Tuesday, May 23, 2022

Pentecost - This Sunday!

Please wear red this Sunday in celebration of Pentecost. Remember that there will be only one service at 9am. Children of all ages will be welcomed during the children's message to decorate cakes for all to share during fellowship following worship.

Thursday Lay Lead Service

All are welcome to join in a lay-lead service on Thursday, May 25th at 6:30pm.

Thank you!

Thank you to those who joined us on Saturday for Spring Cleaning. A special thank you to the Boy Scouts for their contributions!

Upcoming Painting and Construction

We will be having the fascia painted and a gutter repaired on the church starting on May 30th. This should only last a few days.

Evergreen Chamber Orchestra

June 4th, 3pm at ELC. Get $10 off tickets with code ELC10

Small Groups

The Sunday group has been postponed until fall because of only a couple people signing up. If you would like another time option, please contact the Dufresne's to see if there are others that may be interested. Signup:

Volunteer Training for New Beginnings Worship at Denver Women's Correctional Facility

We’re pleased to share that our congregation has been offered an opportunity to have members become trained as “Green Badge” volunteers at the Denver Women's Correctional Facility. Please consider this Outreach opportunity to share worship time with our Sisters through participation in the New Beginnings Worship program. Training consists of completion of an Application, an Online Course , & a Facility Tour. Having “Green Badge” status allows you unlimited opportunities to worship at the facility as you like, no need to register in advance or go with a group, you simply join their worship services whenever you’d like. Please contact Sandy Lipina, Tara Dallman, or Lynn Kutalek for more information.

ELC Men's Golfing

Join a group to golf 9 holes on Wednesday mornings! Questions? Contact Joe Gerlach:


Blessing Bags

The Outreach Team would like your help in preparing 125 Blessing Bags to be distributed on June 3. We plan to pack bags on Thursday May 25 at approximately 5:30 in the church Fellowship Hall. Please review the Sign Up Genius link below to see the items we still need. Click here to signup!

Bring Them In Ministry June 3

We hope the weather cooperates and will be bringing our grills downtown to be serving around 120 people! Click here to sign up to bring food, serve, or cook.

Coordinator for meals for members needed!

Job Description: Get notified that someone needs meals; Contact the person(s) needing food and ascertain their needs. (Food allergies, delivery plans, food likes and dislikes, duration of need, etc.); Set up MealTrain to line up volunteers. No, you don’t have to cook and provide all or even any of the actual meals and MealTrain is super easy to use. Marcia Henderson can provide training/assistance. Contact the Congregational Care committee via Peggy or Marcia to choose this volunteer opportunity. Peggy (303) 674-4759. Marcia (303) 653-7735.

Summer Worship Hours

There will be one worship service at 9am beginning May 28th through and including September 3rd.


Through the month of May, there is a display of new and donated books in ELC's library. New books that have been purchased through the generosity of ELC's congregation and books that have been donated to the library in memory of Therese Wahlstrom and other books that have been donated anonymously by members of the congregation. These are books that will enlighten, entertain, and inform. Please feel free to sign as many books as you like; just don't forget to return your selection/s after you have read them so that others can enjoy them.

Join us in celebrating Pastor Terry for her 10th anniversary of ordination!

She was recognized at Synod Assembly last week and we are so grateful for her service.

Children & Youth Announcements:

Acolyte Signup

  • Click Here to Signup for Acolyte Slots on Sunday Mornings

Sunday School

  • Happy Summer! We look forward to seeing you in the fall!

Wednesday Night Confirmation and TED

  • Confirmation and TED are on a break for the summer.
  • Want to help with TED? We need a few additional adults to keep us compliant with our SafeHaven Policies. Please contact Erica ( if you are able to occasionally help. 


Adult & Handbell Choir Rehearsals Wednesdays

The Glory Ringers and Adult Choir rehearse on Wednesdays. We will be meeting in the Sanctuary. 

Glory Ringers Have a wonderful summer! We will see you in the fall!

Adult Choir This week is our last rehearsal! See you Wednesday at 7:15pm

Bluegrass Practice Tuesdays 6:30-7:30. First and Third Tuesdays.

Adult Faith Formation

Adult Classes at ELC

Monday Men's Breakfast Meets 7:30am at the Conifer Cafe every other Monday. Contact person is Max Watkins. 

