Sharing news from November thru mid-December 2023

One Health Happenings

New to the One Health Conversation? Learn - What is One Health?

One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent. The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate changes and contributing to sustainable development. The One Health paradigm forges co-equal, all-inclusive collaborations between animal, plant, environmental and human health arenas, i.e. chemical, engineering and social scientists, dentists, nurses, agricultural/horticulturalists and food producers, wildlife and environmental health specialists and many other related disciplines that fall under its purview. The reader can review a compilation of organizations that are actively working to advance the One Health paradigm shift and many additional  organizations and individuals that declare support for the concept.

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Season's Greetings

from the

One Health Commission



Thank You to all leaders of One Health Day 2023


The 8th Annual global One Health Day didn't break any records but we made a good showing with 95 events registered so far ( We know, just from events included in One Health Happenings newsletters (especially this one), that there were many more than that. If you/your organization led 'any' One Health events in 2023, you can still submit them ( ) for inclusion on this year's One Health Day 2023 map. It is a separate submission form from the One Health Happenings newsletter submission.

Congratulations to All Who Participated!!!!


One Health at COP28 in Dubai

COP28 Declaration: One Health Steps Delight Many, Others Show Cautious Optimism

Popular Media Article - December 9, 2023

Author: Stella Paul In: Global Issues

“The three-page document called “COP28 Declaration on Climate and Health” says that the parties will facilitate collaboration on human, animal, environmental, and climate health challenges. Implementing a One Health approach would include addressing environmental determinants of health, stepping up research on the connections between environmental and climatic factors and antimicrobial resistance, and finding zoonotic spillovers early to stop, prepare for, and respond to future pandemics. While the declaration is not legally binding, it serves as a voluntary call to action outside the formal process of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). So far, 124 countries have signed it.”


December 2, 2023

Australian Medical Association (AMA) One Health Position Statement

The Australian Medical Association recognises the inextricable link between humans, animals, and environmental health, conceptually coined One Health. In its One Health position statement released ahead of the United Nations Conference of Parties (COP28) meeting on climate change, the AMA called for an end to donations from the fossil fuel industry to political parties and for fossil fuel subsidies to be transitioned to renewable energy. “The AMA recognises climate change is a health emergency, with clear scientific evidence indicating severe impacts for humanity right now, and worsening into the future…..It is time to put an end to the major contributors to climate change. We must end our reliance on fossil fuels” said AMA President Professor Robson. One Health is a concept that recognises that human, animal, and environmental health are inextricably linked. The AMA’s position statement also calls for the planned Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC) to adopt a One Health approach to protect environmental, animal, and human health. Read the formal Position Statement.


Time to Treat the Climate and Nature Crisis as

One Indivisible Global Health Emergency

Over 200 health journals call on the United Nations, political leaders, and health professionals to recognize that climate change and biodiversity loss are one indivisible crisis and must be tackled together to preserve health and avoid catastrophe. This overall environmental crisis is now so severe as to be a global health emergency…..The world is currently responding to the climate crisis and the nature crisis as if they were separate challenges. This is a dangerous mistake. The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP) on climate change is about to be held in Dubai while the 16th COP on biodiversity is due to be held in Turkey in 2024. The research communities that provide the evidence for the 2 COPs are unfortunately largely separate…..See the full list of journals where this article was published.” Image Credit: NOAA/NASA GOES Project

Article Citation: Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, et al. Time to Treat the Climate and Nature Crisis as One Indivisible Global Health Emergency. JAMA Surg. Published online October 25, 2023. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2023.6231


Launch of the Guide to Implementing the Quadripartite One Health Joint Plan of Action at National Level

In-Person Side Event at the COP28 Health Pavilion - December 10, 2023

Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This event launched the Implementation Guide for the One Health Joint Plan of Action, which has been developed under the leadership of the WHO, in close collaboration with Quadripartite partners. It featured a diverse panel of representatives engaging in an insightful discussion and a Q&A session. The panelists shared their perspectives on how this implementation guide can assist various stakeholder groups in implementing a One Health approach. Event was live streamed. See the Launch Event Agenda. See the Guide Listen to recording of the Launch event at COP28 - (Scroll to bottom of page to see recordings, then scroll down in the ‘Recordings Titles’ box to 10/12/23 at 13:30 - 14:45 GST )



FAO’s Regional Virtual Learning Centers (VCLs), its One Health Knowledge Nexus 

And Communities of Practice (CoP)

The FAO Regional VLCs are online hubs established to develop and improve One Health capacities in all FAO regions and subregions. The One Health Knowledge Nexus ( is one of those VCLs. It is powered and governed by the Quadripartite in support of activities of the One Health Joint Plan of Action. The One Health Knowledge Nexus facilitates collective knowledge generation in Communities of Practice by providing an online space, resources, coordination, and networking opportunities to share, generate, exchange, and critique knowledge and evidence and learn from each other on relevant One Health topics to support the mainstreaming of One Health. To get involved, Create a VCL Account then choose what CoP you want to be part of.


European Cross-agency knowledge for One Health action 

EU agencies support One Health agenda in Europe.

November 13, 2023. Addressing threats to health and well-being requires implementing a One Health approach, recognising the interdependence of humans, animals, plants and ecosystems. In this statement, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), European Environment Agency (EEA), European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA) express their joint commitment as EU agencies to fully support the One Health agenda in Europe.


One Health in the South Caucasus Region

Reports on One Health operations in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia

EcoHealth Alliance and regional South Caucasus One Health experts have launched reports assessing One Health operations in the South Caucasus region. The reports outline progress that Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia have made in implementing One Health and identify continued needs for One Health system strengthening. Highlights include:

  • Overview of current One Health and biodefense initiatives, national plans, policies, biosurveillance systems, and multi-sectoral coordination mechanisms;
  • A country-specific risk profile that identifies key factors for infectious disease emergence, spread, vulnerability and mitigation;
  • Case studies examining implementation successes and challenges at subnational and country levels;
  • Key recommendations that synthesize findings on themes including One Health coordination, workforce and training, biosurveillance and monitoring of disease risks, laboratory systems, disease prevention and control, vulnerabilities, and financial resources.

See the reports:


World Bank Group Report

Protecting Food Systems, Preventing Future Pandemics: The Case for a Central Asia One Health Program

October 13, 2023

“The Central Asia region already has a strong foundation for implementing One Health as a result of efforts there with the World Bank, the Quadripartite organizations, and the US CDC. Central Asian countries share animal species, farming systems, movement and trade patterns, and existing mechanisms for cooperation, which will help in developing a coherent regional response… This report sets the tone for Central Asian countries to work together to proactively prevent emerging infectious disease outbreaks….Adopting a One Health approach in Central Asia could improve productivity and the trade of animals and animal products, enhance the region’s preparedness and response to disease outbreaks, and generate savings from sharing crucial information on animal and human health….We may be on the precipice of another health pandemic, but the case for prevention is clear and the adoption of One Health is paramount. Central Asia is taking on the challenge and setting an example for other regions and countries to follow.”

Report citation: World Bank. 2023. Protecting Food Systems, Preventing Future Pandemics: The Case for a Central Asia One Health Program. © Washington, DC: World Bank. License: CC BY-NC 3.0 IGO.

Preventing Future Pandemics,

Protecting Food Systems and the Environment:

Central Asia One Health Framework in Action

November 28-29, 2023 Event to Approve a Central Asia One Health Framework for Action. Almaty, Kazakhstan. The World Bank facilitated government officials from Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan to approve the Central Asia One Health Framework for Action, a regional cooperation program designed to enhance the quality and productivity of health, agriculture, and environment sectors across the region. The framework serves as a strategic plan and investment structure, requiring collaboration across sectors for effective implementation of the One Health approach. It addresses three priority issues, that are the control of zoonoses, the prevention of antimicrobial resistance and ensuring food safety. Contacts: & See the Press Release.


Quadripartite One Health Intelligence Scoping Study (OHISS) - Final Report

An initiative of the Quadripartite Alliance funded by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and coordinated by FAO….. In June 2021, the G7 Carbis Bay Health Declaration requested that the Quadripartite conduct a scoping study to identify opportunities for further technical harmonization of their systems to strengthen One Health Intelligence and to improve global health security...The key recommendation is creation of a global One Health Intelligence System (OHIS) that would establish a framework to link, strengthen and further develop One Health intelligence activities. OHIS would support the Quadripartite One Health Joint Plan of Action, and the national and global needs for early warning of ongoing and emerging threats. A Quadripartite-led approach to global One Health Intelligence will help to reduce the threats to global health security posed by risks across the One Health spectrum, including environmental changes.


June 28, 2023

A One Health Priority Research Agenda for Antimicrobial Resistance

“A joint product of the Quadripartite organizations –FAO, UNEP, WHO and WOAH - and a result of extensive stakeholder and expert engagement. A structured mixed-methods approach was used including reviews of academic and grey literature, online open global survey, and consensus exercise by modified Delphi method in which global experts prioritized research areas for the five pillars: transmission, integrated surveillance, interventions, behavioral insights and change, and economics and policy. We hope this research agenda will serve as a guiding tool for countries, research institutes and funding bodies for One Health AMR research......”

Citation: A one health priority research agenda for antimicrobial resistance. Geneva: World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations Environment Programme and World Organisation for Animal Health; 2023. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.


One Health Happenings News Notes is prepared and shared by the

One Health Commission (OHC)    

A U.S. based non-profit organization working globally to 'connect' One Health Stakeholders, to 'create' teams and networks that work together across disciplines to 'educate' about One Health and One Health issues.

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One Health Commission


Launch of Medicine for a Changing Planet

Launched by the Stanford School of Medicine Center for Innovation in Global Health and the University of Washington Center for One Health Research. This is an Open Access collection of clinical case studies supporting health professionals in providing effective care for patients on a changing planet. Collated from clinical encounters around the world, these case studies assist health professionals in recognizing and treating a variety of health challenges impacted by environmental stressors. They reveal the value of physician-veterinarian communication/collaboration and of recognizing animals as "sentinels" of shared environmental health hazards. The cases span infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, malnutrition, heat stress, physical trauma, mental health concerns, and more calling for an expanded approach to taking a patient’s medical history. Clinicians are already trained to look out for social determinants of health – considering occupation, lifestyle, and other key factors. Now, in a rapidly changing environment, clinicians must go a step further – considering how environmental stressors, such as extreme heat, wildfires, food access, widespread pollution, and more, are impacting a patient’s health. See University of Washington News article about this effort. Explore the case studies here.


One Health:

A holistic approach to health and well-being 

WHO Weekly Epidemiological Record

Special Issue on One Health

WHO has taken a pivotal role in advocating for and advancing the One Health agenda. Many departments and regional offices of WHO have been working extensively on One Health topics for decades. The One Health Initiative (OHI) works together with these WHO departments and regional offices, its Quadripartite partners and the One Health High-level expert panel (OHHLEP), to facilitate coordination and ensure a unified One Health position. To highlight this work, OHI has released a Special issue on One Health within the WHO Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER), which disseminates information related to epidemiological matters. This special issue of the WER summarizes the work of the OHI, the WHO regions, OHHLEP and the Quadripartite in advocating for and implementing One Health at all levels.


Guidance Note on One Health for Resident Coordinators and United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs) 

The Quadripartite collaboration for One Health has released a Guidance Note for the UN Resident Coordinators and UNCTs to mainstream the One Health approach into the design and implementation of the Cooperation Frameworks. Incorporating the One Health approach into relevant development initiatives is essential, encompassing pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, health system strengthening, animal health and welfare, agrifood system transformation, and environmental conservation. The guidance note provides actionable strategies in line with the Quadripartite One Health Joint Plan of Action, and considers its three pathways of change: 1) Strengthen policy, legislation, advocacy and financing, 2) Enable organizational development, implementation and sectoral integration, and 3) Strengthen data, evidence and knowledge exchange. Click here to view the full guidance.


OHHLEP Inventory of One Health Tools and Resources

(version October 13, 2023)

This database of One Health Tools was developed by the One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP) at the request of the Quadripartite. It is a landscape analysis and comparison of 52 One Health tools listed by year of development that met the inclusion criteria (available as of June 30, 2023):

  • The tool helps support a One Health approach to addressing health and/or environment issues at the human–animal–environment interface as outlined in the One Health Joint Plan of Action
  • The tool has been implemented at the national level in at least five countries or if not used at a national level, the tool has been applied more than once in a non-research setting.
  • The tool was validated by one or more OHHLEP members or Quadripartite partners who have familiarity with the tool or by consultation with the original tool implementer(s) involved in developing or implementing the tool.

It is accessible for capacity assessment and One Health operationalization to build into national One Health action plans with guidance for countries.

See also the One Health Commission's Compilation of One Health Tools and Toolkits, launched June 2022.


October 30, 2023

State of the World's Preparedness: Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) 2023 Annual Report -

A Fragile State of Preparedness

One Health called for 43 times

“The GPMB 2023 Report… is based for the first time on an analysis using the GPMB Monitoring Framework, finds that global preparedness for pandemics and other disease outbreaks remains inadequate. There have been some areas of progress since COVID-19 but this progress remains fragile, and some areas have declined, highlighting an urgent need for political commitment and increased resources. The Board makes four key recommendations to urgently strengthen global preparedness.”

See November 15, 2023 WHO EPI-WIN Webinar:

Presentation of the GPMB Report findings


November 15, 2023 Inger Andersen's Speech in Rome

One Health for the Planet

Speech delivered by Inger Andersen, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, in Rome at the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform Inaugural Plenary Assembly.


World Veterinary Association (WVA) Planetary Health Survey – education gap analysis

Modernizing Health Education: The Need for a ‘One Health’ Approach

WVA’s One Health Education Subgroup has launched a global initiative to evaluate the current Planetary Health educational efforts and gaps throughout veterinary medicine and beyond, the 'Planetary Health Survey - education gap analysis’. This project practices the ‘One Health’ approach by collaborating with several prominent global professional and student associations from various health sectors including the World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine, the Consortium of Universities for Global Health, the Planetary Health Alliance, and more, to compare and contrast findings. Watch for the survey in February or March 2024.


New OpenWHO course: Toolbox for the Control and Management of Taenia solium

OpenWHO is a free open-access platform that provides online courses from WHO that can be followed at your own pace. The purpose of this toolbox is to provide a “one-stop shop” with all the relevant and up-to-date technical information. The course covers all aspects of T. solium including its control using a One Health approach and management of (neuro)cysticercosis. The target audience are the T. solium country focal points and programme managers, as well as any person interested in the control of the parasite. All resources are downloadable. The final of 6 modules is titled: Prevention and control of T. solium through One Health.


