We need a head-count for Vacation Bible School, specifically for dinner,
so that we have enough food!
If you are planning on attending COMPASSION CAMP,
by Wednesday, July 13!
Under “comments” please indicate if there are dates you will NOT be attending, if applicable.
No comment is necessary if you’re attending all 4 evenings.
Pictures from Will Drosos' Ordination - June 25
Change to Men's Group Meeting
Beginning in July, the Men's Group will meet in the library at St. Gregory's every other Saturday at 9AM and at the Somerville's (where they have been meeting) on the alternating Saturdays. Please contact Peter Rice for more information about the Men's Group!
For the month of July and the first Sunday of August, we will take a break from Children’s Sunday School. We will still have Children’s Chapel during the 10:30 worship service, and will be covering the weekly Sunday School lessons during the Children’s Chapel time. In the meantime - all children and their families are encouraged to invite friends to join us for Vacation Bible School/Compassion Camp July 18-21.
We are in need of a few more acolytes to give a bit of relief to those in our current rotation. Never served before? That's fine- we will teach you! Acolyting is a great, low commitment, way to get involved in the life of the parish! Reach out to Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837, if you would like to volunteer.
Confirmation Classes for the rest of the summer
July 3: we will meet
July 10: we will meet
July 17: we will not meet
July 24: we will not meet
July 31: we will meet
August 7: we will meet (and should finish!)
The Cost of Following Jesus
Adult Spiritual Formation meets this Sunday to continue our exploration of the Gospel of Luke. All are welcome in the Parish Hall from 9:15 to 10:15 with no need to have attended earlier sessions. Bibles will be available but feel free to bring your own favorite.
Dates and Times: July 18-21, 5:30 - 7:45
We are 2 weeks (July 18-21) from
"Compassion Camp: Changing the World with Lovingkindness."
All St. Gregory's adults are invited to join us for VBS in one of two ways:
1. Parents of our student campers are encouraged to stay for the evening. You are welcomed to accompany your child to the various stations as needed.
2. For all other adults: there will be a separate adult option only, with age appropriate discussion relative to the theme of compassion for the week.
Adults are welcome to join us for supper as well.
** And if you're still interested in helping out, please contact Doug!!**
We've had a great response for dinner prep for our week! We do still need van drivers for the morning and evening and day and evening hosts.
We have this chance to put our faith into action, to walk by faith into a role we maybe haven't experienced yet, but which God is calling us to, like Mother Nikki told us in last week's sermon. To feed the hungry and house the homeless, to give hope to those who need it. Contact Annette Bates via email or 706-255-5839 to learn more.
Calling all those in their 20s/30s- join us at the Rook and Pawn in Downtown Athens on Saturday, July 9th at 7pm for a night of games, drinks, and fellowship!
We need 8 more! If you would like to volunteer, and/or coordinate, please contact Anna Hiers, vestry liaison to the Worship Committee, via email or @ 706-340-9799. Training will be provided.
On July 8th at 7pm all 6th-12th graders are invited to see Thor: Love and Thunder at B&B Theaters. If your child would like to attend please let Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837, know ASAP so that we can order the appropriate number of tickets.
If you have a child that will be in the 6th-12th grades as of August 2022, please come by our Parent Info meeting in the Parish Hall on July 10 at 1pm, immediately following Mother Nikki's confirmation class.
Contact Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837, if you have any questions.
expansive views
we have been told
can wrest us from
routines too cold
wide deep blue lakes
unwind us when
on summer breaks
an ocean seen
from sandy beach
will stretch our minds
with nature’s reach
faith worship in
renews our call
for dignity
alice mohor
If you're in your 20s or 30s and would like to stay up to date on events for your age group please reach out to Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837, to join our group chat.
Coffee Hour!
Due to the lack of volunteers, there may or may not be coffee hour on any given Sunday. If you are able to host or bring a baked item for a future coffee hour, contact Melissa or Catrina to sign up. A sign up sheet will also be posted at the event.
Instructions for Live Streaming
- Just go to the St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church
Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:
If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before the service begins) keep refreshing it. To ‘refresh’ go up to the top of your screen and on the left or right of the web address you will see this image (little curvy arrow to the right -->). Click on it to ‘refresh.’
When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it.
Welcome to worship!
Meeting Opportunities
Parish community offerings via Zoom or in person:
Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!
Book Club first Friday of the month @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future. Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.
Lectionary Discussion Group via Zoom, every Thursday at 6:00pm. Email Ken Taylor if you are interested in participating.
*Threads of Prayer will meet only the 1st Tuesdays of the month @1PM for June and July, and likely August! We'll meet outside if the weather is good and inside the Christian Ed building if the weather is bad. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!
*Men's Group: 9AM on Saturdays. Starting in July, they will alternate Saturdays at the Somervilles with meeting in the library at St. Gregory's ! Email Peter Rice
* group(s) now meeting in person
Other groups have been meeting via Zoom as well, so if you've got a group already meeting in Zoom rooms, and want to widen your circle, let Kendall know so we can get the word out there!
See what's happening on our social sites: