Bi-weekly newsletters during summer
CLAS will be switching to bi-weekly newsletters during summer and will resume a weekly schedule after Labor Day.
CLAS receives Title VI NRC funding
CLAS is delighted to announce that it has received over $619,000 in Title VI National Resource Center funding for the remaining three years of the 2022-26 grant cycle.
As a re-instituted Comprehensive National Resource Center, CLAS will continue to strengthen less commonly taught language instruction, support faculty research in and on Latin America, promote knowledge and expertise about the region through academic programming, enhance K-12 outreach and teacher training, and develop sustainable collaborations with minority serving institutions and community colleges.
Read the full news story here.
Pérez receives 2023 Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching
CLAS faculty affiliate Ashley Hope Pérez has received the 2023 Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching and been inducted into Ohio State's Academy of Teaching.
Pérez is assistant professor in the Department of Comparative Studies. In addition to her many accolades for creative and effective teaching at all levels, she is the author of three young adult novels. Trained in comparative literature and specializing in Latin American and Latino/a literature, Pérez is interested in the ethical implications of how we tell, read, mediate and interpret narratives.
May 5: World Portuguese Language Day
This Friday, May 5 is World Portuguese Language Day. Some fun facts:
- Portuguese is among the most spoken languages in the world and the most widely spoken in the southern hemisphere.
- Portuguese is an official language of Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, and São Tomé and Príncipe.
- According to UNESCO, Portuguese is the fastest-growing European language after English.
The Portuguese program at Ohio State is strong, with several faculty experts in linguistics, literature, and culture, and with a wide array of courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Exciting Portuguese courses offered in Fall 2023 include:
- PORTGSE 2335 Cannibal Brazil: Cultural Encounters and Negotiations of Identity in Literature and Culture
- PORTGSE 4561 Cultural Expressions of Brazil
- PORTGSE 5501 Portuguese for Spanish Speakers
- PORTGSE 7440 Cinema of the Portuguese-speaking World
Ohio State students of Portuguese may also be eligible for the Foreign Language and Area Studies fellowship.
2023 Global Teacher Seminar
The online Global Teacher Seminar will inform K-12 teachers about the UN’s Sustainability Goal: Prosperity, focusing on the movement of goods and people in the regions of Africa, East Asia, Eastern Europe/Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
The seminar will start by giving participants a solid foundation in relevant political, social, and historical theories to ground their understanding of the movement of goods and people. Then throughout the seminar, guest experts will present regional case studies to provide comparative perspectives of what are prominent issues in their region, including the silk road and migration.
Apply here before the May 8th orientation.
McSweeney elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
CLAS faculty affiliate Kendra McSweeney, Professor and Distinguished Scholar in the Department of Geography, has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. This election recognizes the significant impact of McSweeney's scholarship within and beyond the academy.
McSweeney's research is concerned with human-environment interactions, and her current projects include tracing the socioecological impacts of drug trafficking through Central America and studying the nature and implications of demographic change among Latin America's indigenous populations.
Learn more about the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and view the full list of newly elected members here.
¿Qué Pasa, Ohio State? Spring 2023
Check out the latest issue of ¿Qué Pasa, Ohio State?, which features a contributor spotlight on Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese PhD candidate and film director Vitor Vilaverde, a feature on the Latin American film festival organized this spring by Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese PhD student John Hurtado, and much more!
¿Qué Pasa, Ohio State? is published twice annually by the Office of Diversity & Inclusion and supports the exchange of information and opportunities for dialogue among all students and faculty regarding Latinx issues across the disciplines.
Learn more about submission to the magazine here.
Job Posting: KU Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies
The University of Kansas Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies seeks an assistant director/outreach coordinator for creating and organizing K-14 and other public events, administration of internal grants for students, management of KU events, and digital communications. Latin America university training or experience is required. Salary range: $52,000-55,000.
Find additional details here.
Center for Latin American Studies |
The Ohio State University |