New Journal launched

Journal of Global, Public and One Health (JGPOH)

The JGPOH is an open-access and peer reviewed journal with an interdisciplinary and international orientation. JGPOH welcomes contributions on the global health sciences, population health, public health and the health services, as well as papers on planetary and One Health, submitted by practitioners and researchers from all over the world. Especially welcome are quantitative and qualitative research examining upstream determinants and implications for health politics which usually requires an inter-disciplinary, inter-sectoral, and inter-professional approach. JGPOH accepts original research, reviews of literature, case studies, short reports, and viewpoints.


Colorado State University (CSU) New 3-Credit One Health in Communities Course Available in Spring 2024

The One Health course will bring together interdisciplinary graduate and professional students with the goal of applying One Health knowledge to enhance our local community. The course will be taught by CSU One Health Institute staff, featuring lectures from the CU School of Medicine, CSU faculty from 8 departments, City of Fort Collins staff, and other stakeholder groups.


Did You Know About???

Launch of a One Health Speaker Bank

The One Health Commission is inviting One Health leaders from around the world who are willing and able to speak publicly about One Health and One Health topics to become part of an open access, global One Health Speaker Bank. This initiative is intended to help those seeking One Health speakers for their events (conferences, academic lectures, interviews, student events, invited guest speakers, etc.) to network and more easily identify and reach out to potential speakers. Professionals from all disciplines, backgrounds, locations, levels of training and career stages are welcome to put themselves forward as available One Health Speakers. Potential speakers are asked to submit their names, contact information, a brief bio, a resume / CV and to list the One Health subject areas and topics on which they are qualified and willing to speak. Language preferences can be indicated. View Speakers in the (new and growing) One Health Speaker Bank.

 Submit yourself as a potential One Health speaker via this form.


WHO One Health Initiative (OHI) Webpages Updated/Expanded

The WHO OHI, under the Office of Assistant Director-General of the Division of Healthier Populations, acts as the Secretariat for the One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP) and serves as the Secretariat of the FAO/UNEP/WHO/WOAH (Quadripartite) to support One Health related activities, coordinates inter-agency engagement and partnership, coordinates WHO internal One Health workplans and facilitates interactions with multiple initiatives on One Health to reduce fragmentation. The WHO OHI has 3 key objective:​

  • ​revitalize the One Health approach to reduce vulnerability of people from health emergencies and enjoying better health and well-being;​ 
  • expand the One Health approach to include the environmental component (e.g., change in land use and increasingly urbanized ecosystems) to the human-animal interface approach, and consider the links between human, animal and ecosystem health; and​
  • operationalize the One Health approach through a set of activities to reduce the risk and mitigate the impact of future emergence of zoonotic and vector-borne diseases, endemic and emerging, infectious and non-communicable diseases, with a focus on emerging zoonoses that have epidemic or pandemic potential.​


The world recently celebrated World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2023 (November 18-24) themed

‘Preventing Antimicrobial Resistance Together’

Did you know about ReAct

Created in 2005, ReAct is one of the first international independent networks to articulate the complex nature of antibiotic resistance and its drivers. Its main funder has been the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). It was initiated with the goal of being a global catalyst, advocating and stimulating for global engagement on antibiotic resistance by collaborating with a broad range of organizations, individuals and stakeholders. It is a global network dedicated to AMR, working in multidisciplinary teams that include microbiologists, physicians, veterinarians, communications experts and global Health specialists. A One Health approach is advanced with a strong focus on AMR National Action Plans implementation, health systems strengthening and community engagement.


Operationalization of One Health - FAO Brochure

From the Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) Asia and the Pacific region. The operationalization of One Health brochure consists of assessment tools and guidance developed by FAO and partners, which Member Nations can utilize at all levels according to specific needs. This brochure provides information on FAO's available support to enhance One Health implementation in the countries.


The Helmholtz Institute for One Health (HIOH) in Greifswald, Germany

Founded in 2021 as an off-site location of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), in close cooperation with its local founding partners, the University of Greifswald, the University Medical Center Greifswald and the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute Federal Research Institute for Animal Health Greifswald-Riems. The HIOH is dedicated to interdisciplinary research on the interrelationships between human, animal and environmental health with a goal of better understanding of zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance and the evolution of pathogens as a prerequisite for successful pandemic preparedness and prevention.


The Capacitating One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa

(COHESA) Project 2021-2025

Funded by the European Union, this project aims to generate an inclusive research and innovation ecosystem that facilitates uptake, adaptation and adoption of solutions to issues that can be addressed by a One Health approach. Made up of 12 Eastern and Southern African Universities.


University of Hawaii and Fukuoka Prefecture signed MOU to promote One Health

April 24, 2023 

University of Hawaii President David Lassner and Fukuoka Governor Seitaro Hattori signed a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the mutual promotion of One Health research, education, and human resource development. Over 30 representatives from Fukuoka, Japan and Hawaii attended the signing ceremony held at in Kakaako. The MOU is the culmination of several months of discussions between JABSOM faculty and students and members of the Fukuoka Prefectural Assembly and Fukuoka universities leadership….Through this collaboration, both parties plan to carry out an exchange of teachers, researchers, and students between Fukuoka and Hawaii as well as cooperate in joint, international conferences on the theme of One Health.


Call for Abstracts

8th World One Health Congress (WOHC) 2024,

Cape Town South Africa

September 20-23, 2024

Four days, Agenda includes parallel tracks addressing one health science, antimicrobial agents and resistance, and science policy interface, amongst others. This congress enables discussing major One Health challenges and sharing of research data and policy developments. Will provide an opportunity to look at global One Health science and policy through an African lens. Building on the success of the 7th World One Health Congress in 2022 in Singapore, WOHCbring together One Health stakeholders, from science researchers, policymakers, representatives of international institutions, civil society to the private sector from around the world.


New Journal: One Health Advances

Editors: Prof. Jianzhong Shen, China Agricultural University, China and Prof. Stefan Schwarz, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.

One Health Advances focuses on the intersection of animal, human, and environmental health. It aims to bring together researchers, practitioners and policy-makers from the fields of veterinary and human medicine & health, the food sector and the environment by providing a platform to advance knowledge, techniques and strategies in the global public health. It is a peer-reviewed, open access journal committed to publishing high-quality research articles, comments, correspondence and reviews describing advances in public health. The topics primarily focus on antimicrobial resistance, animal-derived food safety, and animal diseases with a preference for zoonoses. The Article Processing Charge for One Health Advances is covered by China Agricultural University, so authors do not need to pay an article processing charge.


Blogs / Commentaries / Editorials / Opinions / Popular Media

All One Health is Local

November 29, 2023

Author: Joann Lindenmayer 

In: Blog post in CABI Digital Library

….”in all my work on One Health, I’ve learned that the contribution of every single species to an ecosystem helps to sustain it whether we understand that contribution or not, and open and forested land and its inhabitants deliver a valuable service to all members of an ecosystem, including people ........ It has been said that all politics is local. And we learned from the COVID-19 pandemic that all public health is local too. So is One Health, including taking measures that honor our mutual interdependence with other species. “ Image Credit: 'To whom does the forest belong' by Joann Lindenmayer


Headed for 10 billion People in the World: What Happens Then?

November 27, 2023

Author: Richard Seifman In: IMPAKTER

Exponential population growth in Africa is likely to serve as a test of how to address the challenge: Unless there is big-time investment in economic growth and poverty alleviation, especially health and education, Africa’s youth will be the first to suffer……High priority should be in financing poverty alleviation – particularly investment in education and health – along with policy turnarounds in food and energy security, effective environmental responses, addressing the inter-reliance of humans, animals, and plant health, One Health: as well as in inequality and gender equity.


Study highlights how joint clinics

can help Kenyan farmers address

‘One Health’ issues

November 2, 2023

Author: Toby Penrhys-Evans In: CABI Blogs

Crop and livestock health are crucial to the livelihoods and agricultural productivity of farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. Yet, the ‘One Health dimension’ of agricultural systems also needs attention…The survey found that there was a clear demand for the type of integrated service offered by joint crop-livestock clinics.”


‘One Health’ team cares for people and their pets            

October 23, 2023

Author: Rebecca Badeaux In: News on the UC Davis Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing webpage

Nursing and veterinary students serve residents who lack access to care. Thanks to a partnership between the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis, humans and their pets receive care side-by-side.


Comparative Medicine and Translational Research

Common cat-borne parasite is positively associated with frailty in older adults

November 7, 2023

Author: Lisa Marshall In: MedicalXPress

A common, cat-borne parasite, Toxoplasma gondi, already associated with risk-taking behavior and mental illness in humans may also contribute to exhaustion, loss of muscle mass, and other signs of "frailty" in older adults.

How Your Dog or Cat Could Help Speed Up Your Health Tests

November 27, 2023

Author: Jared Hopkins In: Wallstreet Journal

The Mayo Clinic, Quest Diagnostics and others are exploring AI tools that build on work with animal data to train diagnostic algorithms for humans. (Photo by Taylor Smith)


The Secrets of Anti-Aging, Gleaned From Your Dog

November 29, 2023

Author: Alex Janin 

In: Wallstreet Journal

Scientists are studying dogs to learn more about human longevity. (Photo by Elena Scott)


Canine cognitive decline and Alzheimer disease: clinical insights to solve a shared one-health problem, Ehrenzweig, J., & Hunter, R. P, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, (2023), 261(11), 1597-1604. Retrieved Nov 11, 2023, from


How to do your part with One Health

May 9, 2023

Author: Sharon Deem  In: Veterinary Practice News

“Practicing a collaborative approach can best ensure human public health, wildlife conservation, and environmental resilience. As members of the veterinary profession, we know how important it is to have healthy environments where our patients live, whether they live in a house, field, forest, ocean, or zoo, and how important the health of our patients is for the health of humankind. Our profession is based on this understanding. Now, as we move further into the 21st century, we also see how the veterinary profession has so much to bring to the growing One Health movement. We are instrumental for ensuring the animal part of the One Health triad is considered while we solve the pressing conservation and public health challenges of today.”


Hot Off the Press!! (Last 90 days - see also older Publications list below in Library Section)

Exploiting genomics for antimicrobial resistance surveillance at One Health interfaces,

Muloi DM, Juaneikaite E, Anjum MF, et al. The Lancet, Vol. 4, December 2023,

Mentorship of the next generation of One Health workers through experiential learning: A case of students of Makerere University, Nsamba, P. et al. (2023), CABI One Health. CABI. doi: 10.1079/cabionehealth.2023.0024.

One Health early warning and response system for zoonotic diseases outbreaks: Emphasis on the involvement of grassroots actorsHassan OA, De Balogh K, Winkler AS, Vet Med Sci. June 15, 2023;9:1881–1889.

Protecting Food Systems, Preventing Future Pandemics: The Case for a Central Asia One Health Program. World Bank. 2023. © Washington, DC, 

Glyphosate and environmental toxicity with “One Health” approach, a review, Ferrante M, Rapisarda P, Grasso A, Favara C, Conti GO, Environmental Research, Volume 235, 2023, 116678, ISSN 0013-9351,

Assessing the epidemiological risk at the human-wild boar interface through a one health approach using an agent-based model in Barcelona, Spain, González-Crespo C, Martínez-López B, Conejero C, Castillo-Contreras R, Serrano E, López-Martín JM, Serra-Cobo J, Lavín S, López-Olvera JR, One Health, Volume 17, 2023, 100598,

One health transmission of fluoroquinolone-resistant Escherichia coli and risk factors for their excretion by dogs living in urban and nearby rural settings, Sealey JE, Hammond A, Reyher KK, Avison MB, One Health, Volume 17, 2023, 100640, ISSN 2352-7714,


Did You Miss It?

June 2023 Final Report

Deploying One Health – Event Based Surveillance System in Pakistan

Islamabad, Pakistan. Led by Pak One Health Alliance-Islamabad for Ending Pandemics-USA under the Rockefeller Foundation Grant No. TC2102-097789 for 2021-23. This project was executed Mar, 2021 to Mar, 2023. This mapping exercise and the earlier ‘Rapid assessments of Pakistan Health System Readiness and Resilience exercise’- organized by Ministry of Health Services in coordination with Pak One Health Alliance, Ending Pandemics/ Sandia Labs USA, revealed significant gaps - especially in existing surveillance and response mechanisms for epidemic disease in areas of epidemiology, laboratory testing, coordination, communication, use of innovative techniques, inter-sectoral coordination/One Health, case management and allied sector response. (No link available)


May 2022 Policy Brief

Accelerating one health in Asia and the Pacific

Preparation of this paper is coordinated by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, through its Environment and Development Division. “While One Health is not a new concept, it could be strengthened to encompass the full scope of the environment and its implementation faces multiple challenges: the lack of political support, financing, capacity building, monitoring, and evaluation as well as surveillance. Moreover, a strengthened collaboration between all relevant disciplines and actors, and at all levels is required to ensure impactful application of One Health concept in Asia and the Pacific and effective contributions to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”


February 2021

Nature 2030 - One Nature One Future :

a programme for the Union 2021-2024

Program for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

This key tool to guide the Union was adopted by IUCN Members by electronic vote on 10 February 2021 and at the 7th World Conservation Congress, Marseille, France.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has shed stark light on the equivalent interrelationships with the SDG for good health and well-being (SDG3), and the importance of multi-sectoral approaches, encompassing the health of humans, domestic animals and the environment (known as “One Health”) in addressing them…..Economy and society are dependent on a healthy biosphere….Conservation can WORK!..IUCN’s One Programme approach underpins and strengthens the delivery and impact of the IUCN Programme, effectively leveraging the respective roles, capacities and unique features of the constituent parts of the Union – our Members, Commissions, National and Regional Committees and Secretariat – in partnership with a diversity of sectors engaged in the sustainable development agenda. “


Illegal Wildlife Trade and Emerging Infectious Diseases: Pervasive Impacts to Species, Ecosystems and Human Health, Rush ER, Dale E, Aguirre AA. Animals. 2021; 11(6):1821.

See More Resources provided by the One Health Commission

Example: One Health Educational Resources for Public Health Faculty

If you appreciate availability of these types of resources, please consider making a year-end donation to support the work of the

One Health Commission

One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) News

One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) Initiative

(A working group of the One Health Commission - founded in 2017)

As the interdisciplinary approach to tackling global health problems continues to evolve, the importance of economists, anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, among other social scientists, is increasingly being recognized.

In 2023 the OHSS has been reorganizing with the goal of sustainability through the formation of functional sub-working groups to focus on funding, networking, mentoring, webinars, and publications. Additionally, the research-based subcommittee focused on Food Safety and Food Security (OHSS-FSFS) continues educating via webinars. The OHSS webpage has been updated to include information about each of the sub-working groups and their co-chairs. Please reach out to the co-chairs if you are interested in contributing your time to a specific committee.

In January of 2024, the work of the sub-committees will culminate with sharing stated objectives for each group and an event calendar for 2024, including periodic general membership meetings and quarterly presentations. Look for the results of this January organizational meeting in February’s One Health Happenings newsletter.


