Summer 2022

This newsletter contains news and information of interest about
Montana Rural Teacher Project. Thanks for staying informed.

Inclusive Community Camp

Earlier this month, our Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) students, many of whom are part of the MRTP, traveled to MSU to work with young learners from the local community. The elementary MAT students were camp leaders for the Inclusive Community Camp (ICC), a day camp experience for kids with diverse support needs.

The secondary MAT students were camp leaders fro the Middle School Mentor Leadership Experience Camp that occurs in conjunction with ICC. Dr. Sarah Pennington was the instructor and facilitator of the Middle School Mentor Leadership Experience Camp. When asked about the success of the week she said, "over the course of the five mornings, I watched middle school students and their MAT camp guides develop positive bonds, learn and laugh together, and talk about big concepts like active listening and how to give and receive kind but helpful feedback." These interactions demonstrate what amazing educators these MAT students will become as they grow into the profession. 

Within the first days of camp, the MAT students shared exciting learning experiences with their campers as well as their appreciation for the ability to meet their cohort in person. Dr. Janet Gordon, the External Evaluator for the MRTP grant, also traveled to campus to experience the week of camp in person. On day two of camp, she conducted focus group interviews with the MAT students. The word cloud below was created using their responses about highlights of their camp experience. 

Mentoring Update

We are busy matching mentors with the second cohort of MRTP Graduates. As they take up their first positions this fall, each of these 13 graduates will draw support from an experienced Montana teacher of a similar grade level and subject area. The mentors completed MRTP-designed training in June that included assigned readings, 14 to 16 hours of online coursework, and 6 hours of virtual workshop sessions. The mentors are excited and ready to guide their MRTP partners through their first years of teaching!

MAT Curriculum Review

Currently, the Master of Arts in Teaching program offers applicants with a bachelor's degree a pathway to complete a teacher preparation program and become a licensed Montana teacher in as little as one year. However, it is clear there are more pathways needed to get teachers into classrooms. Over the summer, instructors of the MAT program met to discuss curriculum changes to help meet the needs of the state. Be on the lookout for an update about these upcoming changes.

Do you know someone who would like to be a teacher in Montana?

Elementary track starts - January 2023

Preferred application deadline - October 1, 2022

Secondary track starts - May 2023

Preferred application deadline - January 1, 2023

If you know of prospective applicants, please invite them to contact Jamie O'Callaghan.