The Arkive: Ark and Dove's Newsletter
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6th Sunday of Easter
May 22nd, 2022

In-Person Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 am, every Sunday!
Livestream Worship, 10:30 am, every Sunday!
*Sunday School for Pre-K-5th Grade during 10:30 am Worship, every Sunday!
Get your bulletin here.
*Register for Sunday School here.

Children’s Music Sunday at 10:30am service

You can connect on YouTube HERE.

Message from Pastor Tim
Dear Friends and Members of the Ark and Dove Community,

I have noticed over the years that some members shy away from the word “leader.” They don’t want that title because they feel it imparts responsibility which they might not be able to handle. And yet, many of these same people are leaders nonetheless. At Ark and Dove we currently have 7 elders, 9 deacons, a clerk of session and a treasurer. That’s 18 leaders. Maybe those are the roles that people fear? I was reviewing the recently updated Organizational Chart of our church and I counted 32 additional people who are team leaders. That makes 50 leaders. Rebecca tells me she recently did 28 one on one meetings with music leaders but 5 of them are already mentioned above so that makes 73 leaders. We have 3 lay readers and 5 ushers who are currently serving solely in that capacity and that makes 81. Then there are assorted Worship, CE, Outreach and Connections, Mission, Admin and Facilities leaders, including some youth that ratchets the count up by 46 which makes 127 and no doubt I have missed 10 more – so let’s call it 137 leaders. Hmmn, that’s real close to half the church. Not too shabby. Just don’t call them leaders; you might scare them. But you can offer private prayers of thanksgiving and they won’t know.

Our General Presbyter at Baltimore Presbytery is the Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Taylor. She leads our work at the Presbytery. In light of recent events this week she provided the following prayer.

Breathe on us, breath of God and fill us with life anew.

God, Divine Love, we come to you anxious, fearful, sorrowful, and angry. We are surrounded by hatred, violence, greed, racism, war, disease, and systems of oppression. The air we breathe is filled with the soot of uncontrollable wildfires and the ground beneath us feels unstable. Sometimes it feels like we are always on the brink of some disaster; political, environmental, or created by the sin of humanity. Today, God, we remember those affected by the shooting in Buffalo, New York and at the PCUSA church in California.

Remind us, loving Creator that we are also surrounded by Your love, grace, peace, and abundance. May we examine our own hearts and by your power, remove anything and everything that keeps us from being the beloved community. Care for us and protect us as we work for justice and draw us closer by the power of the Holy Spirit so that we may imitate the ways of Jesus the Christ in all that we say and do.

In the name of the Risen One we pray….Amen.

-Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Taylor


Message from Pastor Jon
Dear Friends and Members of Ark and Dove,

Of utmost importance to me are the Black friends, teachers, colleagues, and authors who have taught me the history and reality of Black life in America. I grew up in an almost all white community in Massachusetts and my awareness of Black history and experience came from the classroom and my friend, Tiffany. As I do after an act of terrorism, I have wondered how the man who targeted Black people at a Tops supermarket in Buffalo came to believe racist theories like the one that motivated his attack. I have wondered what is the difference between him and me. It is not an easy line of thinking, but it has brought me back to thanking God for the Black friends, teachers, colleagues, and authors who told me the truth.

This is not to say that white people like me should go begging people of color to teach them the truth of their experience. White folks like me do better in reading books and articles from Black perspective, some of which you can find in our library or from our Antiracism team (email Paula Sparks, [email protected]). One of the reasons for this is because there are racist falsehoods spread online all the time and people are increasingly introduced to them. Even though these false theories do not lead most people to violence, they cause incredible hurt. One of the best ways to prevent the spread of racist ideologies is to listen and learn from those who have been harmed by them.

Remember, when the Syropheonician woman responded to Jesus, he listened to her and it impacted him for our sake.


Verse and Prayer
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

-John 14:27
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh upon us. We need comfort for these tumultuous days. We need solace in the anxiety-inducing hours. We need peace in these violent times. Grant us, with the breath that we take, a sense of calm and a feeling of grace. Settle our minds and hearts to be a loving presence in the time that we share. Amen.
I am excited to be collaborating with our Children’s Choir directors to help the children lead the music at the 10:30 service- both in song and with chimes. I know they’ve been working hard to prepare a meaningful worship service. The chime choir will play at the 9:00 service as well. 

Our Adult Choir is working on preparing our big African piece, Baba Yetu, which we will sing on June 5th. We will be joined by a number of Morgan State students that morning, so you won’t want to miss this Pentecost Sunday!

Director of Music
DONATE ONLINE! One-time and recurring!

TEXT your donations! 410-983-3481
Text give to get started. Text commands for more options.
To donate for Ukraine help, text amount followed by Ukraine.
To donate to One Great Hour of Sharing, text amount followed by GreatHour.

