June 17, 2022

Dear Residents –


We finally set the date for the Grand Opening of our new playground at Veterans Memorial Park. Be sure to mark your calendar for Thursday, June 30, 2022, starting at 4:00 pm. In addition to the unveiling of the park’s name, there will be music, a food truck, an ice cream truck, and some POP-A-LICIOUS popcorn, so bring your appetite and be ready to have some fun as we celebrate the new playground. To steal a line from the Pointer Sisters, "I'm so excited!"


The playground is perfect for all of you with little ones looking for things to do this summer without having to drive too far from home. And, if all goes well, we will have a new splash pad in place by the summer of 2023.


As the work on Middletown Road continues, I want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding. I think it is a good time to remind everyone why the Town undertook this project. Many years ago, after 3 pedestrians were killed, another seriously injured, and a lawsuit brought against the Town, the Town hired professional traffic engineers to develop a plan to make the road safer. As someone who has lived in Pearl River for 30 years and has personally witnessed the dangers of Middletown Road, I am personally relieved that this is being done and anxiously look forward to a safer, more-pedestrian friendly Middletown Road. 


My office has put together a petition in support of a new playground at Elizabeth Place Park in South Nyack. The old playground was recently taken down due to its dangerous condition and failure to meet ADA requirements. Signing this petition will help the Town with its grant application and funding for a new, state of the art playground. Would you please sign the petition and show your support for a new playground? Thank you.


Happy Father's Day and Juneteenth Day!



Teresa M. Kenny
Town of Orangetown
26 Orangeburg Road
Orangeburg, New York 10962
(845) 359-5100 x 2293
Town of Orangetown

Photo Credit:  George Pejoves

American Friends of Lafayette

DeWint House, June 11, 2022

June 28, 2022 - Public Hearing:

  • To amend Chapter 43 in the Town Code to address zoning in the Hamlet of South Nyack (continued from 5/24/22)

July 12, 2022 - Public Hearing:

  • Proposed zone change for a property on Gatto Lane in the Hamlet of Pearl River (continued from 6/14/22)

AND on August 2nd (NEW DATE) at 7:00 pm, the Comprehensive Plan Committee will hold a Public Hearing on updates to the Comprehensive Plan in Town Hall. All are welcomed.

Public Service Announcement
Orangetown Police Department

With so many outdoor gathering on the horizon, it is never a bad time to remind everyone - if you see something, say something.  It is better to be safe than sorry.

Upcoming Events

The Carnival is back in Pearl River!

This weekend only!

Friday, June 17th through Sunday, June 19th!

6:00 pm till 10:00 pm

Look, but don't touch young deer!

Dear Friends, the Hudson Valley Humane Society asked that we share their post regarding newborn fawns. Deer will deliver their newborns in the strangest of places! Residents will find them and be concerned about a newborn deer on their lawn, in their garden, under the azaleas, etc.

Most call because they think the fawn is in peril and Mom is nowhere to be found. Well, Mom is actually off feeding and helping to keep predators away. Those who call ask what they should do for the fawn... Leave it alone, do not touch, move or attempt to feed it.

Here's the scoop. Deer are NOT like horses. They do not have their legs under them immediately and need time to rest after birth. Horses get up and go that's the sign of a healthy horse. A healthy fawn will curl up, nap most of the day and move their heads. They have no scent and predators cannot find them unless humans interfere. Mom leaves during the day for 2 primary reasons: to feed, and to keep her scent a distance from the fawn. Mom will come back (unless something tragic happens to her), but don't expect her until dusk and certainly don't expect her if humans are hovering around.

If you are fortunate enough to have the gift of a fawn please enjoy the experience, respect Mother Nature and let the Mom do what comes naturally. She will move the fawn daily so you may see it in different locations. For further questions please call or text the HVHS at 917-701-3870 thank you.