
Life@North Lake Newsletter

December 2022

Welcome to the

Life@North Lake Newsletter!

To submit an article for the January newsletter, email Communications Director Tina Carroll by December 12

Merry Christmas &

Happy New Year!

Church Calendar

Christmas Eve at North Lake - Join us for one of our beautiful candlelight services!

Celebrate Christmas Day at a single Sunday service with a stirring message,

beautiful music in both traditional and contemporary styles and Communion.


From the early centuries of the church, followers of Jesus have been fascinated by his birth. The concept of God arriving in this world as a vulnerable newborn—instead of a conquering hero or a titan hurling a lightning bolt—defied expectations. The Bethlehem baby challenged the common patterns of thinking about an omnipotent, transcendent Creator-God. When God came into the world “in the flesh” (incarnation), he might have chosen to come as a full-grown figure, a ready-made teacher and Savior. But he didn’t. His advent (or coming) was through the portal of pregnancy, childbirth, and infancy.


Ever since, Christians have pondered the significance of the nativity. Christmas has inspired writers and composers to produce beloved poetry, carols, Handel’s Messiah, and many other oratorios, not to mention “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” But it’s not only a season for special music.

Throughout Christian history visual artists have also tried to express the meaning of Christmas. Early artwork began to feature the mother and child or the nativity scene, including this third century painting in the Roman catacombs of Priscilla. Since then, artists around the world have taken their turns rendering the biblical scenes: the angel’s announcements to Mary and Joseph, the journey to Bethlehem, the holy night of the Savior’s birth, and the adoration of the shepherds and the magi (or wise men or kings).

Our 2022 Advent Devotional (sent daily by email) features artwork related to the birth of Jesus. The paintings are selected from various centuries and countries. Often the artist is more attuned to how Jesus appears into his own culture than in first century Judea. Each day will include a piece of art, a brief description or background, and any related scripture verse.

I encourage you to spend a moment to enjoy and ponder the art. If possible, open it on a large screen, or at least expand it on your phone or tablet. Contemplate what the artist was trying to convey. What stands out or is most distinctive? What do you feel as you look upon the painting? What does it mean for you that God has come into this world as an infant?

Our Advent theme is “It’s Personal!” With our Sunday services we’ll reflect on how God made the commitment and effort to come in person to a hurting world, to people desperately in need of a Savior.


May this Advent season prepare our hearts to receive the gift of Christ, like we are receiving the Lord for the first time!

Rev. Dr. Jeffrey A. Hosmer

Sunday Worship

Traditional 8:15 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.

Contemporary 9:30 a.m.

On-Campus and Livestream Worship at

December 4: Advent 2/Communion

“Grace and Truth”

John 1:1-14, Philippians 2:5-11

Pastor Shawn Smith

December 11: Advent 3

"It's Nothing Personal …"

Luke 1:67-79

Pastor Jeff Hosmer

December 18: Advent 4

“The Person-to-Person God”

Matthew 1:18-25

Pastor Jeff Hosmer

Saturday, December 24

An original Christmas story written

by Pastor Jeff Hosmer

December 25

“And Suddenly”

Luke 2:1-14

Pastor Jeff Hosmer

This Thursday at 2:00 p.m.


Christmas Concert featuring

The Christmas Choir, Orchestra & Handbells 

Chris Endsley, Conductor

Concert admission is FREE but requires a ticket.

Get your ticket(s) in-person on Sundays November 27 and December 4 in the church lobby

OR during church office hours. A free-will offering will be taken at the concert.

The North Lake Music Ministry is prepared to share another beautiful choir concert featuring handbells, chancel choir and narration! Please keep distributing invitation postcards to your friends and neighbors and get your tickets soon.

Order a Poinsettia Plant

Poinsettias are available for purchase as memorials or living honors for your cherished ones. They will brighten our worship spaces until Christmas Eve. If you would like to provide one or more plants, please complete the form that is available by clicking the button above or pick up a form at the church and drop it with your check made out to "NLPC Poinsettias" in the lock box drop at the Welcome Center. The cost for each poinsettia is $10.

The last day to order is Sunday, December 11.  

Tickets avaiable at

Tickets are not sold through North Lake Church office.


