Hello, April!

Spring is the perfect time to refresh your skin and look with some of our spring offerings! Through April 31st, Alle is offering double points when you book your Juvederm & Botox appointment on the same day!
Updated Injectable Menu
Our new injectable menu is effective April 1st, 2022

Please click the link below to see our updated price menu

As always, please feel free to call our office with any questions.
Double Points with Alle
For Dr. Miller, Juvéderm products are his fillers of choice for augmenting most areas of the face including the temples, lips, and problematic etched lines and wrinkles.

What makes Juvéderm products so effective? In short, they have been designed for specific areas and concerns of the face. For example, Juvéderm Volbella is the gold standard for improving etched lip lines and other lines around the face, whereas Juvéderm Vollure was made specifically for treating naso-labial folds, and Juvéderm Voluma was created for enhancing and adding volume to the cheeks.


$199 per treatment

The HydraFacial is our most popular non-invasive resurfacing treatment that detoxifies, rejuvenates and repairs your skin with no downtime or irritation.

This multi-step procedure includes the patented Vortex-Fusion serum delivery system and the painless Vortex-Extraction process to remove impurities and dead skin cells. Come in today and experience yours! See the video below!