
Monkeypox Vaccine Registration

Dear Karen,

For the past two weeks, I have been in close contact with the State of New York (through Governor Hochul’s office) to get more Monkeypox vaccine in the Pines. Additional doses were allocated just this week targeted to workers and employees in the Pines. From that allocation, there are now open appointments for tomorrow and Friday, July 21st and 22nd. Vaccines will be administered by Northwell Health at the Cherry Grove Doctor’s Office, located at 153 Doctors Walk.


There is a very limited number of appointments remaining. If you are interested, please click the link below to determine if any appointments remain, and if so, to register immediately:


The hours of your appointment will be confirmed upon completion of registration. 


Based on my continued discussions with the State, I am optimistic that there will be additional appointments available in the next few days. Please continue to check this newsletter for additional appointment registrations.  


More information on Monkeypox can be found here and what to expect after you get your vaccine can be found here



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Henry Robin, President

Allan Baum, Vice President

Gary Clinton, Secretary

Eric Sawyer, Treasurer

Alan Brodherson, Greg Henniger, Chris Mai, Charles Montorio-Archer, Jay Pagano, Nate Pinsley, Leland Rechis, Russell Saray, Ed Schulhafer, Matt Tague

and Jim Vandernoth