Second Mile Offering

December 2022

Little Blessings

Christian Preschool

Little Blessings Christian Preschool is one of the "Big Three" North Lake Ministries. We are a Christian learning program that provides quality childcare for children ages 1 through 10 years. While here, the children learn about Jesus, explore Bible stories, pray before meals and snacks and at the beginning of each day and we sing favorite Christian songs!


Little Blessings opened on September 14, 1998, to provide a safe, Christian environment for children. Once the sanctuary building was completed, then the church wanted to reach out to the community to help working families. Doing this, in the midst of a growing retirement community, was very visionary on the part of church leadership.

We have an experienced staff working with the children who live their Christian faith. Some of our staff have been at Little Blessings for over 24 years. Having a dedicated work force provides a stable environment for the children, many of which come from single family homes.

Children in the world today are not always being raised by loving parents. Some are being raised by grandparents and even great grandparents to keep the child from going into the foster care or adoption systems.


We are blessed to be here to provide love and care for all our students and their families.


How Do I Contribute?

Simply write a check to NLPC with "Little Blessings" in the memo line or click on the button below and choose Second Mile Offering. Questions? Contact Ruth at 352-753-8484.

DONATE ONLINELittle Blessings Christian Preschool

Contact: Little Blessings Christian Preschool Director Linda Brown

Christmas will soon be here and we know that there will be many children who may not receive a gift for Christmas. The Angel Tree will be here to help local families provide a gift for their child. Here is how it works...

  1. Pick an Angel Tag from the tree located in the lobby of the church. Written on the tag will be a toy or other item that the child would like, as well as something that they may need such as a coat or warm winter clothing.
  2. Take the tag shopping with you and choose one or more of the gifts listed or one of your own choosing. 
  3. Bring the unwrapped gift back to the church and place it under the tree on or before December 8. 
  4. The gifts will be sorted and delivered to various families from Little Blessings Preschool, the Villages Elementary, and Stanton-Weirsdale Elementary.
  5. Be sure to securely tape or tie the Angel Tag onto the unwrapped gifts before dropping it off.  

Questions? Call Linda Brown at 352-454-9438 or email


I hope everyone is anxious and ready to celebrate the miraculous birth. It is such a great season of joy and celebration and we are blessed to be able to celebrate and learn with our precious students. Seeing the excitement on their faces as they learn about the birth of Jesus makes my Christmas every year.

Here are a few events that you may be interested in seeing…

Saturday, December 3: Our students will represent Little Blessings and North Lake Church as our children and parents walk in the Lady Lake Christmas Parade. Join us at 10:00 the parade goes down Old Dixie highway, behind the Log Cabin in downtown Lady Lake.

December 13: "Bethlehem Barn", our Little Blessings Christmas pageant will take place at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Join our students as they depict the birth of Jesus as told by the animals in the stable. The kids have been working very hard on this program and have really enjoyed hearing the story, "Bethlehem Barn", written by Debra Westagte. If you like to see Christmas through the eyes of children, then this is the event for you. See

During the month our students will be coloring Christmas greetings for Operation Homebound clients. We also will make cards to take next door to the residents at Lady Lake Specialty Care. Years ago, before Covid, we always took the children over there to sing Christmas carols but for the safety of all, we have discontinued that event. We still want the patients to know we are thinking of them during this special season. One of the most important things we try to teach our children is to think of others and give without expecting something in return. This is a great lesson for us all to remember all year long. May God bless you this Christmas.


Until next month...

Linda Brown

Little Blessings Christian Preschool Director



A Christmas Pageant presented by

Little Blessings Christian Preschool

7:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 13 

North Lake Fellowship Hall

Come, join our preschool families as we watch these sweet children re-tell the story of the birth of Jesus as seen through the eyes of the animals in the stable. Having the congregation attend this event means so much to parents, students and staff. (No charge.) See you there!

A Season for Helping Others!

Recently, we heard from one of our clients, Karen. She and her husband were facing daunting problems. She was a former nurse, who spent her life helping others. They were in a tough situation, not well enough to cook for themselves, but not ill enough for outside care.

This was the first time they had ever asked for help in their lives. They heard about Operation Homebound from the newspaper and from neighbors. They called our office, and after filling out a financial needs assessment, their doctor sent a referral notice to us. They were placed on a route, and now our volunteer drivers deliver freshly-cooked meals to them every day.

The meals have made a big difference. “It’s a light at the end of the tunnel,” Karen told us. “Thank you to the members of the church and United Way for making these meals available to us.”

Operation Homebound has available capacity on several of its delivery routes. If you have a neighbor or loved one who, like Karen and her husband, would benefit from a hot-cooked meal delivered every weekday, please call us at 352-409-0562.


First meal is FREE after completing registration.

We are in need of drivers – they make the whole program possible!

Please call us weekday mornings at 352-409-0562

Terry Carroll

Operation Homebound Director

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Thank You

from the

Christian Food Pantry!

THANK YOU for your continuous support of the Christian Food Pantry, one of our many ministries at North Lake. With support from you and other churches and organizations in the local community we are able to help about 370 local families each month with supplemental groceries. These families are living in poverty and greatly appreciate food assistance they receive.

Here are some highlights from recent months:

  • Three pickup/deliveries are made Monday – Saturday along with one on Sunday mornings from our partner stores, Lake Sumter Winn Dixie, Pinellas Plaza Winn Dixie, Target and WAWA. The pantry uses volunteers, private vehicles and now the Pantry van for these pickups.

  • Our client base is changing somewhat as we see younger families with children moving into the area. 

  • Once again the pantry was able to provide turkeys and items to prepare Thanksgiving dinner to each of our families. We will also be able to provide hams for Christmas.

  • On our building front, we were delayed due to some minor changes necessary due to code. The revised plans have been submitted and when approved we will begin. Considering the terrible weather we have had lately, God may have been taking care of us with the delay.

Farm Share Drive-Thru Food Distribution on December 14! 

Learn more at

  • In the last quarter of this year the pantry hosted a FARMSHARE event each month. This is a drive-through food distribution event held in the parking lot of North Lake Church. The food is provided at no cost to our pantry through a partnership with the Society of St. Andrews and FARMSHARE. At each of these events we have provided over 100 families with both perishable and non-perishable food.

We are able to accomplish these works through the grace of God and the volunteer support from North Lake and other community residents. We have a total of 50+ volunteers who work two hour shifts in the pantry doing things such as computer input, client interviews, sorting canned goods, and packaging food for clients; pick up and deliver donated items from Winn Dixie, Target, WAWA and Publix; take stale or very outdated items to local farms for animal consumption; and deliver donated items from North Lake the first Sunday of each month to the pantry. A big thank you to all of you volunteers... we are sure we don’t thank you enough but know that we appreciate everything you do!

We know there are many worthy causes and resources are limited. We appreciate your decision to support the Christian Food Pantry. We know that with wonderful people like you in our community the Christian Food Pantry will be able to continue providing much needed, and appreciated services to our local residents in need.

We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with many blessing in 2023!

For more information click HERE or email Christian Food Pantry Director Carrol Neal. Phone: 352-259-0788.


"Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift!” 

2 Corinthians 9:15

North Lake Children and Youth Ministry


"A Christmas Yarn" Musical

YOU ARE INVITED! The Children and Youth Ministry’s Christmas Program will be held on F.A.B. Tuesday, December 6. Register for dinner soon, or simply join us after dinner at 6:00 p.m. for a great message about the real meaning of Christmas brought to you by the talented kids of NOW+, NOW! and the Youth Group. Be sure to wear your ugly Christmas sweaters to join in the fun!

Children's Ministry Director Heather Hough

352-753-8484 ext. 104

Email: to learn more about serving!

Registrations coming in the New Year!

North Lake Presbyterian Women Present



Dress in your best 1920’s outfit. Savory dessert plates served.


Presbyterian Women offers 7 circles that meet once per month through May.

ALL WOMEN who attend North Lake are invited and encouraged to participate. Please contact the Circle leader (click on button above) if interested in attending.


10:00 a.m. Tuesday, December 6 in the Faith Room.  





Mary Makers and Judy Wardle


Carol Vehling


Beth Ramsay

Missions Coordinator:

Mary Bontempo

Search Coordinator:

Donna Rahn


Stephen Ministers are lay congregation members trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation. Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, but they all share a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need.

Stephen Ministers are trained in a Christ-centered environment that equips participants with essential caring and relating skills. Trainees learn how to listen, care for, and walk with those going through difficult times in life.

After you are matched with a Stephen Minister, the Stephen Minister meets with you on a weekly basis to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. The caring relationship lasts as long as the need for care exists.