The OHSS leadership, working group co-chairs and advisory team has revised the Mission statement to include the importance of the humanities and the arts within an inclusive and robust interdisciplinary approach to One Health. 

Rational: The concepts and methods of the social sciences (anthropology, cultural studies, psychology, social work, and sociology) – with the inclusion of the humanities (literature, philosophy, ethics, history, and religion) and arts (literature, theater, film, multimedia, and visual arts) – are directly relevant to One Health approaches. They help us to understand the cultural and social contexts within which One Health approaches take place. By establishing networks that include expertise in the social sciences, as well as the humanities and arts, the scope of One Health activities across disciplines, sectors, and geographies can be more extensively explored, supported, and advanced.

Vision Statement: We envision a world in which all practicing social scientists recognize and embrace an interconnected, One Health way of thinking and decision making and social scientists are always, from the outset, included in all aspects of One Health education, research and outreach initiatives.

Mission: To strengthen and expand the network of individuals, groups, institutions, and associations that incorporate the concepts, methods and insights of the social sciences (as well as the humanities and arts) in research and community initiatives that link human, animal, and environmental health.


  • To provide a global platform to leverage One Health and social science expertise, identify knowledge gaps, and share key resources and partnership opportunities in the name of advancing research and its applications for the betterment of human, animal, and environmental health.
  • To expand this platform to recognize the contributions of the humanities and arts to One Health research and initiatives, including advocacy for supporting policy and program change.
  • To facilitate the sharing of social science research within the One Health framework and bring One Health research to social science entities.


In the vein of the new OHSS impulse, we realized that our initial OHSS memberlist also needs to be updated. To continue being informed about our activities and keep this collective initiative lively and creative, we warmly invite you to complete this shared document that will in time replace our old email list. Thank you, in advance, for filling in this form at your earliest convenience: 

OHSS memberlist_detailed - Google Sheets

OHSS Recommended reading:

From former OHSS co-leader Laura Streichert: This work was sparked by a connection made through the OHSS network. It also highlights a publishing path for disseminating the diverse work people are doing.

Nankanja, A. et al. (2023) ‘A One Health Social Science Approach to Water Security and Gender Equity in Rural Uganda’, One Health Cases. CABI. doi: 10.1079/onehealthcases.2023.0026.

Other OHSS Recommendations / Information Sharing

December 13-16, 2023 In-Person and Online (catch it next year??)

Winter School "Food Systems in the Anthropocene

Held at the University of Bologna learning centre (‘Rocca di Bertinoro’, an ancient castle in the small medieval town of Bertinoro,FC), Northern Italy, and online. The winter school is a joint effort between the U Bologna One Health International Study Centre and the School of Public Health. It brings together experts and students from different backgrounds to learn and discuss the future of food systems in a multidisciplinary perspective. Highlights include:

  • High level keynote speakers: Maria Van Kerkhove , head of the Emerging Diseases and Zoonoses Unit at the WHO, Seth Holmes, co-chair of the Centre for Social Medicine at the University of Berkeley, USA
  • An international focus: speakers come from WHO, EFSA, University of Berkeley, Johns Hopkins University, Wageningen University in the Netherlands, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • In depth lectures and interactive workshops with experts in the field
  • A multidisciplinary perspective: human, animal and environmental health will be addressed through the One Health framework and various disciplines, including medicine, anthropology and economics.

Contact for more information:

Be sure to visit the OHSS webpage. Check out the OHSS Webinars Library for recordings of past webinars.


Neglected One Health Issues

The LINK between animal abuse and domestic violence

The Veterinarian’s Framework for Identification and Response 

to Suspected or Known Animal Maltreatment

AVMA Publishes Powerful Link-based Framework for Responding to Animal Abuse

Veterinarians often face difficult situations in their practices, including treating animals with conditions suggestive of neglect, maltreatment, cruelty, and similar abuse. These materials were prepared to help veterinarians by providing guidance on how to deal with these situations. This publication is not intended as a definitive statement on the subject but as a tool, providing practical information. Publication was funded by the American Veterinary Medical Foundation. The Framework includes several references to The Link and National Link Coalition resources.

“The inextricable commingling of violence to people and other animals is known as “the link.” The veterinarian is expertly situated at the intersection of such harms. As such, a veterinarian is socially and ethically—and often, legally—obligated to protect animals and prevent new or furthered harms to other animals and people. We can consider the protection from violence to fall under the “one safety” category of “One Health” or “One Welfare.”


Plastic pollution a ‘massive experiment on ourselves,’ scientists warn

November 16, 2023

Author: Kyle Bagenstose  In: The Examination

As talks for an international plastics treaty advance at a UN summit in Kenya, little is known about the long-term health risks of the ubiquitous material.


Challenges in sheltering seized animals from hoarders from a One Welfare perspective. Fossati, P. (2023). Animals, 13, 3303.


Patient Education Tools: Using Pets to Empower Patients’ Self-care—A Pilot Study. Hodgson K, Darling M, Monavvari A, Freeman D. Journal of Patient Experience. 2020;7(1):105-109. doi:10.1177/2374373518809008


Student News

International Student
One Health Alliance

ISOHA Contact Information! For memberships, projects, and partnerships, please contact ISOHA at this address.

ISOHA Overview Document, Membership Information, and Resources

(WhatsApp group only for Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral students who are interested in One Health to discuss One Health issues, share information, and collaborate.)


Upcoming Events

February 12-17, 2024

CMS CoP14 - The Fourteenth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS) of Wild Animals

Theme: Nature Knows No Borders

Samarkand, Uzbekistan. The journeys of migratory species do not adhere to political boundaries and their survival is dependent on international collaboration and trans-boundary conservation efforts. CMS COP14 is a significant international meeting where governments, scientists and stakeholders will come together to agree on strategies for the conservation of migratory species and their habitats. It will address a wide range of important conservation priorities and new initiatives, including many that will support the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) that was adopted in 2022. If you are taking One Health to this meeting or know of any One Health framed discussions occurring there, please let us know.


June 18-21, 2024

Global Health Security Conference 2024

Sydney, Australia. Call for abstracts is open. "The mission of the Global Health Security conference is to provide a forum where leaders, researchers, policy-makers, and representatives from government, international organisations, civil society, and private industry from around the world can engage with each other, review the latest research and policy innovations, and agree on solutions for making the world safer and healthier. To that end, our mission is to help foster a genuinely multidisciplinary community of practice that is committed to working collaboratively to enhance global health security and eliminate disease, irrespective of its origin or source." This conference will bring together practitioners, researchers, educators, representatives and decision-makers across the fields of public health, medicine, veterinary science, agriculture, government, defense, international relations, sociology and anthropology to examine the progress made to date in strengthening health systems and identify the gaps and opportunities for enhancing the international community’s ability to respond more efficiently and effectively to future adverse health crises.


April 21-23, 2024  In-Person Symposium

International Symposium on One Health Research: Improving Food Security and Resilience

Galvaston, Texas, USA. Hosted by the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)-Galveston Chief Research Office, UTMB One Health, and the Galveston National Lab and Institute for Human Infections and Immunity. The Symposium will be unique in that food productions experts will be centrally featured to  identify common ground from which new interdisciplinary research partnerships might arise and lead to better food resilience. Lectures from the beef, dairy, egg & poultry, pork, aquaculture, fresh produce, and processed food industries will be featured. Other research topics will include emerging infectious diseases (viral, bacterial, and other), and the environmental, social, and public communication factors that impact Food Security. In person. Includes exciting side excursions, Travel Awards for best Abstract  and a Poster Competition.


