Summer Reading Challenge:

Put Mr. Morrissey in the Treehouse!

Happy Summer! We hope that by now you have had a chance to unpack all of your child(ren)'s belongings from the school year. Inside, you will have found summer work for your student, including a summer reading challenge!

The challenge is simple. Choose your book(s), and complete the challenge sheet provided. If 70% of the school completes the summer reading challenge, Mr. Morrissey will sleep in the Treehouse Classroom for ONE WEEK when we return to school in the fall. The week will also include a pizza party for all students, a dog walking event, and a campfire. All students must return their completed sheet to Ms. Slie by August 30.

This is a team effort, so please be sure to encourage fellow Crossroads families to complete the challenge on time! You should also review all other summer assignments on the Crossroads website at any time.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Holly Gardner with any questions about summer work.

Happy Reading!