  • After the phone call you hoped you’d never get.
  • After the funeral, when everyone has left and the emotions you’ve held at bay come crashing in on you.
  • After the relationship falls apart and the bottom falls out of your life.
  • After the doctor says, “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more we can do.”
  • After the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, “Welcome to your new home.
  • After the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away – and the house suddenly seems empty.
  • After the gavel come down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away.
  • After the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible.
  • After you find a pink slip with your final paycheck.
  • After your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out. 

If you, a family member, or friend are walking through a challenging time and would like a trained Stephen Minister to walk alongside you please contact Pastor Lynn Miller at 352-753-8484 or

Fall Prevention Exercise Class

January 19 and 26

Faith Room

with Edward Yuiska, PT

Retired Sports Physical Therapist

More details coming soon!

Call 352-753-8484 to reserve your spot.

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Greetings and Merry Christmas North Lakers,

It's that wonderful time of year with meaningful celebrations with family, friends and church events.

The choir will have its beautiful concert and several groups will provide their magical concerts as well.

Be sure to plan to join us.

The Angel Tree has names of children in need of someone who can thoughtfully make their Christmas brighter. Children's Ministry kids will share their Christmas program at the F.A.B. dinner and Little Blessings Preschool tots have a Christmas Pageant. It is such fun to see the wonder expressed by children in their Christmas event.


PW Circles may not have regular meetings in December, but have special luncheons, or party times 

instead. Check the calendar to see what the schedule is for each group.

We still have several areas in need of Christian servants that we ask you prayerfully consider:

  • Operation Homebound needs drivers! Call 352-689-1023.
  • Youth, NOW! and Sunday School needs mentors. Contact Children's Director Heather Hough
  • Handy Hands Ministry needs men or women who can handle simple repairs and household chores. Gene Blomquist is the contact:  or call 352-561-8511.


Thanks in advance to Sharon and Jim Hay who provide the fabulous banners and choir loft art/decorations in the worship areas...we are eagerly waiting to see this year's creations!


Here's a preview of some January events. 

  • On January 22 volunteers will be honored and showcased with a parade in all three services, complete with descriptive banners. 
  • On January 28 PW women will share their annual retreat -- men, women and the community are all invited to the event.  "Radical Hospitality" will discuss the theme of life's connections. Our special speaker is Liz Smith, the amazing wife of Pastor Shawn Smith. This dynamic speaker will "wow us" with her message. Tickets remain at $10 and refreshments will be available in the cafe before the program. You won't want to miss this fellowship and great presentation.

Have a joyous holiday season and a blessed Christmas shared with loved ones and all of us at North Lake.

Love, hugs and blessings,

Judy Etheridge 

North Lake Presbyterian Volunteer Coordinator


North Lake's ONE Conference is an annual discipleship event. Our purpose is to encourage and support all disciples of Jesus’ efforts to deepen their faith in this messy broken world.

Plan to attend Saturday, February 11, 2023

(Doors open at 12:15, program at 1:00 p.m.)

Reaching the Family of God

with keynote speaker David Thomas and

Returning Speaker Liz Smith

Admission is Free ~ All are Welcome!

Get to Know Our

Guest Speaker

Keynote speaker David Thomas, LMSW. David is the Director of Family Counseling and has been a part of the Daystar Counseling staff for the last 25 years. He meets with clients for parent consults, does assessments with new families and supervises the guys’ staff at Daystar. He is the author of ten books including the best-selling Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys and Raising Emotionally Strong Boys: Tools Your Son can Build on for Life. He co-hosts the “Raising Boys & Girls” podcast and has become a sought-after speaker across the country. David and his wife, Connie, have three young adult children and a Labrador retriever named Owen. Find out more HERE.

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Please pray for members of our Armed Services this Christmas, remembering especially members of North Lake and their loved ones.

Please call the church if you have a family member to feature. 352-753-8484.


Mitchell Bell

U.S. Air Force Reserves

Grandson of Chris Bell

Currently serving stateside

Lt. Elaine Boosalis

U.S. Navy

Granddaughter of Dave and Rita Tyler

Currently serving stateside

Capt. Charles Martin

U.S. National Guard

Grandson of Bob Weals

Currently serving stateside

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Pvt. Connor Martinson

U.S. Army National Guard

Son of Donya Broda

Currently serving stateside

For more information visit our website at

or LIKE us on Facebook @nlpcfbpage

Church office: 352-753-8484 

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