• THIS WEEK IN PNEC                May 11, 2023

PNEC Vision Statement:

"United in Faith...Committed to Love...Created to Serve"

Penn Northeast Conference UCC, 431 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA 18071

www.pnec.org  610-826-3113

Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates   bonnieb@pnec.org       

Barbara Jennings   barbaraj@pnec.org

Patty Rehrig   pattyr@pnec.org


Bonnie's Letter

Matthew 37: 37-39

Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'


Dear Friends,


Yesterday I presented a one-hour program at Moravian Village at the invitation of the Spiritual Life Committee. They wanted their residents to know something about the UCC. Some of our UCC folks were present but most of the group were from other denominations.


During our time together, one individual asked me to explain being open and affirming. I did so, accenting the broadness of the definition – not just welcoming and affirming LGBTQAI individuals, but those with cognitive challenges, physical challenges, mental health challenges, those of different races and ethnic groups, those from differing theological backgrounds. I mentioned that we have 9 Open and Affirming (ONA) churches in our Conference. It is a number that disappointed some of the residents. It disappoints me as well.


I did explain that we have several congregations who are, in fact, welcoming although they do not define themselves as ONA. I mentioned to them that for people who have been hurt by the church, ONA is like the “welcome mat” that tells those folks that the church is a safer place for them. I did say I wondered how many of our congregations were basing their beliefs on histories about sexual orientation being a “choice” rather than a biological part of an individual’s being.


Maybe we need to have this conversation again in our Conference. I know we need to have the conversation in all the congregations who are welcoming but reluctant to identify as ONA. Are you a part of one of those congregations? Do you want to learn more, explore more, and make a commitment to welcome, affirm, and love all our siblings in Christ? I will help you. Others in our Conference will also help with the education, as will the national Open and Affirming Coalition. Stretch out your hands in love, my friends. Blessings, Bonnie

GEM Fund (Grants for Energizing Mission)

         I want to share with the congregations and pastors of PNEC about a scholarship grant that is offered to boost ministry in local congregations. The scholarship is called GEM (Grants for Energizing Ministry) I do not know how many follow current trends, but some do believe that a gem (or Crystal) will not only increase energy, but also assist in healing. 

         As a pastor, I will admit of a little skepticism of how much a stone can provide energy and healing; however, I do believe that active, creative church ministry can and will accomplish both.

         To assist local congregations, PNEC offers a small ministry grant. To qualify, it must be a ministry that enhances the Spiritual life and extends the Gospel mission to the community. Preferrable it should be a new endeavor, as it is considered “seed money,” but an expansion/upgrade of an existing ministry will also be considered. The grant will cover up to 50% of the estimated cost but not exceed $2,500. It is important that the congregation adds its own support with the limited funds creating the cap.

If you want a few grant examples, GEM grants have assisted with upgrading live streaming, improved technology to improve sound quality, assisted with aging ministries and more.

          To apply for the grant is easy. Go to PNEC website (www.pnec.org) On the top, you will see the link- resources and scholarship info. Click on it, then scroll down to GEM Fund, which is the bottom link. After clicking on the link, a brief description of the grant is written, then at the bottom you will see: Click Here for how to apply for a GEM grant. Then complete the application process.

         Please consider applying for a GEM grant, and hopefully the new ministry will create some needed energy. The GEM fund team looks forward to hearing about your potential ministry.



 Dale L. Sattizahn, Chair of the GEM Grant

Introducing Journeying toward Racial Justice with Ibram X. Kendi

by Bonnie Bates

 (If you are interested in reading this book and joining conversations with other members of PNEC, please let us know. This book study and conversation will count as the required Anti-Racism Training for Authorized Ministers.)

The United Church of Christ has a long history of addressing and advocating for an end to racist policies and practices, including systemic and institutional racism within the Christian church. In 2003 General Synod 24 adopted a resolution calling for the UCC to be an antiracist church stating that “racism is rooted in a belief of the superiority of whiteness and bestows benefits, unearned rights, rewards, opportunities, advantages, access, and privilege on Europeans and European descendants.”


Through the Join the Movement toward Racial Justice initiative we are making explicit and concrete our antiracist commitments so that the UCC might live more fully into the historic efforts we’ve made to becoming an antiracist denomination. We are building on the revolutionary work of our freedom-making ancestors as we cultivate intersectional movements with healing and repair at the center and align ourselves with the movement of the Spirit toward justice.


Every setting of the UCC, from local churches to global partners has a role to play in expanding our practices of antiracism and strengthening our capacities as partners and participants in the burgeoning racial justice movements of our time.


To equip us on this journey toward racial justice,

we are calling on the whole church to engage in an all-church read of

Ibram X. Kendi’s book, How to Be an Antiracist.


