Shabbat Shalom!
This Week's Torah Portion


Leviticus 9:1−11:47

March 26, 2022
23 Adar II 5782

On the eighth day Moses called Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel.
- Leviticus 9:1

Join Us This Weekend
Erev Shabbat
March 25
6:30 pm

Worship with Rabbi Cookie
Lea Olshein and Interim Cantorial Soloist Emily Kaye Wiss


Meeting ID:
916 3232 7896
Passcode: shalom

Join Rabbi Cookie Lea Olshein and Interim Cantorial Soloist Emily Kaye Wiss.

Fun for all ages! 

Please invite your friends to worship with our community!

Please plan on staying a little later as we will have special guests with the Tempe Police Department, Threat Mitigation Unit, here to provide
“Active Threat Training”
for our entire community immediately following our worship services.
Saturday Torah
March 26
9:15 am

Torah Study
led by our own Thea Weiss


Meeting ID:
958 5868 0146
Passcode: Torah

Each Saturday morning, we gather online to examine the Torah portion assigned to the week through the lens of Mussar, a Jewish ethics-based framework where we work on improving our soul-traits. While searching for new insights regarding how our ancient tradition applies to our modern lives, we use “The Mussar Torah Commentary,” edited by Rabbi Barry Block, as the basis for this year’s discussion. 

 No prior Torah Study experience required, just hop online and BYOC ("Bring Your Own Coffee")! 
Saturday Worship Service
March 26
10:30 am

Led by our own Sue Dermer

Meeting ID:
958 5868 0146
Passcode: Torah

During our informal (and interactive) Shabbat Morning worship, we dig deeper into the meaning of our traditional prayers and liturgical music, while including modern, interpretative versions that challenge our understanding of our tradition, as well as a short Torah reading. Each week, we include a prayer for healing and the Mourner's Kaddish in case you would like to remember those we love who are struggling and those we have lost.  All liturgy, including English readings and transliteration, are projected on screen.
Celebrate Good Times... come on!
March 25 - March 31
Happy Birthday!
Anna Theresa Ausman
Steven Brenner
Paula Caputo
Robyn Fergal
Eric Kish
Courtney Kleinebreil
Laurel Miller
Christine Prezant
Rochelle Reiss
Liliane Stewart
Sarah Volk
David Warren
Cristanne Woods

Happy Anniversary!
Barbara & Jerrold Raviol
Maureen & Harry Brish
Jordan & Janet Knopoff 
MiShebeirach Healing List
We send our prayers for R'fuah shlemah (complete healing) to the following individuals and to those who love them:

Fruma Menucha bat Bayla, Mordechai Ephraim bat Golda Lea, Ariel ben Miriam, Antonietta Caputo, Jerry Cargill, Daniela De La Torre, M. Elizabeth "Liz" Fairman, David Forman, Bev Freitag, Michael Glass, Steve Glick, The Goldstein Family, George Green, David Hess, Evan Karel, Donna Lebowitz, John Louis Malkowski, Gerry Mavrinac, Constance McCarthy Angel, Gary Mitchell, Lynn Mone, Melinda Palladino, Roz Pearlman, Marsha Reingen, Mildred and Howard Rogowin, Cynthia Savell, William Schubert, Sarah Sparber Cox, Sarah Winkelman, Beverly Worthing, Sophie Zerebiny
Our Community
We mourn the recent passing of: 

Robert Scott Mauskapf, father of Ivy Butler, Adam Mauskapf, and Heather Caviar

Barbara Chess, sister of Nancy Siefer (Stuart)

Si Burgheimer, father of Rob Burgheimer (Kathy)
This Week's Yahrzeits
March 25 - March 31
*denotes perpetual yahrzeit plaque