Dear Melisa,

The Vascular Division from the University of Utah's Department of Neurology wants to share with you what's new in the clinic, their labs, and the community.

We hope that these updates will help you get to know your doctor better and help you find the resources you need.

Talk with a Stroke Doc

Vascular Division Chief Jennifer Majersik, MD, presented “Talk with a Stroke Doc” at the first-ever Talks with Docs event. It discussed stroke care, stroke research, and other neurovascular topics, and it sparked a lively Q&A session!

If you were unable to attend the event, or if you couldn’t get an answer during the live session, don’t worry—Dr. Majersik and her team gathered your burning questions and prepared a series of thoughtful responses.

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Exploring the Evolution of Stroke Care: A Seasoned Neurologist's Perspective

We had the privilege of speaking with our longest-serving faculty member, L. Dana DeWitt, MD, the Medical Director for the Inpatient Neurology Service at the University Hospital.

In our conversation, Dr. DeWitt shared her personal journey, notable changes in stroke care throughout her tenure, and her vision for the future of this critical field.

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Vascular Division

Department of Neurology