May 26 - 31, 2024

7th Environmental Dimension of Antimicrobial Resistance conference (EDAR7)

Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Hosted by the McGill Antimicrobial Resistance Center. Abstract submission deadline - December 21, 2023, Workshop submission deadline - February 2, 2024.


June 18-24, 2024

Water Quality and ONE Health 

One Health at the Singapore International Water Week 2024 (SIWW2024)

Singapore International Water Week is an international conference held every two years with a focus on drinking water management and technology. Included in its program is a scientific/technical segment, the Water Convention, with six Themes for which parallel sessions are organized over two days. In 2024, Theme 5 is titled Water Quality and ONE Health.  Thematic Topics include:

  • Global Climate Change, Water Quality and Health
  • Recent Progress in the Application of Genomics in Water Quality Management
  • Wastewater-based Epidemiological Surveillance (WES) beyond SARS-CoV-2
  • Emerging Technologies and Methods for Water Quality Monitoring and Management
  • Water Quality in the Context of Health and Medical Care
  • Recreational Water Quality and One Health
  • Communication between Sectors and to Affected Communities

Under this new SIWW ONE HEALTH banner, abstracts are anticipated focusing on the role that water plays in the links between human, animal and ecosystem health. See the Theme 5 promotional video.

Abstracts submissions are open.


October 13-16, 2024 Conference

Pathways Europe 2024: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference and Training

Call for Papers!

Córdoba, Spain. Organized by the Institute for Advanced Social Studies - Spanish Research Council (IESA-CSIC), the University of Córdoba, and the Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources at Colorado State University. For information contact -


Recent (and not so recent) PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)
These events have passed but we would like for the world to be aware of them!
Track the progress of One Health since 2001
Check out more past One Health Events on the Commission's
Select a year and click 'VIEW'

December 6, 2023

US CDC’s Zoonoses and One Health Updates (ZOHU) Call

ZOHU Calls are 1-hour monthly webinars that provide timely education on zoonotic and infectious diseases, One Health, antimicrobial resistance, food safety, vector-borne diseases, recent outbreaks, and related health threats at the animal-human-environment interface. Free Continuing Education is available for live calls and recordings. See recordings for all ZOHU calls.


December 11, 2023

One Sustainable Health (OSH) Declaration Presentation

On the occasion of the COP28 - Presentation of recommendations from the six OSH Forum International Working Groups and four (Bangladesh, Brazil, Senegal, Lebanon) International Partner Sessions of the One Sustainable Health Forum to operationalise the One Health approach.


November 3, 2023  

8th Annual Global One Health Day 2023

See all the One Health Day celebration Events happening all around the world in 2023.


November 30 - December 1, 2023

2nd Annual EcoHealth Global Summit 2023 - Working together for a healthy, just, and sustainable future

Hosted by EcoHealth International Early Career Community. Free, virtual, 24 hours Designed for Connecting with leading professionals in EcoHealth, One Health, and Planetary Health, emerging scholars, as well as community organizations, for discussing ongoing initiatives and challenges, and for exploring visionary ideas for the future.



November 1-29, 2023 Webinar Series

A One Health view on the responsible use of medicines - RUMA Conference

Hosted by the Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture (RUMA) Alliance, an independent, non-profit that promotes the highest standards of food safety, animal health and animal welfare in the British livestock industry. RUMA produces specific ‘guidelines on responsible use’ and has a current focus on AMR co-ordinated through the RUMA Targets Task Force and is committed to supporting a One Health strategy to address the risk. In this series, each of 5 webinars featured panel discussions covering a range of One Health topics relating to the responsible use of medicines in agriculture. Free but you must register. Webinar titles included:

Access the recordings.


November 28, 2023

Virtual Launch Event of the Quadripartite One Health Legislative Assessment Tool for Antimicrobial Resistance (OHLAT)

The OHLAT was developed and piloted to help countries in the identification and assessment of the legal areas and elements that are important for AMR under a One Health approach. It is divided into seven chapters which pay attention to AMR institutional coordination, human health, food safety, animal health, pesticide management, plant health and the environment. Each chapter includes an explanation of the international reference standards and guidance relevant for the chapter and questions for the assessment. It is expected that the Tool will play an important role in the fight against AMR worldwide and, therefore, will contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


November 27-29, 2023 Conference

10th Beneficial Microbes Conference

Amsterdam, Netherlands. The conference provided an overview of the latest scientific results and promoted the creation of new initiatives for the customised application of prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics in food, feed, and healthcare in human and animal health.


November 18-24, 2023

World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) - ‘Preventing antimicrobial resistance together’

Hosted by the UNEP in partnership with the One Health Quadripartite partners, FAO, WOAH, WHO. AMR is a threat to humans, animals, plants and the environment. It affects us all. The WAAW is a global campaign to raise awareness and understanding of AMR and promote best practices among One Health stakeholders to reduce the emergence and spread of drug-resistant infections. The theme for WAAW 2023, (the same as in 2022) called for cross-sectoral collaboration to preserve the effectiveness of antimicrobials. To effectively reduce AMR, all sectors must use antimicrobials prudently and appropriately, take preventive measures to decrease the incidence of infections and follow good practices in disposal of antimicrobial contaminated waste.


November 24, 2023 Webinar

Global AMR Youth Summit

Why Do Youth Voices Matter When Fighting AMR?

Watch the recording here:


November 23, 2023 CABI One Health Webinar for World AMR Awareness Week

A Variety of Voices on AMR

Hosted by CABI One Health Knowledge Bank, this free webinar brought together a diverse group of voices on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and shed light on various aspects of AMR and its implications for human, environmental and animal health. Moderated by Professor Dr Jakob Zinsstag & Dr Lisa Crump, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. More information:


November 22-24, 2023

1st One Health & One Welfare Latin American Congress 2023

Monteria - U Cordoba, Colombia. Hosted by One Health Colombia, this unique interdisciplinary platform brought together professionals and experts in human health, animal health, environmental and plant health. With the participation of national and international world-renowned speakers, this event emerged as a fundamental space for the exchange of knowledge and advances in the One Health and One Welfare approach. Participants came from various sectors including medicine, nursing, bacteriology, biology, veterinary medicine, zootechnics, environmental engineering, food engineering and many others.


November 15-16, 2023 Hybrid Conference

Inaugural One Health Economics Mini-Congress

Pretoria, South Africa. Hosted by the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) of South Africa and EcoHealth Alliance. This congress shined a light on the state of knowledge, promising methods, and findings from analytical work to promote a broader understanding and assist in the operationalizing of One Health in South Africa, the region, and globally. The event aligned with the One Health Joint Plan of Action (OH JPA) launched by the Quadripartite, which has six action tracks that can all potentially benefit from One Health economics in implementation and prioritization. See the Flyer.


November 14, 2023 Webinar

Working with rural and indigenous communities to understand wildlife use and zoonotic disease

Hosted by the International Alliance Against Health Risks of Wildlife Trade. This event kicked-off a new thematic period guided by the question on how cultural and behavioural factors impact pathogen spillover risks in wildlife trade and therefore health risks.


November 14, 2023 Webinar

A Brief Overview of

the One Health Commission: Joining Hands Across the Global One Health Movement

Presentation to the Canada Global 1 Health Network (G1HN) by Dr. Cheryl Stroud, Executive Director of the One Health Commission (OHC) about how the OHC was formed and some of its activities. Moderated by Dr. Hélène Carabin of the University of Montreal, Quebec. A PDF of the slides shared in this video is available for interactive links to more information on the topics discussed.


November 13-19, 2023

7th Human-Animal Relationship Awareness Week 2023

The Animals & Society Institute (ASI) has declared Nov. 13-19 to be Human-Animal Relationship Awareness Week. Many of ASI’s resources address the Link between animal abuse and human violence. #HARAWeek.


November 13-16, 2023  Conference

Schwarzman Animal Medical Center 9th Annual One Health Conference

Topics of discussion included environmental impacts on animal and human health, including non-tobacco environmental risks for bladder cancer, animals as sentinels of environmental health hazards, leptospirosis surveillance in NYC, and the impact of wildfires on animals and humans.


November 13, 2023 Conference

European Commission One Health Conference -

One Health for All, All for One Health

Luxembourg. Hosted by the European Commission Directorate General for Health and Food Safety. Recent epidemics and pandemics have made it unmistakably clear that human, animal, plant and environmental health cannot be dealt with separately, but need to be addressed in a ‘One Health’ approach. Mainstreaming ‘One Health’ means that we can better prevent, predict, prepare for, detect, and respond to global health threats at both global and EU level. Their interdependencies need to be better acknowledged and require work at the interfaces in a multisectoral, transdisciplinary and an integrated approach.


November 12-15, 2023

One Health at the 2023 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference

Creating the Healthiest Nation: Overcoming Social & Ethical Challenges

Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Hosted by the APHA One Health Section, included poster sessions and multiple presentations in several One Health Sessions:


November 3, 2023 Webinar

Why is the ‘One Health’ Approach Important?

Hosted by Veterinarians Without Borders. This webinar included Dr. William de Glanville (DVM), Julie Truelove (WaterAid Canada), and Dr. Regan McLeod (DVM). Learn about the importance of implementing a One Health approach into international development programming, and more.


November 3, 2023

Connect Air, Earth and Water

Amadou Mahtar MBOW University (UAM, Dakar, Senegal) Celebrates World One Health Day

FAO supports the celebration of World One Health Day on November 3 each year at a university in the country to raise awareness among university authorities, students and communities of the importance of integrating teaching modules “One Health” in academic programs. This event was supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with Africa One Health University Network (AFROHUN) and Breakthrough Action, under the patronage of the High National Security Council One Health (HCNNSSMOH).


November 3, 2023

WHO urges investing in “One Health” actions for

better health of the people and the planet

WHO joined community organizations observing the eighth annual “One Health Day” on 3 November to attract global attention to the importance of the One Health approach. One Health relies on understanding how human actions and policies could affect animal and environment health. The World Health Organization (WHO) calls on world leaders to increase political commitment and action to invest in the “One Health” approach to prevent and tackle common threats affecting the health and well-being of humans, animals, plants and environment together.


November 3, 2023 Webinar

One Health Implementation: How could we translate the One Health approach into actions at all levels?

Jointly hosted by the Quadripartite this webinar, held on the occasion of the 8th world One Health Day,  zoomed in on the initiatives and programs for the One Health implementation in countries and regions, addressing the following questions: 

  • What is the current status of the One Health implementation? What are the challenges, gaps and opportunities?  
  • How is the technical and advocacy support of the Quadripartite helping countries to implement the OH approach?  
  • What are the planned next steps for translating the One Health approach into actions with the One Health Joint Plan of Action (OH JPA)?    

Recording Available (Use Passcode: #T1mS%6u).


November 2, 2023

The One Health Approach:

Governance and Operationalization Challenges

University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

Ontario Agriculture College One Health Lecture Series. Speaker Dr. Helene Carabin with discussion panelists David McCarthy and Marc Habash.


November 1, 2023

WHO EPI-WIN One Health Day 2023 Webinar

Preventing epidemics and pandemics through One health in practice - Voices from One Health professionals

Further to earlier One Health-focused EPIWIN webinars, this webinar featured voices from One Health professionals working on epidemic and pandemic prevention and preparedness. The discussion focused on the sharing of experiences, research and examples from professionals from various backgrounds, fields of expertise and sectors. It celebrated and dove into the multidisciplinary One Health vision for addressing emerging zoonotic diseases. This webinar offered interpretation services in Arabic, French, Spanish and Portuguese, while also featuring AI-powered interpretation in Russian, Chinese and Hindi to broaden global accessibility. Recording Available.


See MORE Opportunities on the

Online One Health Opportunities Bulletin Boards

When you arrive on this webpage be sure to scroll 'down' to bottom of page


Ecological Security Fellowship

Council on Strategic Risks. "Tackling complex, converging risks arising from ecological degradation requires the development of resilient leaders spanning international, national, state, and local levels. This program will familiarize participants with novel ways of conceptualizing the security risks posed by ecological disruption driven by human activities, climate change, and other stressors. Participants will acquire expertise and build professional development through networking with experts and practitioners in different areas of ecological security." Learn more and apply here.

Research Assistant Professor - Pandemic Preparedness/Biosecurity

Texas A&M University's Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs Bush School of Government & Public Service is seeking up to two Research Assistant Professors with expertise in pandemic preparedness and/or biosecurity tol work with the Pandemic Preparedness & Biosecurity Policy Program. Responsibilities include teaching graduate courses, conducting research, and writing policy-relevant publications on biosecurity, global health security, bio and agro-defense, federal life sciences policy, one health, biotechnology, or related policy topics. Learn more and apply here.

Faculty position w/expertise in Environmental Justice,

Health Equity and Environmental Racism

The University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) is seeking applications for an open rank tenure track faculty position with expertise in Environmental Justice, Health Equity and Environmental Racism. This is part of a cluster hire that will include faculty with a focus on health equity and environmental racism located in the Schools of Public Policy and Public Health, creating opportunities for multi disciplinary collaboration.

Research positions at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston


  • Nurse Clinician II, Institute for Translational Science Galveston, TX
  • UTMB Postdoctoral Associate Position 2 in Virus Discovery and Characterization Galveston, TX
  • Physician – Scientist / T32 Training in Emerging Infectious Diseases Galveston, TX

Contact Professor Greg Gray at with questions.

Executive Director - Institute for One Health Innovation

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA. The Executive Director for the Institute for One Health Innovation is a distinctive opportunity for a visionary leader to shape and define the development of a nascent institute.

Medical Officer & Health Scientist - U.S. CDC

CDC seeks to identify US citizens for two psositions: Director of the Division for Global Health Protection (DGHP) in the Global Health Center in Atlanta, Georgia and Distinguished Consultant (Medical Officer/Health Scientist). Apply via USAJOBS: Medical Officer: Health Scientist:

One Health Trust Research Analyst

Bengaluru, India (Full Time, Entry Level).


Fellowships / Residencies / Postdocs

The Soulsby Foundation for One Health 2024 Traveling Fellowship programme

Eligible applicant will:

* Be an early career researcher (late PhD or early post-doc).

* Have a project which will help to launch their career in One Health.

* Be a potential future leader in One Health.

* Understand the interplay between animal, human and environmental health in line with the OHHLEP definition of One Health. 

Applicants may be medical, veterinary, ecology, social sciences, economics or other early professionals who desire to use their expertise to promote the One Health concept. Must have a project in mind which will achieve this but requires additional funding to enable them to travel and expand their horizons.

More information: Deadline for submission, 31st January 2024.

Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine (VPHPM) Residency

University of Minnsota

The Center for Animal Health and Food Safety in the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine is actively recruiting for the upcoming cohort of Residents.

