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House Update - Opening Soon!

We're nearly there!

If you've driven by the Mater Filius house recently, you will notice that the house is not quite complete. As such, we will not be moving into the house or starting our service in December, as hoped. We had a five week delay this summer with the HVAC contractor, and now those five weeks have caught up to us.

The house is now scheduled to be complete sometime near the end of January. This is good news, as it gives the contractors time to complete the house in top notch fashion for the moms and kids who will live there, and we all have more time to keep praying and preparing! We are at peace with this timeline and know that the house - and all the women/babies who need housing and will live there - are in the hands of God and the Sweet Love of Mary.

We will keep you posted as we approach the completion of construction and announce our move-in plans early next year. We'll need many hands to make light work!  

New! Provide or sponsor items for our Chapel!

A few more items are needed to furnish both the house AND our Chapel!

In addition to a few specific furnishing needs for the house, we also have a list of items that we need in order to complete our beautiful, on-site Eucharistic Chapel.

You could provide any of the items on our needs list, or choose to sponsor the cost for us to acquire them.

Download our list of needs and contact us if you would like to bless the house with a beautiful liturgical item.

Furnishing/Chapel Needs

Wish List Items Needed for Start-Up

We still have many needs on our

Wish Lists in order to serve moms

Our Wish Lists online:

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Lists on our Give Page

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Pledge Partners ensure a better future - for us and the moms & babies we will serve

Our Life Defender Pledge Partner program encourages supporters to consider recurring monthly donations to fund our ongoing operations.


A steady income helps us budget and be the best stewards of our funds. It increases our impact, allowing us to focus on the moms and babies.


Thanks for Defending Life with Love!

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