Greetings! It's been just over a year since we installed our permanent Tale on the Trail at Ice Lake. Since then we have had over 500 documented visitors enjoy 8 different picture books. Next up is Little Owl's Day, by Divya Srinivasan (should be up by this weekend). If you haven't visited the Tale on the Trail yet, you should! It is located behind the pavilion at the Barrett Township Community Park at Ice Lake. Enjoy a picture book as you stroll along the path and take in the beauty of nature. Check out our Facebook post of a collection of images sent to us by people enjoying Tale on the Trail in both its temporary and permanent formats.

When you visit the Library during the month of August, please consider bringing unopened, unexpired cat or dog food to donate to Monroe County Meals on Wheels pet food drive. We're hosting a collection box this month to help MOW clients take care of their pets, a source of great comfort and support to many.

Be sure to stop by and view the beautiful artwork on display in the Weiler Family Community Room: "Flowers Here and There," original watercolors inspired by nature and masterfully created by local artist Joyce Love. Her work will be on display through Aug 31. Follow this link to learn more about Joyce and her art.

Take me out to the ballgame...! Attend the game on Library Night, Wed, Aug 23, as the RailRider's show their support for area libraries. Follow this link for all the info.

Before you know it, summer will be over, but there's still plenty of time to enjoy library activities. Storytimes, book discussions, family game night, cardboard cat castles, and more! For details, descriptions, and lists of upcoming programs, follow these links: Adult Programs; Youth Programs. Check our Facebook page and web calendar for additional programs, posts, and opportunities.

State Representative Maureen Madden now offers satellite office hours at the Library. Upcoming dates are Wed & Thu, Aug 9 & 10, and Mon & Tue, Aug 21 & 22, 10am-3pm. For questions about services, please call 570-894-7905 or visit her website.