Juneteenth and Father's Day

There's a lot to celebrate this weekend. Starting with commemorating the end of slavery in the U.S. and championing the ongoing struggle for equity and justice. Recognizing Juneteenth is an important step in our growth as a country. Our hope is that Juneteenth is a unifier and a conversation starter. A way for us all to celebrate the freedom that was granted to African Americans in 1865. While acknowledging that true freedom hasn't been fully realized. There's much work to be done, and our hope is that the market can be a place for awareness and education, and a little bit of change.

This weekend is also about honoring the people who 'father.' Dads, grandfathers, step-fathers, foster dads, big brothers, and uncles, and mothers who have to play the role of father... the people who mentor and guide and help us grow. We see so many strong and nurturing fathers within our own market family - amongst our farmers, and vendors and are volunteers. And so many of you who bring your children to market each week, instilling in them, a love for local food, and the community where they live. Creating memories. We're thankful for all you do and wish you a happy Fathers Day.