For questions about CASA News, please contact Alyssa Downs.

Happy New Year!

As we bid farewell to the old and usher in the new, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Your continued support and dedication have made CASA what it is today. Take a look back at our Year in Review Summary and Graphic, both of which highlight many of our achievements in 2023. We truly appreciate your unwavering commitment to California’s clean water community and we look forward to seeing you in just a few weeks in-person at our Winter Conference in Palm Springs and our Washington D.C. Policy Forum.

2024 CASA Winter Conference Just Around the Corner

Join us at our upcoming Winter Conference in Palm Springs, January 24 – 26, 2024! Gather with your colleagues to discuss cutting-edge ideas, connect with industry experts, and cultivate valuable relationships. Don't miss out on this unique chance to expand your knowledge, gain fresh insights, and elevate your professional network. The conference will feature interactive panel discussions and roundtables to facilitate the open sharing of ideas, as well as plenty of networking opportunities.


Registration is still open! CASA’s room block is already full at the Hilton Palm Springs Hotel, but contact Cheryl MacKelvie to get on the waiting list or to find out about hotels near our conference location. Check out the preliminary program to get a jump start on your planning. We hope you can join us as we set the tone for a successful and impactful year ahead!

CASA Washington D.C. Policy Forum Registration Now Open!

Registration is open for the Washington D.C. Policy Forum. Hosted at the Willard InterContinental Washington, D.C., the event will feature an excellent program with speakers including Congressional staff, reporters, and other thought leaders providing their perspective on the upcoming election and other exciting developments of importance to California’s clean water professionals. We are pleased to share that we will once again be hosting a special meeting with USEPA at their offices on February 27th. If you plan to attend this meeting or have any questions please contact Greg Kester. We hope you will join us in our nation’s capital to strengthen our advocacy and promote our collective federal agenda on February 26 - 27, 2024.

CASA Member Survey: We Need Your Input

To help guide our priorities for the coming years, and maximize the value we provide for our membership, CASA has put together a brief survey. CASA rarely distributes surveys to our full membership, and your input is absolutely essential. This is your chance to weigh in on the important issues impacting your agency, let us know how you engage with CASA, and share which aspects of CASA membership you find most valuable (and also where we can improve!). The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete, and you can review a PDF copy of the questions prior to responding to the survey online. We are looking for responses from all individuals who engage with CASA, so multiple responses from a single agency or company are encouraged! As a valued CASA member, we thank you in advance for your participation.

If you have questions related to state legislative updates, please contact Jessica Gauger.

Governor Releases 2024-25 Budget Proposal

Yesterday, the Governor released his 2024-25 Budget proposal. As expected, there is a significant revenue shortfall mostly attributed to volatility in high-income personal income tax revenue due to the 2023 correction in the stock market along with significantly delayed income tax receipts. On the bright side, the Governor’s Budget assumes a $37.9 billion shortfall – much less severe than the $68 billion shortfall estimated by the Legislative Analyst’s Office in December 2023. The Budget incorporates the following combination of measures to close the shortfall in the budget year: 

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LAO Report on Water Conservation Regulations

Last week, the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO), a non-partisan analysis unit for the Legislature, released a report analyzing the state’s water conservation regulations as required by conservation bills passed in 2018 (SB 606 and AB 1668). The report is available here: Included in the report are several recommendations for the Legislature to consider, including extending some conservation deadlines, increasing the bonus incentive percentage for potable reuse, and making changes to how variances are provided. The report does not provide an analysis of impacts to wastewater systems but acknowledges that DWR is tasked with doing an analysis by 2028, and further reiterates that wastewater systems will ultimately bear many of the costs associated with conservation efforts.

If you have questions related to federal legislative updates, please contact Sarah Sapirstein.

Office of Water Assistant Administrator Radhika Fox Stepping Down

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Assistant Administrator for the Office of Water, Radhika Fox, has announced she will be stepping down from the position at the end of February this year. She was the first woman of color and person of Asian American descent to hold the position. During Fox's three-year tenure as Assistant Administrator, she oversaw the Office's major policy and regulatory priorities to improve the quality, access, and affordability of the nation's water resources.

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CASA Secretary-Treasurer Tony Trembley Takes the Helm as Mayor!

