Pentecost - This Sunday!
Please wear red this Sunday in celebration of Pentecost. Remember that there will be only one service at 9am. Children of all ages will be welcomed during the children's message to decorate cakes for all to share during fellowship following worship.
Thursday Lay Lead Service
All are welcome to join in a lay-lead service on Thursday, May 25th at 6:30pm.
Thank you!
Thank you to those who joined us on Saturday for Spring Cleaning. A special thank you to the Boy Scouts for their contributions!
Upcoming Painting and Construction
We will be having the fascia painted and a gutter repaired on the church starting on May 30th. This should only last a few days.
Evergreen Chamber Orchestra
June 4th, 3pm at ELC. Get $10 off tickets with code ELC10
Small Groups
The Sunday group has been postponed until fall because of only a couple people signing up. If you would like another time option, please contact the Dufresne's to see if there are others that may be interested. Signup:
Volunteer Training for New Beginnings Worship at Denver Women's Correctional Facility
We’re pleased to share that our congregation has been offered an opportunity to have members become trained as “Green Badge” volunteers at the Denver Women's Correctional Facility. Please consider this Outreach opportunity to share worship time with our Sisters through participation in the New Beginnings Worship program. Training consists of completion of an Application, an Online Course , & a Facility Tour. Having “Green Badge” status allows you unlimited opportunities to worship at the facility as you like, no need to register in advance or go with a group, you simply join their worship services whenever you’d like. Please contact Sandy Lipina, Tara Dallman, or Lynn Kutalek for more information.
ELC Men's Golfing
Join a group to golf 9 holes on Wednesday mornings! Questions? Contact Joe Gerlach:
Blessing Bags
The Outreach Team would like your help in preparing 125 Blessing Bags to be distributed on June 3. We plan to pack bags on Thursday May 25 at approximately 5:30 in the church Fellowship Hall. Please review the Sign Up Genius link below to see the items we still need. Click here to signup!
Bring Them In Ministry June 3
We hope the weather cooperates and will be bringing our grills downtown to be serving around 120 people! Click here to sign up to bring food, serve, or cook.
Coordinator for meals for members needed!
Job Description: Get notified that someone needs meals; Contact the person(s) needing food and ascertain their needs. (Food allergies, delivery plans, food likes and dislikes, duration of need, etc.); Set up MealTrain to line up volunteers. No, you don’t have to cook and provide all or even any of the actual meals and MealTrain is super easy to use. Marcia Henderson can provide training/assistance. Contact the Congregational Care committee via Peggy or Marcia to choose this volunteer opportunity. Peggy (303) 674-4759. Marcia (303) 653-7735.
Summer Worship Hours
There will be one worship service at 9am beginning May 28th through and including September 3rd.
Through the month of May, there is a display of new and donated books in ELC's library. New books that have been purchased through the generosity of ELC's congregation and books that have been donated to the library in memory of Therese Wahlstrom and other books that have been donated anonymously by members of the congregation. These are books that will enlighten, entertain, and inform. Please feel free to sign as many books as you like; just don't forget to return your selection/s after you have read them so that others can enjoy them.