October 2018
Sheer Shareables
Information & Resources for Non-Profits and Those who 💓 Them  
5 Ways to Seek Corporate Giving
The Foundation Directory Online (FDO) offers readers avenues to consider to access corporate giving.

Searching a company's website is a great start to garner information, but what term should you use in the search bar? There is no one website section name that companies use, so I've developed a useful list of section names to search for:

Help! My Proposal was Rejected

Hearing "no" is always difficult, but t his article identifies some great steps to take if yours is rejected.

Relationship building is key, so take some of the steps advised, and don't give up if your first proposal is rejected. That said, my rule of thumb is if you aren't successful with a foundation after three attempts, then it is time to move on.

Rockland Development Council Philanthropy Day 2018
Join the Rockland Development Council for Philanthropy Day on
Thursday, November 8th.
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