June 2022
Information & Resources for Non-Profits and Those who 💓 Them  
Website Relaunched!
From strategic planning, brand messaging, and team facilitation to grant writing and communication content and more, check out our portfolio of business and nonprofit solutions at our newly relaunched website! While your at it, follow us on Linked In, Instagram and Facebook too.
A Different Mindset: Trust-Based Philanthropy
Thank you to our valued client, STEER for Student Athletes for sharing this important article on trust-based philanthropy which emphasizes building collaborative relationships in which organizational funders (i.e., foundations) are accountable to their grantees, not just the other way around. Trust-based philanthropy can take many forms, from giving multi-year unrestricted funding to limiting application and reporting requirements- all strategies we advocate for!
Support the Nonprofit Sector Strength and Partnership Act of 2022!
Join the more than 500 nonprofit organizations in supporting the Nonprofit Sector Strength and Partnership Act of 2022 which calls for the reduction in paperwork for nonprofits to register and fundraise in multiple states and streamlining federal grant processes, among other important policies, making the nonprofit sector stronger by scaling effective solutions, cutting red tape, and meeting the unique needs of nonprofit workers.
Stay well and thanks for reading
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