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
April Month End Financial Statement
YTD Expected Unpledged Income $16,667
Actual Unpledged Income $5,862
Behind $10,805

YTD Expected Pledged & Electronic Giving $170,472
YTD Actual Pledged & Electronic Giving $161,528
Behind $8,944

Bulletin - 6th Sunday of Easter
Ministry and Membership Class
Come learn more about the life and ministry of Ark and Dove and how you could get involved! An informational, no-obligation ministry and membership class will be held Saturday, May 21st from 9am -11am with breakfast available, childcare can be provided if needed. Email Outreach and Connections Elder, Katie Nilsen-Johnson with any questions or to RSVP ([email protected]).

How Close Can You Get?
Calling All Allies!
Justice, Kindness, Mercy, and Allyship are verbs that require action. In the aftermath of vandalism on our signs, several community members have reached out and offered to finance the replacement of our signs or posted support on various social media sites. Others have misunderstood the banners and posted their thoughts as well. Let’s show our community that Ark and Dove continues to support the Black Lives Matter movement, openly affirms All of God’s Children, and advocates for all who are marginalized or oppressed by lining Piney Orchard Pkwy in force on Friday, June 3rd from 4:30 – 6:00 in a peaceful demonstration. We need 50 people to sign up! Please see below for the sign up sheet. Let’s put our words into action! Any questions, please reach out to Paula Sparks [email protected].

Let's Read!
Are you aware that Ark and Dove has a library? It’s located in the Ark and Dove Room which connects with the sanctuary, and it needs some help! The Anti-Racism and GLEAM teams under Mission are partnering with the Education ministry to update the library and to create a special library space for young children. We are in need of:

  • A few people who would be willing to work with Pastor Jon to re-organize the current library
  • Donations of gently used books focused on inclusivity that support our call to mission and mercy (banned books are welcome)
  • Donations of gently used books focused on diversity and inclusivity for young children
  • Any recommendations for books that the committees might consider purchasing

If you are able to help, please email Paula Sparks, [email protected]
STAIR of Annapolis Needs YOU!

Start The Adventure in Reading (STAIR) is requesting support from Ark and Dove members to volunteer as literacy tutors with second graders. For more information ad , please see the Mission Ministry bulletin board in the church lobby or visit their website below.

Join us at the Moral March on Washington June 18th
We encourage you to join a group of Ark and Dove members in attending the Mass Poor People's & Low-Wage Workers' Assembly & Moral March on Washington and to the Polls on Saturday June 18, 2022. As a Matthew 25 church, the priorities of the Poor People's Campaign align directly with our Matthew 25 pillars. This will be a declaration of an ongoing, committed moral movement to 1) build power, 2) shift the political narrative and 3) make real policies to fully address poverty and low wealth from the bottom up. Please see below to complete all 3 steps to sign up:
  1. Sign up on our SignUp Genius
  2. Register on the Poor People's Campaign website
  3. Register and pay for the bus from Annapolis**
**If there is interest, we may create a carpool from Ark and Dove to the bus in Annapolis for early June 18th.

Please reach out to Lori Kronser ([email protected]) with any questions!
Ukranian Relief Aid Special Offering

You can help people in Ukraine with special offerings to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA). To donate for Ukraine help, visit our online donation page, text amount followed by Ukraine, to 410-983-3481, or simply notate on your check 'Ukraine'.

Outreach and Connections
Parent Group Meeting
Parent Group will meet for a potluck lunch after the 10:30 service on Sunday, May 22 at 11:45am. All caregivers of school age children are welcome! Please bring a dish to share and rsvp to [email protected]. Childcare will be available for a small shared fee.

Annapolis Pride
This year Ark and Dove will be participating in the Annapolis Pride parade and festival June 4th from 12:00pm to 5pm. We need volunteers to help set up, march in the parade, work the booth, and clean up. Please see the sign up genius below to sign up! If you have any questions contact Amanda Crose at [email protected]


Spring Flower Planting
Join the facilities ministry for flower bed maintenance and flower planting on May 21st from 9-11am. We will be digging out the bed beneath the lobby window, laying top soil, and planting flowers. Please bring gardening gloves. Everyone is welcome! Please contact Autumn Vernon at [email protected] for any questions.

Christian Education
Ark and Dove Book Club - Special Summer Book Series
Join Pastor Jon and Kim Champagne for a discussion of the second book “Home” from Marilynne Robinson’s highly acclaimed series “Gilead” on Tuesday, June 21st at 7:30 on Zoom. Email Kim Champagne for additional information and a zoom link ([email protected]).

Youth Christian Education
Vacation Bible School

You’re Invited to Vacation Bible School!
Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church
Monday-Friday, July 18-22, 2022, 6:00-8:00 PM

The program is offered to children entering Pre-K through 5th grade. Stay tuned for more information on registration, which will be available in the Arkive and on the church website in June. We need your help to make VBS a success! Please complete the form in the bulletin to get involved, or CLICK HERE. All questions should be sent to Christina Nelson: [email protected].

