
The Weekly Word at Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church

Thursday, April 28, 2022

In Search of New Resurrections

One of my favorite writers is the Presbyterian poet, Ann Weems. In her book, Kneeling In Jerusalem, she shares the following reflection in this season after Easter:

We in the church are in danger of becoming a tearless people,

      unable to rage even in a starless abyss.

We have imitated a smiling society,

      glossing over the hurt, the oppression,

      the peacelessness on earth,

or we have become caustic and cynical and despairing,

insisting on looking the other way

      as our church members crawl to the altar,

      the scraps of their lives in their arms.

We were created for covenant keeping

      and yet, we are in danger of becoming a blindhearted people,

buying into the system, placing our hope with kings and corporations.

Have we not seen? Have we not heard?

We persist in clinging to the way things are,

      or eagerly placing our faith in the newest religious fad,

      the latest book on how-to Christianity (in ten easy steps),

or the current slogans presented as though they were the Word of God.

We are programming and papering ourselves into perpetuity,

      and rationalizing and excusing our immorality.

We spend our energy in complaining, gloomily forecasting our future together.

We panic for positions in employment and committee,

      with each special interest group vying for first place in the         


Perhaps it’s time for remembering that Jesus stood in the Jordan

      to be baptized with others,

long ago casting his lot, not with the good church people, but with the

      poor wherever that poverty might emerge.

His name is Emmanuel, and yet, individually and corporately,

      we have named him “GOD-WITH-ME.”

Have we not seen? Have we not heard?

In the light of the cross, the alternative is anything but hopelessness.

      On the contrary!

There is every scriptural indication that we are called to change

      who we are into the kingdom of God.

Where change is possible, new resurrections loom!

(Ann Weems, Kneeling in Jerusalem, Westminster/John Knox Press, © 1993)

May we all hear the good news that where change is possible, resurrection hope continues to live and breathe and inspire us to be witnesses to God’s powerful love on Easter Sunday.

With a full and grateful heart,




Sunday School for All Ages – 9:30am

Worship Service – 10:30am – This Sunday's communion bread is gluten free. Click HERE for the bulletin. There will be no Children's Chapel this Sunday as we celebrate communion in worship.

@The Table Worship – 5:00pm – The Zoom link may be found on the bulletin that’s available for download HERE.

Youth Group – 6:30pm – Fellowship Hall


It has come to our attention that some members of the church have received emails that appear to be from Frank Mansell's work email account, but in fact are scamming attempts. They use Frank's name and ask you to complete a task discretely, and then goes on to ask for money through gift cards. THESE ARE NOT FROM FRANK AND ARE A SCAM. Always check the email address from the sender - emails from Frank will come from frank@wbpresbyterian.org. Any other variation is spam and is not to be trusted. Unfortunately, this is more commonplace for all of us, including in churches, and we have to be vigilant to not engage in these scams. If you ever have any questions about an email that you think was sent from Frank, feel free to call him first! Thank you!


Please click HERE for the Christian Education brochure. 

Vacation Bible School

Knights of North Castle: Quest for the King’s Armor invites children to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of God’s power by exploring how we put on the armor of God. Join us at the North Castle June 13-17 from 9am to noon each day that week for Vacation Bible School (VBS).

To make this VBS week a success, we need LOTS of volunteers to help with snacks, crafts, games, music, bible story time, set design and creation. Please email Blythe (blytheclifford@gmail.com) or Allisen (lettography@gmail.com) if you are willing to help. We will hold a volunteer meeting once we have a group of folks ready to go. Youth in grades 6-12 and college students are welcome to volunteer (preferably those with experience working with children). Come ready to work. Even if you can’t volunteer every day, we can find a place for you to help. Attendees can register HERE.


Pick up your WBPC t-shirt!

The Youth Fellowship fundraiser t-shirts are in! If you ordered t-shirts, you can pick them up outside the Sanctuary on May 1 and 15 following worship. Reminder, it's $20 per shirt (but larger donations are always welcome). If you forgot to place your order ahead of time, there will be a limited number of extra t-shirts on sale after all preorders have been distributed. Contact Anna (youth@wbpresbyterian.org) with any questions or to arrange a different pick-up day. 

Chaperones and Dinner Volunteers – Only 3 More Spots Need Filling!

Our Safe Child policy requires two adults to be present when children/youth gather. Anna is having a hard time filling in the youth advisor team. She is in need of parental/adult assistance for the rest of the year. We’ve also brought back dinner for youth group – which they’re thrilled about! If you’re interested in serving as an adult chaperone once or twice this year, or helping with providing dinner, please sign up to help out HERE

Summer Trips

Mark your calendars for these summer trips now! Anna will be looking for extra chaperones for all of these trips. Adults, take a look at your calendars and let Anna know if you're interested in joining us!

  • Massanetta Middle School Conference - June 21-24
  • Montreat Youth Conference (High School) - July 24-30
  • High School Mission Trip - August 7-13

If you are interested, please contact Anna at youth@wbpresbyterian.org.

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Presbyterians Engage in God's Mission: “Matthew 25 Initiative Promotes Congregational Vitality” Click HERE to learn more.


Thank you to everyone that attended and helped out at our Mission Market and Craft Fair. We had a great turnout and raised over $3200 for the missions of WBPC and the charities we support. We also had a chance to learn more about these great charities. Our blood drive resulted in 12 donations that will save lives!