Men's Bible Study Meeting Thursdays, 4pm. Contact people are Rob Bender or Max Watkins. Meeting in Damascus or, join on Zoom! Click Here to Join Passcode: 205697

Java & Jesus meets Thursdays at 9:30 AM (meeting currently via Zoom), is a welcoming, prayerful and fun group of women seeking to grow in learning, faith and community over coffee! On Feb. 2nd we will be beginning a new study of Exodus using the book Journey to Freedom: Discovering the God of Deliverance by Natasha Sistrunk Robinson. The book is available on Amazon. Please join us! All are welcome! The ‘homework’ and book are not needed to attend and participate, there are wonderful discussions and there is no test! Click here to join on zoom, Passcode: 961099

Tom McEwen Adult Sunday School Class This fall we will be focusing on the Prophets, with a special emphasis on how these words and works come to their fulfillment in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and in the ongoing presence of God in the world through the life of the church.

Parenting by Faith meets in the Conference Room. Will Meet during the education hour between 9:15 & 10:15.

Upcoming Events & Needs

at Evergreen Lutheran Church 

Fellowship Needs

There have not been many sign-ups yet no one has starved thanks to the unnamed people who have been setting out goodies, making coffee, and cleaning up. Thank you very much for your work. You have kept fellowship from being cancelled. We can certainly use more Fellowship Angels. Sign up, show up or call Marcia 303-653-7735. Signup:

Reminder for Scheduling Meetings at ELC

Do you have a meeting scheduled at Evergreen Lutheran Church? Please be sure to email with the date, time, and room being used so that we can add the meeting to the calendar. With community groups also using our space, staff needs to be aware of all planned meetings so we can make sure the space is available for those needing it.

Volunteer Opportunities

at ELC & Throughout the Community

Looking For Devotion Writers!

As you may know, we have members write devotions that are sent once a day, Monday through Friday. We are currently low on writers and are looking for more folks to join us! If you are interested in writing, please email Click here to sign up to receive devotions if you do not already.

Sign up for Altar Guild!

A New Signup Sheet has been posted in the Sacristy where the old signup was located. Please check there or let the office know if you would like to be added.

Denver Metro & Mountain Community

Classes & Events

Congregational Care Teams

Home Communion – Karen Cain, Coordinator –, 303-437-3853

If you would like to have communion brought to your home, contact Karen and she will set up a time for you with someone on the team. Pastor Terry has blessed the elements. If you would like a call from Pastor Terry, contact her directly at 303-674-4654,

Prayer Chain – Barb Barclay, Coordinator -- Barb Barclay, or text at 720-333-5890

If you would like the prayer team to pray for you or if you would like to participate in the Prayer Team, contact Barb.

Rides -Beth Knochenmus -Coordinator,, 303-918-9151

If you are in need of a ride to an appointment etc., please contact Beth. If you are willing to provide a ride to someone, Beth will add you to the list of people who are willing to do this ministry and will contact you when a need arises.

Fellowship – Marcia Henderson,, 303-653-7735 

Marcia is coordinating fellowship after services. If you’d like to help serve or provide treats, please let her know.

Meals --We are looking for someone (or more to share this ministry) who would like to coordinate meals for folks who have needs at home due to illness.

Card Ministry – Andy Patella,, 979-549-7569, 303-526-1313

This group is sending cards to folks who have asked for prayers or have other needs.

Birthday Card Ministry- Colleen Dufrense – 303-588-8019 

Phone Calls – Sheryl Hellmuth, Coordinator,, 720-201-6761

This group will give you a call to talk and offer encouragement or just to check in to see how folks are doing.

Medical Information – Coordinator, Karen Schutt,, 303-674-4687 

Karen will help you understand medical transitions and help that is available in our community.

  • LFSRM is serving more refugees and asylees than ever before. Our services have increased 410% since 2022. Did you know that we set up the housing for all incoming refugees and asylees? Our greatest need right now is housing boxes filled with cleaning supplies and household goods. If you are interested in helping with those supplies, please reach out to Mary Feeney Francis, Community Programs Supervisor at or Alejandra Peralta, Volunteer and Community Engagement Coordinator at
  • The 2024 LFSRM Gala is in the planning stages now. If you would like to join the committee to help plan this annual fundraising event, please reach out to Margo Hatton, VP Resource Development at
  • The 2023 LFSRM Tee of for Hope Golf Tournament will be held on July 31, 2023 at the Red Rocks Golf Club. This exclusive venue is stunning and provides a perfect backdrop for a day of golfing with friends all in support of the many programs of LFS. For more information visit
  • Lutheran Family Service Rocky Mountains provide 25,379 nights of care for youth in our foster care program. Youth in our programs move less than any foster care program in Colorado – an average of 1.38 moves vs. the state of Colorado average of 3.38 moves. More stability means better outcomes for the youth in our care!

Men's Breakfast hope you join them again on May 29th at 7:30am at Conifer Cafe!

Click Here For This Week's Worship Stream

Office Hours


Work from home, 8:30 - 3:30


In Office 8:30 - 3:30


available via email in AM

Do you have a special announcement you would like us to include? Please email those with the date you would like it posted to

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