2-Yr - Planetary Health Postdoctoral Fellowship

Co-hosted by Stanford and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), this fellowship cultivates knowledge and solutions at the intersections of health and the environment. Early-career researchers conduct mentored research on cutting-edge planetary health challenges – including: climate and health; global change and infectious diseases; pollution and health; food security; and the mental health impacts of environmental degradation. Deadline December 1, 2023.

See the One Health Commission's Online One Health Library

New Books

Careers in One Health Social Workers’ Roles in Caring for Humans and Their Animal Companions

Edited By Lori R. Kogan

This book’s theme is that social workers play a critical role in the well-being of individuals, families, groups, and communities and address barriers that impede their optimal life and well-being. Many social workers have begun to include animals in their definition of systems and family units, leading to innovative ways to incorporate animals and animal-assisted interventions in their work. The book can be used as a supplemental textbook in undergraduate and graduate social work academic programs as well as a resource for social workers in the field looking for ways to expand their work. As a textbook, it offers a rare opportunity for students to discover how the inclusion of human-animal relationships on the micro and macro levels can more effectively support both people and animals.

Fevered Planet: How Diseases Emerge When We Harm Nature

John Vidal (Author)

As the climate crisis reaches a fever pitch and ecological destruction continues unabated, we are just beginning to reckon with the effects of environmental collapse on our global health. Fevered Planet exposes how the way we farm, what we eat, the places we travel to and the scientific experiments we conduct create the perfect conditions for deadly new diseases to emerge and spread faster and further than ever. Drawing on the latest scientific research and decades of reporting from more than 100 countries, former Guardian environment editor John Vidal takes us into deep, disappearing forests in Gabon and the Congo, valleys scorched by wildfire near Lake Tahoe and our densest, polluted cities to show how closely human, animal and plant diseases are now intertwined with planetary destruction.

Restoring Eden

Author: Dr. Elizabeth Hilborn

All spring Dr. Elizabeth Hilborn watched as her family fruit farm of many years became increasingly diminished, suffering from a lack of bees. The river that bordered the farm had flooded and..... the plentiful wildlife, so abundant just weeks before, was gone. Everything was silent…. Step by step, day by day, despite facing headwinds from skeptical neighbors, environmental experts, and agricultural consultants, she assembled information……The chemicals found in her water samples showed beyond any doubt that not only her farm, but her greater farming community, was at risk from toxic chemicals that traveled with rain water over the land, into water, and deep within the soil. Hilborn was given a front row seat to the insect apocalypse. This is a true One Health story of the interconnectedness and interdependence of animals, ecosystems and humans and how human behaviors and practices can jeopardize the health of all living things.

Alfie and Me: What Owls Know, What Humans Believe

Author: Carl Safina

Though this author does not mention and may not even know about One Health, this book is very much based on One Health thinking. [A rose by any other name is still a rose]. Alfie & Me is the story of the remarkable impact this little owl had on the author’s life. Safina’s relationship with an owl made him want to better understand how people have viewed humanity’s relationship with nature across cultures and throughout history. Interwoven with Safina’s keen observations, insight, and reflections, Alfie & Me is a work of profound beauties and magical timing harbored within one upended year.

Ecocene Politics, 

Author: Mihnea Tănăsescu

In his 2022 book, author Mihnea Tănăsescu argues for transitioning from “a politics based on rationality, separation from nature, and capital accumulation, into a realm of mutualism, cultivating a relational ethic of reciprocity and respect for life at both individual and cultural levels. Mutualism in this context is the name for a political ethic that cannot decide, a priori, on a complete list of benefited parties. Conservation should not aim to monetize every bit of the environment, but rather to create relationships that no longer see monetization as necessary”.

Germ Theory: Medical Pioneers in Infectious Diseases 

(ASM Books - 2nd Edition)

Author: Robert Gaynes Publisher: ASM Press

From the ancient worlds of Hippocrates and Avicenna to the early 20th century hospitals of Paul Ehrlich and Lillian Wald to the modern-day laboratories of François Barré-Sinoussi and Barry Marshall, Germ Theory brings to life the inspiring stories of medical pioneers whose work helped change the very fabric of our understanding of how we think about and treat infectious diseases.


Belgian Biodiversity Platform -

Biodiversity News Flash

Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Arthropod-borne Pathogens (CEZAP)- Virginia Tech University

National Link Coalition - Link Letters

One Health Institute - University of Guelph Newsletter

One Health Trust Weekly Digest

Planetary Health Alliance Newsletter

University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) One Health Newsletter

WHO One Health Initiative Newsletter

Publications Worth Revisiting

India to envision One Health movement for confronting emerging health threats: From concept to approach toward institutionalization, Nambiar P (2020), Int. J. One Health, 6(2): 165-176. 

One Health Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Veterinary Education Establishments in Europe: Mapping Implementation and Reflecting on Promotion Despoina Iatridou, Ana Bravo, and Jimmy Saunders, Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 2021 48:4, 427-440


What is One Health: Present and Future

A new film created by Bolton N, Fuchs N, O'Malley S, Stevens J, and Waskow L. for their Duke University Fall 2023 course, Narrating Nature - ENVIRON 315.


University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) Infectious Science Podcast Interwoven Threads of Avian Influenza and One Health with Dr. Greg Gray

November 15, 2023

Dr. Greg Gray, a respected authority on respiratory pathogens andOne Health, offers insights into the current widespread pandemic, highlighting the different hemagglutinin and neuraminidase types and their impact on various species. He also spotlights the longest and most severe outbreak of avian influenza in recent history. But remember, this is more than a bird issue, it’s a stark reminder of the intricate interconnectivity of life on Earth, including humans, animals, plants, and the environment.

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) Public Health Review Podcast

One Health: The Shared Future of People, Animals, and the Planet

November 14, 2023

Public health agencies and the animal agriculture industry play crucial roles in One Health, along with other stakeholders. In this episode, Megin Nichols DVM, MPH, DACVPM, Deputy Division Director, Foodborne, Waterborne, and Environmental Diseases at CDC, Karen Smith, MD, MPH, Founding Partner, Healthy Community Partners, Inc., and J.J. Jones, Executive Director of the National Institute for Animal Agriculture share how they put One Health into practice in a state health department, how health departments can connect across agencies to address One Health issues, and what falls under the One Health umbrella. Moderated by Robert Johnson, Co-Founder & Strategic Communications Officer, Riester Influence. Transcript available.

One World One Health Podcast Series

Hosted by the One Health Trust (formerly CDDEP) 

This podcast brings forward the latest ideas to improve the health of our planet and its people.  Our world faces many urgent challenges, from pandemics and decreasing biodiversity to pollution and melting polar ice caps, among others. This podcast highlights solutions to these problems from the scientists and experts working to make a difference. Check for most recent One Health Trust Podcasts here -

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The One Health Commission (OHC) is a prominent, US-based, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, E.I.N. 27-0799294. It is a body of action-oriented, One Health-minded individuals and organizations working locally, nationally and internationally to advance the One Health concept and approach.

See the OHC 2021 Annual Report.

With a focus on education, the OHC ‘connects’ One Health stakeholders, facilitates One Health Action Teams, provides a monthly global One Health Happenings Newsletter and compiles links to One Health Educational Resources to further understanding of One Health.

Prepared by Blair Budd, Bailey Goff, Ayinka-A Brown and Cheryl Stroud

with support from the international One Health Network.

The news reported in One Health Happenings does not necessarily reflect the official position of the One Health Commission.

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