In the First reading From the Book Of
Gn 1:1-2:2
Conditioned by his primitive knowledge of the universe, the author describes creation as he sees it, dividing all he sees in six portions calling them days. We are dealing with a didactic poem. Each stanza even has a refrain: " Evening came..." The lesson: Work six days and keep one day free for rest and worship of your Maker, whom you should meet in all of creation.
The Responsorial Psalm is that that we put our trust in Jesus because of his love and kindness and that he has done great things for us, so we should be filled with joy and love for him and to be like him
in your self-giving.
In the Second Reading, From the Book of Exodus
Ex 14:15-15:1
This well known story tells us about God's wondrous intervention, saving Israel from bondage in Egypt. The Exodus tale, with God's care for those enslaved, has somehow been referred to by numerous liberation movements ever since. "Tell Ole Pharaoh, O let my people go!"
We Christians relate our freedom from sin's bondage through the water of baptism to Israel's Exodus through the waters of the Red Sea. But isn't life a constant struggle? Our freedom through baptism is just initial. Only with determination and God's help shall we overcome. That' what we celebrate today.
In the Third Reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah
Baptism does not give rebirth only; it gives also strength to keep moving. Water is essential for the traveler in the desert. Like the scoundrel and the wicked man in Isaiah, we may stumble in the desert of life. God's invitation is: "All you who are thirsty, come to the water, " which is my word coming down like rain. It will keep you going if you expose yourself to it in daily Bible reading! "Almighty, ever-living God, ... by the preaching of the prophets you proclaimed the mysteries we are celebrating today.
The Epistle
The baptismal ceremony Paul mentions is the baptism by immersion that was generally practiced in the earl Church. The old self, with its egotism and sin, was buried in the baptismal water and a new person, a Christian, arose from it.
However, we should not forget that this "dying with Christ and rising up to a new life" is an ongoing process until it is fully realized in the life to come. For that reason we renew our baptismal commitment. Its meaning is a renewed dying to our sinful self and a new and more Christian life with the risen God.
In the Gospel of Luke
Lk 24:1-12
This evening's service draws on the symbolism of light versus darkness. The Liturgy identifies darkness with sin, ignorance, and insecurity. For people who walk in darkness, Christ shines as a bright light. The Easter Candle symbolizes "Christ our Light". We are invited to revive in ourselves the grace of our Baptism. New candidates will be baptized. All will renew their baptismal commitment.
Through baptism, we participate in the Lord's resurrection and are "children of the light." Christ is the true lamb who took away the sins of the world. By dying he destroyed our death; by rising he restored our life."
People who are getting up in age are advised to have their eyes checked for glaucoma every so often. You may be on your way to partial blindness without being aware! A similar thing can happen to our Faith. It too is a vision, and it can be blurred easily by the neon lights of commercials and popular shows on the screen. Focusing on the real light which is the risen Lord, may be beneficial. And that is what Christians are doing all over the world.