Online@JSU this Week | 11.11.24

JSU Certified Online Instructor

This semester, the JSU Certified Online Instructor Course (COI) has been undergoing a redesign. Please stay tuned for upcoming communication regarding changes to the COI, as well as an opportunity to register. Our excitement has been building, and we believe you will be excited, too!

Classic Quizzes, New Quizzes, & Honorlock

In this week's Monday Minute series, we will explore Classic Quizzes, New Quizzes, and Honorlock. Faculty at Jax State have the option to use either Classic Quizzes or New Quizzes, or both.

You can learn more by visiting Module 6: Canvas Quizzes & Honorlock in the Canvas 101 tutorials course.

Course/Instructor Evaluation Schedule

  • Full Semester Fall 2024: November 20 - December 2nd
  • Fall Semester B and Fall Semester Block 2: December 2nd - December 8th

Helpful Resources and Links from Online@JSU

Questions or Comments?

Visit our website, email us at, or

call us at 256-782-8172.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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