April 28, 2022
Hello Friends of Grandfamilies,

Below you will find some recent updates and resources from the field. If you know anyone who may be interested in receiving these alerts, please forward this to them and/or encourage them to sign up here.
Join us Today for Our Webinar - Keeping the Spark of Activism Alive 
Join Generations United this afternoon for an intergenerational dialogue on civil rights and racial equity facilitated by author and journalist Juan Williams and featuring younger and older speakers fromStories of Atlantic City. This virtual event is free and open to the public and will take place on Thursday, April 28th at 3 p.m. ET. Register here! 
Kinship Navigator Funding Application 
With your support, Generations United successfully advocated for an additional $20 million for Kinship Navigator Programs in 2022. The Administration for Children and Families has released the fiscal year 2022 application. Title IV-E agencies are eligible to apply. Applications are due by May 20. For more information, see the PDFs linked below. 

Generations United was recently in the news talking about the important role of grandfamilies.

Training Opportunity with Social Security Administration
The Social Security Administration has a new opportunity for third-party organizations to participate in a training to help people start and/or complete applications. Generations United is working with SSA to explore interest in setting up a training. If you are interested in attending, please email Jaia Lent at  
Information sheets and Webinar about SSI for Children
The SAMHSA SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery) TA Center has developed six custom SSI for Children information sheets that present SOAR-specific information about the disability application process for children in an engaging, easy-to-understand manner. Tips are provided for how each community system can contribute and assist in the application process. 

Internet Connectivity Assistance
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently launched the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) to reduce the cost of getting online. The ACP provides a discount of up to: 

  • $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households. 
  • $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. 

Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 toward purchasing a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers. To qualify for this one-time discount, households must contribute more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price. Any household with an individual who receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is eligible to receive discounted internet service through the ACP. Social Security doesn’t count ACP assistance as income or a resource for SSI purposes. Receipt of this assistance will not affect a person’s SSI payment. Read this blog article for additional information. 
Podcast: Threading Equity Throughout Child Welfare
This podcast episode features a conversation with Aysha E. Schomburg, J.D., associate commissioner, Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Nearly one year after her appointment by the Biden administration, Commissioner Schomburg released a vision for the Children's Bureau, with its highest priority being promoting equity in State child welfare systems and the following priority goals: 

  • Prevent children from coming into foster care 
  • Support kinship caregivers 
  • Ensure youth leave care with strengthened relationships, holistic supports, and opportunities 
  • Develop and enhance the child welfare workforce 
  • Listen to the podcast here

Article on Supporting Grandfamilies During the COVID-19 Pandemic
GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy published an article by Generations United’s Ana Beltran entitled “Supporting Grandfamilies During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Federal Flexibility and New Funding.” Read the article and others from the journal here.
The Alliance for Children’s Rights seeks input from parents, caregivers and youth on how best systems and advocates can best engage those with lived experience in policy conversations. If you have lived experience in the child welfare/probation system as a parent, resource family, informal kinship caregiver or youth in foster care, you are invited to participate in a brief nine-question survey. The information gathered will be shared with local and state government agencies and advocacy groups. Click here to take the survey.  
Jamarl D. Clark recently joined Generations United as the Assistant Director of our National Center on Grandfamilies, Jamarl is responsible for helping direct the Center’s work, including overseeing grandfamilies’ engagement, creating and ensuring the quality of the Center’s publications and resources, conducting federal advocacy, and leading the kinship navigator collaborative. Learn more about Jamarl.

Diane Roznowski has transitioned out of her role with Generations United to pursue other opportunities. We wish her the best in her next phase.  
Thanks for reading this newsletter. If you have anything you would like included in future newsletters, please send them to Jamarl D. Clark at We’d love to hear your thoughts on this newsletter. Feel free to reply with any feedback or comments.

The Grandfamilies Team