Updates in Pediatrics
Editor: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP

header with photos of various children
June 29, 2022 | Volume 13 | Issue 26
Association of inappropriate outpatient pediatric antibiotic prescriptions with adverse drug events and healthcare expenditures
“Approximately 29% of outpatient antibiotics prescribed to children in the US are inappropriate. These include a large proportion of children inappropriately prescribed an antibiotic agent for a viral infection or a non-first-line antibiotic…”

Inappropriate antibiotic therapy enhances antimicrobial resistance, is associated with adverse drug events (ADE’s) – such as allergic reactions and “microbe disruption-related conditions” (e.g. clostridium difficile infection) plus generating increased medical costs.

A Commercial database (2015-2018) containing longitudinal patient-level data on enrollment and insurance payments for outpatient and pharmacy dispensed medications, was utilized to identify children 6 months-17 years, appropriately or inappropriately treated (using National guidelines) for a variety of commonly diagnosed bacterial or viral infections, documenting adverse incidences and costs.

31%-36% of children in an outpatient setting are prescribed inappropriate antibiotics for bacterial infections and 4-70% for viral infections with a concomitant increase in drug related adverse events and costs (Nationally; $ 25.0 million for otitis media, $21.3 million for pharyngitis and $19.1 million for viral upper respiratory tract infections).
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At the completion of this activity, participants are expected to: [1] Understand general definitions, [2] Learn about the International Classification of Function Model, [3] Review the Disability Laws, [4] Understand the role of Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation providers.
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