Blurring the lines between memoir, history and social analysis, Kendi’s book invites readers into the moment-by-moment work of creating greater racial equity. By sharing stories of his own journey, he helps illuminate how each one of us is being presented with opportunities both large and small, both individually and systemically, to build a more just world through our policies and practices. We hope you will take this opportunity to lean into understanding and dismantling racism based on biology, ethnicity, body, culture, behavior, color, space, and class, as you equip yourselves for the intersectional struggle for racial justice that addresses overlapping networks of oppression and bigotry.


As Kendi says in his introduction, “This book is ultimately about the basic struggle we’re all in, the struggle to be fully human and to see that others are fully human.” As people of faith, we know that this kind of loving regard is an essential part of our discipleship. We hope you’ll join with so many others in exploring how this book and these antiracist practices can move us toward racial justice!

Faith Formation Community of Practice

(this is a new COP being offered)

Facilitator: Janet Newett, pastor of UCC Greenawalds, Allentown

This COP will be a half year commitment and will cost $125

Any Authorized Minister Interested - Please email or call Patty at the Penn Northeast Conference Office - pattyr@pnec.org ; 610-826-3113

Generosity Updates

  • Upcoming Stewardship Webinars

Selected 4th Wednesdays

7:30pm - 8:30pm

Eastern Time Unless Noted -- Webinars Are Not Recorded


“They asked only one thing, that we remember the poor, which was actually what I was eager to do.” -- Galatians 2:10 NRSV

Dear Friends,

We have an opportunity to take action toward addressing period poverty in our communities. The new Period Packs/Menstrual Hygiene Kits recently introduced by Church World Service (CWS), a UCC partner, is one way to help individuals living in period poverty. Unfortunately, many of these individuals lack permanent housing, are in transit or otherwise do not have reliable access to spaces where they can easily clean and sanitize reusable products. The kit provides several products that promote cleanliness and health during a menstrual cycle.

Thank you to all who have already donated to help with purchasing supplies for the General Synod service project, including our sponsors: United Church Funds, Insurance Board, United Church Homes and the Council for Health and Human Service Ministries.

There is still time to give and CWS has pledged to match your donations up to $7,000, so now your gifts will be doubled!

Ways to Give

1. Make a secure gift online

2. Text to give: UCCPERIOD to 41444

3. Mail a check (payable to United Church of Christ with “Period Pack kits” in the memo) to:

United Church of Christ, P.O. Box 71957, Cleveland, Ohio 44194

General Synod delegates and guests can also bring already assembled kits to Synod to drop off in the collection bins that will be available. Whether or not you’re attending General Synod, you may participate by assembling kits at your church using these easy instructions. To assist your efforts, you can apply for a $250 UCC kits matching grant. For more information about the UCC kits matching grants, contact: Craig Hoffman, Program Assistant, UCC Global H.O.P.E., a ministry of Wider Church Ministries.

We are heartened by your emails and phone calls sharing stories about Period Pack parties hosted in homes, and at churches, to assemble kits. If you don’t already have an event planned, consider hosting an event on World Menstruation Day (Sunday, May 28) to increase awareness, take action toward menstrual justice, and/or make a donation to support the Period Packs/Menstrual Hygiene Kit service project at General Synod.

Thank you for your generosity and your eagerness to “… remember the poor.”

With Gratitude,

Rev. Dr. Monica Dawkins-Smith, Executive Associate, Wider Church Ministries, United Church of Christ

UCC DIgital Programming - Nurture the Soul

PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF MINISTRY at Lancaster Theological Seminary

summer online classes


May 23–June 27, Tuesdays from 7-8:30pm on ZOOM

Would you like an introduction or a refresher on biblical interpretation? Clergy and laity are invited to join instructor Kelsey Wallace for an introduction to the art and practice of biblical interpretation. Old Testament / Hebrew Bible. Details here..


July 11–Aug 15, Tuesdays from 7-8:30pm on ZOOM

Instructor Kelsey Wallace. New Testament. Open to all laity and clergy; Biblical Interpretation 1 is NOT required. Details here.

PATHWAYS Theological Education, Inc. is a 501c3 program that grew from a program of the Southeast Conference UCC. It remains affiliated with the Southeast Conference. The program offers a full menu of courses for those seeking authorized ministry, for those wanting continuing education, and for those looking for a progressive theology, ethics, or practical church course. The courses are asynchronous, geographically unbound, affordable, and aligned with the UCC Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers. Please be in touch with any questions. You may apply online at pathwaystheological.org.


