

Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16

Psalm 22:23-31

Romans 4:13-25

Mark 8:31-38

Click here for readings

Tree of Love

As members of Grace Lutheran Church, the ELCA, and the global community of Christians, we believe that God is calling us into the world to make a difference…”God’s Work. Our Hands.”  As in the past, Grace will be participating in the ELCA’s “Good Gifts” program. It is an opportunity for us to provide critical support to the ministries and programs of the ELCA in the US and around the world. Different from previous years, this benevolence will be held in the month of February.  The “Tree of Love” will be set up in the Narthex.  You may select your “heart”, or the amount of your gift from the tree; enclose it, along with your donation, in an envelope and place in the offering plate.  If you choose to do so, you may go to to select a specific item for your donation.

Wednesday Bible Study

In-person (at 11:00 a.m. on the Grace campus) or online (at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom), our Bible study is a space to be curious, to ask questions, to give feedback, to wrestle with tough topics, and to express doubts and frustration. Consider joining in Wednesdays as we continue our study of Romans!



Anna Loyd | February 4

Mary Ann Koval | February 5

Monica Fredrick | February 8

Heather Adzovich | February 10

Carol Orrell | February 21

Melinda Fisher | February 28

Mateo Varela | February 28

February Anniversaries

Marty & Mary Spradley

February 7

Ed & Judy McGee

February 26 

February 2024 Calendar

Please see the online calendar here for the latest updates

Make or update a prayer request here

The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry – Psalm 34:15 

Please pray for those with medical needs, including: Tim, Audry and Leo Fuller,  Lisa and Mike, Bernie Schantz, Nance R., Charlie Dabbs, Felix Noriega, Melody Reich, Alma Pasos, Chris Saltonstall, Elva Maldonado, Emma Reardon, Jerome Elparin, Marie O’Malley, Michelle Heyne, Stuart Merkel, Trina Clay, Billy Thompson, Connie Brown, Elena Navarette, George Fuller, Jim Oravetz, Joan and Lee Juneau, Joan Pelleren, Joyce Gower, Kari Watson, Martha Olson, Pam Elparin, Ray, Rose Marie Quesada, Sarah Encabo, Spencer, and victims of COVID-19.

Please pray for others in need of prayer, including: the Costley family, the family of Tillie Zavala, the family of Kitty Davisson, Christopher Oravetz, Jeffrey Saltonstall, family and friends of Marie Dabbs, and our Grace neighbors.

Please pray for the men and women currently serving in the armed forces, who are bravely protecting us and our country, including: Richard Larini (Navy).

Please pray for all victims of natural disasters.

Please pray for those who are being faced with grief, and all who know violence and hate.

Please pray for our Grace Lutheran Church Congregation and partners in ministry.

Please pray for the teachers and children of our preschool and infant care program, and for the teachers and students of Ben Lomond Elementary School, our school districts, and all schools, that they and their families will be safe.

Please pray for hospital staff, all medical personnel and first responders, those in essential services, and the leaders of our world, state, country, and local governments.

Please pray for the ACTION Food Pantry, the clients that they serve, and all those in need.

Your Church Council

President | Brenda Noriega 

Vice President | Johna Stienstra 

Secretary | Diana Alley 

Treasurer | Robert Ordonez


Cindy Skolaski | Nancy Adzovich | Sarah Encabo | Jane Wurtz

Your Church Staff

Pastor | The Rev. Steve Otte

Director of Worship & Music | Jeffrey Saltonstall

Preschool Director | Christy Arreguin

Custodian | Laureen Alvarez

Parish Administrator | Samantha Henderson

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