This email contains the latest information on Skills for Life 4: Bilateral Upper Limb Loss Workshop. We look forward to seeing you in Houston, Texas October 22-25, 2015!
The Therapist/Prosthetist Workshop will happen on Thursday, October 22nd and the Main Workshop will take place October 23rd-25th.
Check out the updated Preliminary Program
for the latest schedule of events, including Activity Day.
** Attention Therapists **
A training course for the Assessment of Capacity for Myoelectric Control (ACMC) will be held following the Skills for Life Workshop. This will be the FIRST time the training has been offered in the US. For more information please contact Wendy Hill.
The SFL Workshop will be videotaped. We will have consent forms at registration for you to sign if you agree to being videotaped. If you choose not to sign, we will make sure you are not included in the video.
Spanish Translation at Skills for Life 4! This service will be provided simultaneously through headphones to those needing the service.
- Printable Flyer (in English and Spanish)
- Preliminary Program
- Hotel Information and Reservations
- Attendee Registration (in English and Spanish)
Please consider sponsoring bilateral upper limb loss individuals attendance at SFL. The donations will be used to help offset some of their travel expenses.
Contact us
if you are interested.
Don't forget to check out our
Event Sponsors Section and make sure to thank them for their support!