Supervised Ministry Program

PATHWAYS offers a six-course series in Supervised Ministry. The participant finds a ministry site and supervisor. The supervisor oversees the participant’s internship as the participant takes the facilitated asynchronous online courses. There is a four-week introduction to supervised ministry followed by six 9-week courses. The titles and schedule of courses are listed below:

Supervised Ministry 2023-2024 Schedule

Intro to Supervised Ministry (June 3- June30, 2023)

Supervised Ministry I Entering a Place of Ministry (July 10 - Sept 17, 2023)

Supervised Ministry II The Transformative Context of Pastoral Care (Oct 2 – Dec 17, 2023)

Supervised Ministry III The Practice of Worship Leadership (Jan 8 - Mar 10, 2024)

Supervised Ministry IV Faith Formation in the Parish (April 8- June 9, 2024)

Supervised Ministry V Leadership in the Midst of Change (July 8 - Sept 15, 2024)

Supervised Ministry VI Leaving a Place of Ministry (Oct 1 - Dec 17, 2024)


Six-Week Course Schedule through the Early Fall 2023

Summer I: Courses Begin May 17, 2023

Summer II: Courses Begin July 5, 2023 

Fall I: Courses Begin August 21, 2023


ACPE-certified Community-Centered Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)

PATHWAYS will offer a 24-week ACPE-certified CPE course in the Fall 2023. Applications are due by mid-August for a November 2023 course. The course originates with the Sankofa CPE Center but you apply through PATHWAYS. From the website: “Learners can choose diverse learning settings including social justice/activism venues to meet their clinical hours. Digital ministry can also be a focus including tele-chaplaincy and online worship. This 24 week program.

Freedom School Scholar Enrollment is Open!

Dates- June 20, 2023- July 29, 2023

Time- 8am-1pm Daily 


  • Muhlenberg College- Multicultural Life 2400 Chew St. Allentown
  • Easton Area Community Center- 901 Washington St. Easton
  • RCDC- 144 N. Ninth St, Allentown
  • Promise Neighborhoods of the Lehigh Valley- 333 Union St. Allentown

Katarah A. Jordan M.Ed

Director, James Lawson Freedom School



Resurrected Community Dev. Corporation 

144 North Ninth Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18102 

Walk to Combat Family Homelessness

Join us on June 3rd

 Family Promise of Lehigh Valley has been selected to be a participating organization in the Annual Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community. This year the walk will be held at DeSales University on Saturday June 3, 2023. 

The Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community is an annual fundraising walk that benefits local health and human service agencies.  Our participation will help Family Promise build awareness and support for the many children and their families who are experiencing homelessness in our area. 

Highmark Inc. coordinates and underwrites the cost of the walk so that 100 percent of the money raised by our walkers goes to Family Promise.

The primary goal of the Walk is to help participating organizations raise money for their individual missions. The secondary goal of the Walk is to energize community members to have a greater hand in their health by becoming or staying physically active.

  • Registration is free! However walkers can fundraise for Family Promise if they wish
  • To qualify for the 2023 Highmark Walk T-shirt, you must meet the following requirements:
  • Be a registered walker AND have a minimum of $30 credited to your walker account by the walk date. All T-shirts will be given out on-site.

Please consider joining us by doing the following:

  • Watch for and share walk information on our Family Promise Facebook Site
  • Put together a team to walk on behalf of Family Promise
  • Walk as an individual
  • 5K Walk begins at 9:00 A.M. - 1 Mile Walk begins at 9:15 A.M.
  • Purchase a Family Promise Tee-Shirt for $10.00

For more information or to sign up to walk click below or contact Family Promise at 610-351-1368 or visit our website at www.fplehighvalley.org

Click Here to Register

A Film Showing and Discussion on Nonviolent Activism

Qualifies for Anti-Racism Training with a paragraph or so about your learning

Wednesday, May 17th

4pm Pacific, 6pm Central, 7pm Eastern.

Register HERE for this free online event.

Love & Solidarity is an exploration of non-violence and organizing through the teachings of Rev. James Lawson. This free online event includes a discussion about the film with the filmmaker and a panel discussion on the role of nonviolence in contemporary Christian activism.

Questions? info@justiceleadership.org

Hosted by the Justice Leadership Program and Southern New England Conference of the UCC

Lehigh Conference of Churches 2022-2023 Annual Meeting

Moving Forward Together

May 18, 2023

Please join us for our annual meeting, #MovingForwardTogether. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. with the business portion of the meeting at noon. Executive Director Abby Goldfarb will be recapping the impact we made in our community this past year and what plans the Conference has for the future! 


We will also be recognizing outgoing board members and staff service anniversaries. The Ecumenical Service Award will be presented at the conclusion of the meeting.


Refreshments will be provided. $15 for member churches, and $20 for non-members.

Location: The Barrister's Club - 1114 Walnut St, Allentown, PA 18102

Date: Thursday, May 18th

Time: Doors Open at 11:30 AM

(Advanced Registration is Requested)

Click Here to purchase your ticket today, registration closes May 15th.