If you missed the event and want to support our charities, please click HERE to complete a form. Payment can be made online or mailed or dropped off to the church office. Also, consider making a donation to support our preschool on the same form. Your generous support of our missions is so appreciated.


Is there a car that you are no longer using? Do you know of an older adult no longer feeling confident about driving? The unused vehicle in any condition is urgently needed by Wheels 4 Hope. This nonprofit repairs and cleans donated vehicles and makes them available to waiting families who must being receiving services from a partner organization and pay $500 for the car. A vehicle is vital for stable employment. Please share this information with friends and neighbors. A used car can be a life saver.


The Russian invasion of Ukraine has created an enormous refuge crisis in Eastern Europe. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is working with partner reformed churches in Ukraine and Europe for how best to meet the ever-increasing humanitarian need. To learn more about their efforts, click HERE. If you wish to make a financial donation to support these efforts, you can do so directly through PDA or you can make a donation to WBPC and mark it "Ukraine Relief," and we will forward it to PDA.



The Prayer Shawl Ministry at Western Boulevard is alive and well. Heartfelt thanks to all who have donated shawls as they are a wonderful and well appreciated gift when given. Recipients know they are truly surrounded in prayer when they receive one. We encourage anyone who wishes to contribute to continue to do so. We would also like to remind all who want to contribute that there are  four bins of available thread in the closet where the shawls are stored so please feel free to look and see if there is anything you would like to use. Again thank you for this labor of love. If you have questions, please call Deacon Martha Barrick at 919-851-2249.

FREE Prayer Shawl Patterns, Instructions, and Yarn

There is a file box in the parlor closet with free patterns for shawls, baby blankets, and hats and handouts on how to crochet for your use. We also have bags of yarn you can use (not for baby blankets - they need soft yarns like “Pound of Love” brand). If you want to contribute yarn or patterns, please leave donations in the church office. 

Baby Ministry Needs Baby Blankets

Calling all crochet/knitting masters! We are having a lot of fun making prayer shawls and now we have another fun project -- baby blankets! The Baby Ministry wants to present these blankets to babies who are baptized in our church. We have a few patterns you can use and instructions on the type of yarn to use (soft!). We only need a few each year. Please email Yevonne if you are willing to make one of these special gifts from our church (ybrannon@gmail.com or 919-244-6243). Once completed, you may leave your blankets in the church office.

Got Leftover Yarn?

If you are making shawls or other knitting/crocheting projects, you know how you always have a small ball of yarn left over?! Here is your answer! The Food Drive Kids have been putting knitted/crocheted beanie hats (and gloves) in the food pantries. They are very popular and much needed. We do not need these items until next fall. If you have some time this summer and yarn left over, please consider making some hats for next fall. You may leave your creations in the church office and email or call Yevonne (ybrannon@gmail.com or 919-244-6243).





Biblical Justice Forum is beginning a new study: Acting Against Racism, curriculum accessible HERE. On May 2, Becky will lead the discussion of pages 2 - 4. BJF meets via Zoom on Mondays at noon to 1:30pm. Click HERE for participating in Monday's meeting via Zoom. If you would like/willing to volunteer for one of the six lessons (study questions included in the curriculum), please contact Sandy Irving (s-dirving@earthlink.net).


Join your WBPC friends on Saturday, May 14 for a dinner of "Walking Tacos", popcorn, slushies and a screening of the Pixar Classic, CARS. Bring your picnic blankets, lawn chairs, and cooler of church appropriate beverages and enjoy a relaxing evening under the stars.

This is a community event so please invite friends, neighbors and co-workers!

Dinner will be served at 6:30pm with the movie to start around 7:45pm or when it's dark enough. Please RSVP for dinner HERE and kindly note any dietary restrictions. 

Hope to see you there!

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Your church family wants to take your picture for our online directory. We have an ambitious goal: a current picture of every member. We have plans to visit every shut-in to take pictures using the professional background. Please plan to get your picture taken on Sunday, May 8 following worship or May 15. Pictures are taken in Pastor Frank’s office. If you're unable to attend worship, please contact Becky Burmester at 919-395-1373 to arrange a “we come to you photo.” Please don’t be among the missing!


If you are considering separation or divorce, don’t try to go through it alone. Connect with a DivorceCare group either in person or online. You’ll find caring people who understand the issues you face and practical counsel for decision making and managing stress. Contact DivorceCare HERE or speak with a Deacon or Elder for a list of several groups that meet in The Triangle area, churches or online.


Thank you all for expressing your gratitude for/to me on Administrative Professionals Day and everyday! - Quentesa

Are you following @WBPresbyterian on Instagram? Click the icon below to keep up with us. If you would like your birthday included on the monthly birthday list, please update your personal information on Realm or contact the church office. Please refer to the Calendar if you have questions about meetings. If you want to reserve a room, please email admin@wbpresbyterian.org. If you have photos from Church events this year, please share them with us. You may upload your pictures directly to our shared Church album by clicking HERE.


If you have a prayer concern, please contact Frank Mansell (frank@wbpresbyterian.org), Marcia Bennett (sen1969@hotmail.com), or Betty Dean (betdean@nc.rr.com) and request that it be added to the Prayer Chain. Please note that any confidential prayer requests will not be added to the Prayer Chain.


Click HERE for April and HERE for May birthdays!

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