First You Need The Land...
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Surplus Lands Act Webinar
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Complementary, member
$25, non-member
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Speaker: David Zisser

Assistant Deputy Director of Local Government Relations and Accountability at the State Department of Housing and Community Development.

The Surplus Lands Act was written to assist local agencies in acquiring public lands that could be used to develop affordable housing. It is a complicated process administered by the State Department of Housing and Community Development. David will outline the law and it's implementation at the local level.

Attorney at Goldfarb Lipman Attorneys, Ms. Tiedemann will discuss SLA implementation from the local agency point of view. Examples of Surplus Lands Act negotiations will be included.
A generous Q and A session will follow the formal presentations.
This webinar is part of a series that is specifically targeted to small and mid-sized local agencies, but all are welcome to attend -- developers, investors and residents.
Please contact M.E. Shay for more information
at or call (916) 799-0119
CAL-ALHFA was established in 1989 to represent local housing professionals and agencies in the California State legislature and State housing programs. We also work on housing issues at the federal level. CAL-ALHFA is a non-profit organization with a broad based membership including public and private agencies which develop, finance, and administer programs to create affordable housing in California.