We are delighted to share some wonderful news: CASA Board Member, Tony Trembley, has recently been sworn in as the Mayor of Camarillo! Tony is an invaluable member of CASA, and as Camarillo welcomes him into the role of Mayor, we are confident that his commitment to public service, innovative thinking, and collaborative approaches will bring positive and transformative action during his tenure. Please join us in extending our heartfelt congratulations to Tony, sending all the best in this new and exciting chapter!

SWRCB Adopts Direct Potable Reuse Regulations

On December 19th, the State Water Board made California history by granting approval for direct potable reuse regulations, also known as DPR. California’s water and wastewater associations are joining forces to celebrate this momentous achievement. United in the spirit of ‘One Water’ we are proudly working together to build California’s utilities of the future. “Adoption of the DPR regulations is a pivotal step forward for the clean water sector and all Californians. Increasing water reuse opportunities and maximizing options for resource recovery will provide an important public benefit and, help cultivate a sustainable water supply for the future,” said Adam Link, CASA Executive Director.

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Charleston Water System Flushable Wipes Class Action Settlements

Federal District Court Judge Richard Gergel has given preliminary approval to wipes-related Class Action Settlements between the Charleston Water System and the defendants. The significance of these settlements is underscored by their similarity to Charleston Water System's 2021 settlement with Kimberly-Clark Corporation, and they are designed to benefit Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) nationwide. The settlements aim to ensure that the flushable wipes meet the national municipal flushability standard and that better warnings are provided on the packaging of non-flushable wipes. This, along with the previous Kimberly-Clark settlement, is expected to significantly reduce the impacts that POTWs face from wipes-related maintenance, equipment damage, and sewage overflows.


Settlement documents and information are provided at The final fairness hearing is scheduled for March 8, 2024, at 10 a.m.

Water Leadership Institute Program 2024

The 2024 application period for the Water Leadership Institute program is now open! Gain a supportive community of water professionals and mentors, sharpen your leadership skills, and grow professionally. The Water Leadership Institute program educates, trains, and provides opportunities that enable developing and emerging leaders to build strong, lasting relationships within the water sector. Participants engage in management training and leadership development through a blended learning approach that includes the examination of complex challenges facing the water and wastewater sectors and networking with public and private sector practitioners. The 2024 Application Period is Now Open through 11:59 pm PT on January 17th! Learn More About the Water Leadership Institute Program.

Water-Energy Nexus (WEN) Registry

The Water-Energy Nexus (WEN) Registry is a voluntary greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting program, open to all organizations with operations in California, including water suppliers, distributors, end users, wastewater managers and organizations with large water footprints. WEN participants will be provided a suite of tools and resources to measure their GHG emissions associated with various water processes for FREE until March 2025.

Some of the benefits for WEN participants are:

  1. Understanding the impact of water on GHG emissions
  2. Monitor Climate Action & Resilience Plans
  3. Standardized GHG accounting methodology

Read more about the Water-Energy Nexus and why it matters and subscribe to stay up-to-date The Climate Registry’s WEN Registry re-launch and be notified when WEN webinars such as “Ask the Expert” will be.

Enhanced Source Control Workshop

Join CWEA during their 2024 P3S Conference for an Enhanced Source Control workshop. California’s role as water reuse pioneers continues with pending regulations for direct potable reuse (DPR). A critical component to protecting DPR systems is an increased focus on pretreatment and sewershed monitoring, frequently called enhanced source control. Join California’s leading wastewater experts for in-depth discussions and information sharing about regulations, research, case studies, and success stories from managers and inspectors implementing their new enhanced source control programs. For registration and more information, check out the flyer.

WELL 12th Annual Conference

The Water Education for Latino Leaders (WELL) 12th Annual Statewide Conference will be held from Friday, March 15 to Saturday, March 16, 2024, in San Jose, CA! WELL will bring together top water policy experts and practitioners to share their knowledge on California’s top water challenges and the opportunities to mitigate the impacts. Join WELL at their annual conference to expand your water knowledge and provide water solutions for your community.

Early Bird Registration Fees ends January 18, 2024.

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CASA represents more than 130 local public agencies engaged in the collection, treatment and recycling of Wastewater and biosolids to protect public health and the environment. Our mission is to provide trusted information and advocacy on behalf of California clean water agencies, and to be a leader in sustainability and utilization of renewable resources.

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