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Vol. 3 Jan. 17, 2024

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Blessings Theresa!

Bible Study

Mark 5:1-20 

Are we ever afraid of the good that Jesus might do in our lives? Do we ever try to send Jesus away? Why?

Blessings, Pastor Ann.

This weeks Bulletin

Annual Meeting Prep

Voters were sent an email containing the annual report and relevant documents. Please take note:

*Changes to the Constitution...

In preparation for the Annual Meeting, please take time to review the proposed changes to the constitution. We believe that might be the most time-consuming part of the meeting if we aren't prepared to discuss it beforehand. 

*Pledge Cards Needed...

Please drop off to the office or email to

Steve will update the numbers on the annual report if it has changed between now and the meeting.

Feb 4th New Day Fellowship...

St. Luke's will be using the parish hall on Sunday, February 4 when we normally meet for coffee. We're wanting to find out if some of you would like to meet at a restaurant or coffee shop following worship. We'd like to get a count so we can let the establishment know. We'd gladly accept suggestions for locations as well. Please email Theresa at if you'd like to have your name added to the count and to make location suggestions.

I am working on the next few craft projects for the kids, but I need your help!

  • Does anyone have a metal stamper, or the ability to borrow one? If you look at this link for washer bracelets, you'll understand what I want to achieve. If you also look at this link it shows you the tool needed to truly customize the bracelets for a certain project.

  • I know scheduling all the children at the same time is challenging, so I have come up with a super simple at home project as a solution to something else I am working on! Could you take some colorful construction paper, trace each hand of each child, and then cut them out and bring to church? Make sure you write on the back side who the hand belongs to...your name won't be displayed, it just helps me keep track of whose hands I have! Feel free to get creative at home with your paper hands! If you want to glitter them up, or color them in, or attach sequins.......that is just fine!

  • ALSO.........see below picture! We are wanting to collect and save Christmas cards for a project for next before you throw them special occasion or holiday cards are desired as well!!

2024 ELCA Youth Gathering

Robert and Anora are excited to have the opportunity to attend the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering held in New Orleans this coming summer! Aside from the monthly noisy offering they will be doing some bigger fundraisers as they will need to raise $4000 total for the trip. You can also use the button below to give online! Just put Youth Gathering where appropriate!

Noisy Offering

We will have a noisy offering the first Sunday of the month through July to assist the youth attending the National ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Bring your loose pocket change, or the entire change jar!





  • Sunday January 21st at 10:30am upstairs conference room.
  • All congregants are welcome to attend council meetings.
  • If you would like to request time to address the council please contact Merlene Brockway at (208) 317-3757 or email

Stewardship Letters have been sent!


Thrivent Choice Dollars & Action Grants

  • Do you have Thrivent Choice Dollars that need to be allocated? This is your friendly reminder that New Day would appreciate your generosity if you choose us as your recipient.
  • Are you able to help New Day fund projects through an Action Grant? Pastor Ann can help you with ideas or assist you in applying. 

Annual Meeting January 28th 10:30am Parish Hall

  • All voting members are encouraged to join us for the annual meeting. We will be voting on updates to our constitution at the January Annual Meeting

Health and Safety Committee

  • We are working on a CPR/First Aid/AED training for those interested.

Small Groups


Women's Coffee

Mondays 10am Church Parish Hall

Bible Study

Mondays 6pm Church Columbarium Narthex

Beer Group

Tuesdays 3pm Idaho Brewery Idaho Brewing Company

Men's Coffee

Thursdays 10am Greenhouse Coffee

Book Club

1st Wednesday each month 4pm Church Parish Hall

Luther Heights

Click the picture to see the schedule. Did you know we are a congregational owner of LH?!

News From St. Luke's

Their annual meeting will be on February 4th. We will not have use of the parish hall for fellowship that Sunday.

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