January 13, 2024

Bovine Colostrum - not just for baby cows!


I was very intrigued by a newly released book called MMM Theory. MMM stands for Microbiome Mucosal Milieu. The author of this book sets forth the hypothesis that autoimmune diseases are not the body actually attacking itself but trying to rid the body of various toxins, resulting in the immune system behaving abnormally.

In this book the topic of colostrum came up as a means of assisting the body in the healing process. The author went on to mention a classic text on the subject of colostrum - Peptide Immunotherapy: A Physician's Reference Guide- and that is what brings me to my topic today.

I hope you are as intrigued as I am! Please join me:

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What is the "Microbiome Mucosal Milieu"???

"The microbial mucosal milieu (MMM) is an entity that is located throughout the body and is not limited to any particular location in the body. The microbial mucosal milieu can be viewed as a continuously vacillating system that shifts with ongoing adaptation to maintain healthpromoting homeostasis for both itself and the human body. Imagine for a moment the peak of a sand dune amid an expansive desert. The peak of that dune will have an ever-changing GPS location, just as homeostasis is always adapting and ever-changing."

Here is a lengthy & very informative book excerpt
I was very fortunate to stumble on a "highlights" document on this very technical tome on colostrum.  I will be referring to this throughout today's program.  Click here to view and save this excellent information to your files!

Some potential practical applications of colostrum therapy

Acid Reflux

"Mouth, ear, nose and throat (M-ENT) probiotics plus colostrum is an MMM approach to avoiding and treating GERD. Supporting the integrity of the gastro-esophageal MMM provides support and remediation of the MMM, minimizaing and reducing inflammation and symptoms of GERD."

In the book MMM Theory, author Dr. Chris Melitis recommends a combination of colostrum with specific probiotic strains to help with this problem, an approach brand new to me. He also encourages the same for upper respiratory issues such as bronchitis and asthma.

Until learning this I had not thought about probiotics for the ear, nose, mouth and throat, but it makes perfect sense. Consider using for health problems such as sinus problems, bad breath, recurrent throat infections, etc. (Another targeted product for the microbiome in that area is from Silver Fern Brand and called Nano Spay, a specially formulated colloidal silver nasal product.)

Inflammatory Bowel Conditions

Speaking of colostrum, author Chris Melitis writes: "For children and adults, it provides the magic when taken with a diverse dose of probiotics. Colostrum works syner-gistically with commensal bacteria (probiotics) to enhance the intregrity of the MMM and normal immune function, providing multiple applications - in the GI tract and elsewhere in the body. It helps maintain a robust MMM."

For these issues he recommends a combination of colostrum with gut-targeted probiotics, and I found this product which perfectly suits his list:

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