Prayer Requests
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for Debbie Saylor's Family and Friends: Carlene Printy, Richard and Carol Jasper, Helen Rossum, Wayne Rennex, & Alison Buffington; The Beckwith family on the passing of Mary Jo Hannold, Laurie Barrow’s Aunt; prayers of healing for Steve and Donna Beckwith, family of Laurie Barrow, recovering from surgery; Karen Mongold, colleague of Ray Bussey; Donna Kurtz who is waiting test results; for a women, E.B., and her children, leaving an abusive home environment; Irina Lee, Jan and Al Jank's daughter-in-law, recovering from surgery; William Campbell, grandfather of Cherese, with cancer; the family of Olive Mullings, grandmother of Keno’e Mullings, who recently passed away; Chris and Jeff, friends of Deb Saylor; Amber Maschino, neighbor of Craig West; for the Lucas, Montgomery, Danko, and Dodson families for the loss of Jacqueline Lucas; for the Raber family, friends of Carrie Dodson, on the loss of Colton Raber; Dotty Kaufmann; Jack Sweeney, fighting cancer; Mary Lou Dulina, friend of Cheryl Schafer; friends and family of Alexander Miller who has passed away; Alvin Dennis and Audrey Price; Ashton Borsella, heart surgery; Charlotte Davie; Donna Williams; Courtney Dudley Thomas, recovering from a stroke; Tiffany Thompson, starting a new round of cancer treatments; Courtney, Deborah Dingle’s niece, in the hospital suffering from brain cancer; Anna Scofield; the people of Ukraine; Lou Kareha's friends and family: Aubriella and Michael Steele, B. Wicker, James Karanasky (sister-in-law's brother), Thomas Kochis (cousin), and Nando Smacci (friend); Mike and Denise Bartgis' son-in-law; Kathy Miller's brother-in-law, Jeff Miller, and sister, Beth Krauth; Lourdes Cordero's family and friends: Diane Cordero (sister), Jose (brother), granddaughter, and Fred and Arelene Jones (friends); Laura Willoughby's father, Norman; Justin, Kelly Burnett's nephew; Kelly Burnett; Christy Hipchen’s nephew and grandmother, Ann Chubon; Josh Arnold; the family of Mike Esparza; Steve Debus' father, Bill Debus; Amy Tardiff’s Aunt Fran; Michelle Schoonmaker; Michelle Schoonmaker's friends and their children: Kai S., Liam F. and Ezra R.; Floretta Watkins-Barbee, Michelle Schoonmaker's Aunt and Ylonda Fauntleroy’s friend; Bernice Taylor, Michelle Schoonmaker's great aunt and Ylonda Fauntleroy’s Aunt; Cameron Jackson, Ylonda Fauntleroy’s cousin, dealing with a difficult situation; Frank Stillwell; Mary Caolo; David Johns; Angela Goska; Belinda Edwards; Karen Stokes; Betty Small; a friend of Bob Fuller; the Unger family; Debbie and Bruce Arey family: Sarah, and her daughter, Allison (niece), and Denise (Debbie’s sister) suffering from life-long chemo; Calvin Latham; Brianna Lapp; Ann Hirschy's family: Isaiah, Aunt Cindy, and brother; Ann Hirschy, recovering from knee surgery; Adell Gaurin; Carol Saylor; Carol Saylor’s family: sister-in-law who passed away of stomach cancer, and granddaughter being bullied at school; Ray Bussey's mother, Doris; Liz Olson; Vaughn Brown; Arlyce Lohr; Dick Paronto; Amy Hagemann’s sister, Susan Pratt; Mary Benson’s sister; Bill Lifsey Sr., Amy Carskadon Lifsey’s father-in-law; Helen Wilkens' mother, Jane Reinert; Karen Dodson’s cousin, Miles and the family; Pam, Carrie Dodson's friend; Lewis Shorter; Jennifer Schwandt-Gayle, Lewis Shorter’s niece; Dot Forloine’s Family: Melisa Tucker Saatthoff (granddaughter) and Luke (great-grandson); Dot Forloines; Linda Taylor’s mother, Izola; Amy Goldberg’s grandmother, Ruth Cooper; Diane Johnson's Family: Uncle Ed, Aunt Janet, and Cousin Richard; Diane Johnson's friend, Tom; Shelley Franklin's father; James Franklin's sister-in-law, Kelli Franklin; Gunther Kurtz, Laurie Barrow’s nephew; Bernabe and Griselda Solano, and Griselda's sister, Irma; Carl Hahn, Laura Doughty’s brother-in-law; Ruth Doughty, Paul Doughty's mother; Cheryl and Doug Walcutt’s Family: Cheryl Walcutt (mother of Cheryl), Judy (sister of Cheryl); Don Clark, friend of Cheryl Walcutt; Margaret Schade, Erika Sealing's grandmother; Rob Yeager’s friends: Greta Daughtrey and Peter Brown; Linda Jordan, Christy Yeager’s mother; Bonnie, Linda Jordan’s niece;

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Patriceo Green at [email protected] and he will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.

Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church | 410-674-6400 | [email protected] | | 8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy. Odenton, MD 21113