Dear Jeremy D.,
Shortly after you receive this letter, we hope to announce the closing of the long-awaited Granby Highlands-Trails Conservation Easement. This accomplishment is many years in the making and the resulting conservation area will be significant in our quickly growing county.
Conservation easements are a major tool in the movement to protect the open spaces and working lands that define our landscape. They are voluntary and negotiable, and as perpetual easements, their benefits are long-lasting and far-reaching.
There is a financial benefit to the landowner who grants the easement, but their conservation ethic is what drives the deal. Whether they care most about protecting agricultural land, significant habitats, historically significant structures, recreation areas, or just beautiful scenery, the incentive to grant an easement comes from a love of the land and our relationship with it.
When any landowner, but especially a town board, grants an easement on their property, they demonstrate the priorities of their community, and Grand County prioritizes conservation.
From the repeated success of passing the Open Lands, Rivers, and Trails fund to the steady increase of conserved land in the county, we continue to show that we care deeply about conserving our landscape and natural resources.
Colorado Headwaters Land Trust, like all land trusts, believes strongly in community representation. Our mission is to conserve and steward the open lands and natural character of the headwaters of the Colorado River, in partnership with the local community.
Your support of Colorado Headwaters Land Trust shows that conservation is a priority in Grand County.