Sponsorships available for the 25th Anniversary CPE Event at Phoebe

Dear Friends of Phoebe,

The Clinical Pastoral Education program at Phoebe Ministries is designed to offer clergy, seminary students, and qualified community members of all faiths the opportunity to practice ministry to senior adults in a variety of settings under supervision. This program has been accredited by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education since 1998. To date we have trained over 200 students who now serve in various pastoral roles and ministries.

On June 15, Phoebe will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of our CPE program with current students, alumni, staff, generous donors and members of the community. Click Here for Flyer. The Reverend Naomi Washington-Leapheart, currently Director of Faith-Based and Interfaith Affairs for the city of Philadelphia will be speaking at the event. She is a graduate of Lancaster Seminary and an ordained UCC minister. The event will take place at the Lehigh Country Club, at 2319 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Allentown, PA 18103. 

If your church, business or organization would like to be a sponsor for the event, I’m attaching a form which explains the various levels that you can sponsor at. Our UCC Churches, Associations and Conferences and Phoebe have been partners in preparing people for ministry for many years. Your support of this significant milestone in our history will help the CPE endowment fund as well as make this event possible. Our CPE endowment at Phoebe now ensures that any student wanting to do CPE with us, can do so regardless of their ability to pay. 

Here is the link to the sponsorship page on our website: https://phoebe.org/cpe-25-years-sponsorship-form/ If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to be in contact with me. Peace, Scott


Scott Brooks-Cope, D. Min.

Regional Director, Pastoral Care and Education

Phoebe Ministries, 1925 Turner Street | Allentown, PA 18104

Upcoming Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry (PAM) Classes

Click Here for List


Boundary Training Offered

  • Thursday, Sept. 14 in Schuylkill Haven

Attached is a flyer. This training is appropriate for new clergy or those who are due for boundary training and would like to complete it with one basic class as a refresher. Register here: https://basicbound0114.eventbrite.com/.


UCC News Digest

Click Here to Read


UCC Webinar on Police Violence and Environmental Justice

In Atlanta, faith leaders have been involved in a struggle to confront violence in multiple forms as they seek to prevent the destruction of the Weelaunee Forest for the building of a police training facility in a predominantly Black community. Through their actions for a just world, these faith leaders have additionally sought to honor Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán who was killed by the Georgia State Police while protecting the forest. This webinar will feature faith leaders from Atlanta as they share with us about this cause of justice. Even if you cannot make the webinar at its scheduled time, still sign-up, and we will send you a link to a recording of it. Register now!

[Hyperlink: https://UCC.zoom.us/webinar/register/5916814999887/WN_929exdZBR4qLupdGdeMt-g ]


Do you feel hopeless and helpless when you hear the daily disasters about our planet? Take heart, because you can do something about it. By planting native plants in your gardens, in pots on your balconies, with your children in their schoolyards, you can support the wildlife you love and make a difference in preserving our planet.

Thanks to the tireless work of many conservation advocations, there are many resources available. The National Wildlife Foundation has a program called Garden for Wildlife. They also have a Native Plant Finder by zip code to find the best native plants for your area. Please see Garden for Wildlife.

 Dr. Doug Tallamy, an entomologist, ecologist and conservationist and professor at the University of Delaware has written several wonderful books about how we can take action to help the cause of conservation including Bringing Nature Home and The Nature of Oaks. He has a wonderful website, Homegrown National Park, where you can find lots of information on planting native plants in your garden. The best news is that Dr. Doug Tallamy is coming to the Lehigh Valley on May 9! He will be speaking at First Presbyterian Church from 7-9. The event is free, but registration is required. Please register on the Wildland Conservancy’s website.

We also have a terrific native plant nursery in the Lehigh Valley, Edge of the Woods Native Plant Nursery, 2415 PA-100, Orefield, PA 18069 (https://edgeofthewoodsnursery.com ). In addition, our local Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Lehigh and Northampton Counties is holding a Native Plant sale at their Pollination Celebration on June 17, 2023 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Burnside Plantation, 1461 Schoenersville Road, Bethlehem, PA.

Disaster Ministries

Disaster information on Mississippi and Alabama

In March 2023, deadly tornados ripped through Mississippi and Alabama. On March 24th twenty tornados touched down in the two states. The town of Rolling Fork, MS was severely damaged. One week later, on March 31st, severe thunderstorms again tore through the U.S. Midwest and Mid-South . These storms spawned dozens of tornadoes across seven states. The town of Wynne, Arkansas was especially hard-hit. In the wake of these storms, lives were lost, downed trees interrupted electrical power, and some towns were almost completely destroyed.

Caring responses have begun through national and regional organizations. Varieties of aid and assistance are needed. People in these communities express hope for rebuilding and restoring their daily lives, even as they are surrounded by destruction. The UCC Disaster Ministries provide physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual care to those affected by disasters and respond through a network of Conference Disaster Coordinators