March 2022
OpenNotes Named Interoperability Hero: Interview with Cait DesRoches, DrPH

When it comes to the 21st Century Cures Act Information Blocking rule, DesRoches,“encourages organizations to shift their thinking away from, 'This is just something we have to comply with,' to, 'This is something we can really do that will improve care for our patients — and at a relatively low cost for us.' We’re already sending this information to the portal, so the next step is just how do we get patients to use it.”

Catherine “Cait” DesRoches, DrPH, Director of OpenNotes
Filling A Gap In Safety Metrics

“The traditional tools and measures to identify diagnostic errors were developed and used by clinicians. But patients and families describe diagnostic breakdowns using different words and concepts, including some that might not be detected by conventional methods. The PRDB framework enabled identification of issues that may be undetected by clinicians, most commonly including missing or inaccurate symptoms, problems or delays related to the explanation or plan, communication breakdowns, barriers to completing tests and referrals or missing. or inaccurate follow-up about results."

Sigall K. Bell, M.D.
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School & Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Director of Patient Safety & Discovery, OpenNotes
Spotlight: New OpenNotes Team Member
We're excited to welcome Alex Duncan, B.S., to our team as the new Clinical Research Coordinator.

Alex received her B.S. in Health and Wellness from Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is currently completing a Master’s in Public Health with a concentration in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Tufts University.

AMA STEPS Forward Podcast
In this episode of AMA's STEPS Forward podcast, Tom Delbanco, MD, and Catherine DesRoches, DrPH, describe the evolution of OpenNotes and where it's heading next. 

What We're Reading
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Remember to visit to learn more about how to find your healthcare information and what to do if you can't find it.