August 2023
This Month's Issue:
BECome a Friend of the Cleanup
EVENT: Environmental Justice Forum
Woodstock's Wednesday Fundraiser
Advocacy: Tree Equity & Extreme Heat Mitigation
Climate Resilience Resource Map
Program Updates: Upcoming Workshops
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Saturday, September 16th, BEC will be hosting the 36th annual
Bidwell Park & Chico Creeks Cleanup and Restoration Projects!
This year we will be adding in some additional climate action projects focusing on urban greening, organic waste reduction and edible food recovery, and wildfire resilience.
Stay tuned for more details!
If you would like to volunteer for the cleanup, please visit:
If you believe in this critical work, we invite you to become a "Friend of the 36th Cleanup" today with a donation of $36 to support this event's success. Your contribution provides our volunteers with necessary tools for the creek clean up and restoration projects, and provide them with our iconic cleanup t-shirts that celebrate our collective action.
To BECome a Friend of the Cleanup please visit,
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Environmental Justice Forum
Friday, August 4th, 6pm
Join BEC, UC Climate Stewards, and special guest speakers to explore the topic of Environmental Justice and learn about important work happening in the community.
This is a free virtual community event!
Sign up at
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Partnership with BCLFN!
BEC is excited to highlight our growing partnership with the Butte County Local Food Network! Together, we're promoting edible food recovery and increasing fresh food accessibility by building gardens and Free the Food Stands across the county, because everyone has the right to good food!
Sign up for the BCLFN Newsletter to hear more about the upcoming farm-to-fork event and other activities! Scroll to the bottom of their webpage to join the newsletter.
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Woodstock's Wednesday!
Grab a bite to eat for BEC this Wednesday, August 2nd at Woodstock's!
Use the code 'Fundy5' online and in-store to support BEC's mission of protecting the land, air, and water of Butte County, while also enjoying a slice or two of delicious local pizza.
We appreciate your support!
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Advocacy Article:
Tree Equity & Extreme Heat Mitigation
Following several back-to-back weekends of extreme heat advisories, BEC is reflecting on our role in advocating for more substantive climate-change mitigation strategies specific to extreme heat events, especially those that are efficient and cost-effective.
Recently, BEC's Advocacy Committee, chaired by Eric Nilsson, participated in public comment on Chico's Urban Forest Master Plan (UFMP) with hopes to preserve the integrity of the plan and protect and grow Chico's urban forest. While Chico has a significant urban tree canopy, the American Forests Tree Equity Score's map of Chico clearly shows that the distribution of canopy is not equal across the city, and this is not uncommon. Their research states that the poorest neighborhoods in the US have 41% less tree canopy than their wealthier counterparts. Areas lacking substantial shade are known as 'shade deserts,' and residents are at an increased risk for heat-related illnesses during extreme heat events. An unequal distribution of trees and shade only adds to class-based health disparities in our communities. Shade is an easy yet often overlooked heat mitigation strategy that can both cool and beautify our urban spaces while protecting all Chico residents from extreme heat.
In contrast to traditional materials comprising a city, like asphalt and cement which absorb heat, trees offer shade and hold moisture, reducing the impact of the heat burden on a person's body. However, research points toward needing more than just an increase in the amount of trees to combat the rise in extreme heat events -- we need shade infrastructure backed by strategic municipal planning which include mitigation measures such as altering building codes to require built-in shade structures in public areas.
While BEC and other environmental groups stood their ground in demanding our right to a healthy urban forest, unfortunately, the UFMP was passed with alterations that weaken the enforceability of tree canopy requirements for developers.
Through the Community Resilience grant, BEC will continue to educate the most climate-affected among us on how to stay cool this summer, but it is clear to make meaningful change we will need city-wide preventative strategies and long-term vision to reduce the impacts of extreme heat in our region.
To support local tree plantings with BEC, check out
Sources: "Shade is an essential solution for hotter cities." V. Kelly Turner, Ariane Middel & Jennifer K. Vanos. Nature. Vol. 619. 27 July 2023.; American Forests Tree Equity Score.
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Community Resources for
Climate Resilience
As part of our ongoing efforts to bring climate change education and resources to Butte County, our California Climate Action Corps Summer Fellow, Mackenzie Hagedorn, has put together two maps illustrating heat resources and food security resources in Butte County. Check them out and see what is available in your area!
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Climate Action Corps Fellow Farewell | |
| | This month, we are saying farewell to California Climate Action Corps fellows, Molly, Mackenzie, Katelyn, and Rose. These four fellows have been serving at BEC full time, taking the lead on projects related to urban greening, organic waste/edible food recovery, and wildfire resilience, and conducting outreach to garner volunteers for their projects. You might have seen them in the community garden building compost bays, picking up compost from your front porch, or planting trees across Butte County. These fellows have been an immeasurable asset to BEC and our programs. These young climate leaders have grown our volunteer base and expanded BEC’s presence in the community by taking the lead on climate action projects. Their talents and personalities have brought joy to the office and enlivened us all. We are grateful to our fellows for choosing to join BEC and investing in our local community through climate action. You have our gratitude and best wishes as you continue to work toward a more just and sustainable future!
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Contact Us!
313 Walnut Street #140
Chico, CA 95928
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