PAD General Meeting Wednesday, August 24th 2022 at the Plymouth Senior Center at 5:30pm.
Join PAD at the Senior Center! Our potluck will start at 5:30 and the zoom portion of the meeting will start at 6:00 pm.
Please join us, bring a friend, and bring a dish to share. If you aren't able to bring a dish, come anyway.
Potluck dinner breakdown by last name:
S-W Side dish or salad
A-I Entree
J-R Dessert or wine
Upcoming: The Plymouth Area Democrats
Upcoming PAD Business: Members are invited to vote on a proposed land acknowledgment statement, honoring and recognizing the indigenous people of the Plymouth area past and present. Here is the statement unanimously recommended by the PAD board for adoption by PAD membership:
New Hampshire is located on N'dakinna, which is the traditional ancestral homeland of the Pennacook, Abenaki, and Wabanaki Peoples past and present. Plymouth Area Democrats acknowledge and honor with gratitude the spiritual and physical connection to the aki (land), nebi (water), awan (aair), lolakwikak (flora), and awwaasak (fauna) of the alnobak (people) who have stewarded N'dakinna throughout the generations and who continue to carry forward the traditions of their ancestors.
Other Business: We will be joined by Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington!
Join our remote meeting at 6pm: Register Here
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The New Hampshire Executive Council is unique in the United States with five Executive Councilors acting as an important check and balance on our Governor.
The Executive Council advises the Governor on all matters and provides a check on the governor's power. While the governor retains the right to veto legislation passed by the New Hampshire General Court, and commands the New Hampshire National Guard, the council has veto power over pardons, contracts with a value greater than $10,000, and appointments to state boards, agencies and committees. These responsibilities are so significant that they are basically in a co-governing position with the Governor. Republicans have held a majority in the 5 member council since 2014.
Over the past year the Republican majority on the Executive Council have rejected federal dollars earmarked for treatment of sexually transmitted infections and cancer screenings, rejected contracts for family planning clinics in New Hampshire, delayed acceptance of the $27 million in federal funding for vaccine distribution, and approved Governor Sununu’s appointment of anti-public education Frank Edelblut as commissioner of Education. It is critical that Democrats retain our seat in District 2 this fall and do everything we can to pick up other districts.
While previously all of Grafton County was in Executive Council district 1, with this year’s redistricting most of the PAD area towns are in the new district 2, with only Bridgewater, Bristol, Alexandria, Hebron and Waterville Valley in the new district 1. Last month were had the opportunity to meet Dana Hilliard, Mayor of Somersworth, who is the sole Democratic candidate for EC district 1. I’m thrilled that two Executive Council District 2 candidates (current District 2 counselor Cinde Warmington, and former Grafton County Commissioner Michael Cryans) will be joining us for our August meeting on Wednesday 8/24.
The Executive Council plays a critical but poorly-understood role in our state government. As such it is really important for us to learn more about the Executive Council and the people running to represent us in Concord. Democrats will be choosing our general election candidate amongst Cinde Warmington, Michael Cryans and Bradford Todd of Keene in the Democratic primary on September 13th. Mark your calendars and don’t forget to VOTE!
-Bill Nesheim
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Executive Council District 1
Dana S. Hilliard
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Serving PAD Towns: Alexandria, Bridgewater, Bristol, Livermore, Waterville Valley | |
Executive Council District 2
Cinde Warmington
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Serving PAD Towns: Ashland, Campton, Ellsworth, Holderness, Lincoln, Plymouth, Rumney, Thornton, Unity, Wentworth, Woodstock | |
Executive Council District 2
Michael J. Cryans
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Serving PAD Towns: Ashland, Campton, Ellsworth, Holderness, Lincoln, Plymouth, Rumney, Thornton, Unity, Wentworth, Woodstock | |
Executive Council District 2 Bradford Todd | |
Serving PAD Towns: Ashland, Campton, Ellsworth, Holderness, Lincoln, Plymouth, Rumney, Thornton, Unity, Wentworth, Woodstock | |
Representing all cities and towns in Grafton County
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Grafton County Attorney
Martha Ann Hornick
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Grafton County SheriffJeff Stiegler | |
Grafton County Register of Deeds
Kelley Jean Monahan
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Grafton County Treasurer
Karen Liot Hill
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Grafton County Commissioner District 1
Wendy A. Piper
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Grafton County Commissioner District 3
Marcia Morris
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Grafton County Commissioner District 2
Martha Stroup McLeod
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Plymouth Area Down-Ballot Weekend of Action Canvass!
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About this event
Join Organize NH on August 14th to knock on doors in the Plymouth area for all of our incredible local candidates!
We are so excited to knock doors all over New Hampshire to connect directly with voters on the importance of winning back the state legislature, executive council, and governorship for Democrats. By winning at the local level, Democrats will be able to enact policies that improve the lives of all Granite Staters.
We will start the canvassing shift with our messaging updates and current materials you will need to volunteer. Please contact Sam Weiss if you have any questions or need any accommodations at!
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Volunteer for PAD at the Plymouth Yard Sale
September 10th
9 am- 3 pm
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Calling All Volunteers!
PAD will have a booth at the community site of the Plymouth Wide Town Yard Sale on September 10th. The Plymouth Municipal Airport is the venue for the community site.
The event is from 9am until 3pm, rain or shine. PAD will be there to hand out information on canvassing opportunities, the down ballot local candidates and as well as the top of the ticket candidates, and the new district maps. And a few of our candidates will be there to meet and greet voters.
The town yard sale is much like a town fair, and in addition to yard sale bargains, other vendors and organizations participate. PAD needs many volunteers to assist in setting up, manning our booth, and closing our site down. Don’t miss this opportunity to volunteer, have some fun, and help PAD spread the Democrat message on social justice, environmental stewardship, reproductive freedom, the importance of funding public education. Sign up to help on August 24th general meeting.
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Save Forest Lake
Rally at the Capitol September 15th!
NH House/Senate Must Override the Veto of HB1454
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Support Title IX
Tell the Department of Education that we support safe and welcoming learning environments
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On the 50th anniversary of the landmark civil rights law, Title IX, the Department of Education announced proposed regulations to help fulfill the promise of Title IX. The proposed rule will help ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
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Read: NH Public Schools
Education Freedom Accounts Are Just the Beginning
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The new education freedom account program is a success judging by the number of students participating in the first year.
More students are expected to participate in the second year and state education officials predict it will continue to grow into the future.
One of the most expansive school choice programs in the country, it was sold as a way for students and parents to find the best educational avenues to fit their student’s individual learning needs.
That would be wonderful and would fulfill the education department’s long-standing goal of individualized student pathways, but that is not what happened for a majority of students.
Instead the program has increased the state’s education spending while few students changed their learning environment.
The vast majority of students — around 85 percent — participating in the first year, did not attend public schools the year before. Instead they were in private or religious schools, or home schooled, or too young for school.
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PAD’s House candidate Jordan Applewhite, GCD Chair Ann Garland and PAD member Sebastian Fuentes bring their proud Democrat enthusiasm to the Hanover Fair!
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How global corporations are using white Christian nationalism
Follow the money
Today I want to connect some dots. What do congressional Republicans, Joe Manchin, and Hungary’s Viktor Orban have in common? They all oppose the Biden administration’s proposed global minimum corporate tax — designed to stop corporations from playing one country against another in a worldwide race to the tax bottom. Read or Listen to More
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Plymouth Area Democrats
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