June 14, 2022
From the Office of the Bishop
Invite Welcome Connect
The Diocese of Easton is excited to enter into a year of focused ministry around the theme of Invite, Welcome, and Connect beginning with the 2022 Fall Summit. Mary Parmer, author of the award-winning book, Invite Welcome Connect: Stories & Tools to Transform your Church, will be the guest speaker for the Summit where clergy, lay leaders, and parish members alike are all invited to consider together innovative ways of “being church” in your community. Mark your calendars for either Friday, October 7th at St. Albans in Salisbury OR Saturday, October 8th at Holy Trinity Oxford. Read More.
Bishop San was conferred with a Doctor of Divinity Degree (D.D.) by Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA on May 12th, 2022. Read more.

Reverend Deacon Susan Leight graduated with Master of Divinity (M.DIV) from Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA on May 12th, 2022. Read more.
The Most Reverend Rowan Williams, the 104th Arch Bishop of Canterbury and his wife, Professor Jane Williams along with Bishop San and Lynn Marray.
The Reverend Deacon Susan Leight, her husband AK, and daughters pose with Bishop San & Lynn Marray.
350th Anniversary of Christ Church, St. Michael's: The Historic Parish of Christ Church, St. Michael’s celebrated its 350th Anniversary this past Sunday, June 5th, Feast of Pentecost. The parish welcomed Governor Larry Hogan along with several other state and local officials. Bishop San celebrated and preached during the service. Read more, see it in the News, view the Governor's Photo Gallery and visit their Facebook page.
Diocesan Leadership Retreat
The Diocesan Council and Standing Committee held a retreat over zoom to review the ten components in Parousia and committed to continue working to realize the Mission of God in the Diocese. Read more.
Revisioning the Neighborhood Parish : Focus Groups
(Parousia VIII)
During the Diocesan Convention 2022, Bishop San encouraged parishes to convene focus groups. “As churches begin to conceive regathering models, I am advising Diocesan Convention to direct parishes to organize ‘focus groups’ of their members to prayerfully discern the challenging issue of CPR & ASA within their parochial context." Read more.
Appointment of New Dean for the Middle Convocation
With the retirement from active parish ministry of the Reverend Charles Osberger, Rector of Wye Parish and Dean of the Middle Convocation, the Bishop pursuant to Canon 501.05 has appointed the Reverend Mark Delcuze, Rector of Christ Church, Stevensville, to serve as the new Dean for the Middle Convocation. Read more.
Honorary Canon of the Church - The Reverend Charles Osberger
Diocesan Council on the recommendation of the bishop and in consultation with the Standing Committee has approved a resolution to honor the Reverend Charlie Osberger, retired Rector of Wye Parish with the distinguished designation of Honorary Canon. A service of conferment is scheduled for Tuesday, September 13th at Trinity Cathedral. Read more.
155th Diocesan Convention - St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Salisbury
The 155th Annual Diocesan Convention will convene on Saturday, March 4th, 2023. Convention will continue the theme of Invite, Welcome & Connect as presented at the 2022 Fall Summit with a focus on how the church can reach rising generations in a post-covid iteration of church.
2023 Clergy Conference with Bishop Jim Mathes
Ocean City Fontainebleau Resort
April 30th - May 2nd, 2023
David Booth Beers Canonical Review Memorial Project
In commemoration of his life, witness and contribution to the Episcopal Church (both the Diocese of Easton and the wider church), Diocesan Council has approved the recommendation of the bishop to designate the Constitution and Canon Review Process the ‘David Booth Beers Canonical Review Memorial Project.’ Read More.
Update on Latino Ministry
The Diocese of Easton is sending a delegation of 14 people to the Diocese of Texas' Annual Latino Lay Leadership Conference. This delegation of Latino leaders in our Diocese also includes the Rev. Hector Rodriguez, who the Diocese has invited to be the part-time Latino Missioner for La Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia de Jesus (starting in the Fall). Read more.

Bishop San visited our Latino mission on Sunday, June 5th, Feast of Pentecost where two of our young people received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The bishop and Pastor Thom used the opportunity to introduce Fr. Rodriguez to the congregation.

IONA Update
The Diocese of Easton's first IONA Class (of 2024) is finishing out their first year of studies. Here is the class at Old Trinity, Church Creek with local Professor, the Rev. Dan Dunlap and Archdeacon, the Rev. Loretta Collins.
Alcohol Policy of the Diocese of Easton
As a quick summer reminder, the Diocese of Easton has an alcohol policy. The policy on Alcohol was passed at General Convention and ratified by this diocese’s convention in 2015/2016. See the Policy.
Retirement Announcement - Art Kendall, Finance Administrator and Sherry Dulin, Finance Assistant
[Excerpted] It is with personal regret but warm wishes that I announce the impending retirement of our Finance Administrator, Art Kendall (effective December 31st). He is looking forward to spending more time with his wife, Bonnie, their children and grandchildren...We are indebted to his vision, commitment, and impressive work ethic, complimented by his deep and abiding faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ. His work and example have assured our success into the future... It is with equal warm wishes that I also announce the retirement of our part-time Finance Assistant, Sherry Dulin (effective June 30th)...   Read Bishop's Full Letter.
Bishop's Advisory on Masking Indoors
Covid-19 cases are continuing to rise with the newest Omicron variant. Several Eastern Shore Counties are now rated by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as having a "medium COVID-19 Community Level" of risk. We strongly advise masking indoors during this current uptick, especially if your jurisdiction enters the medium or high transmission category. This includes office hours, worship services, and all indoor events. Continue reading here.
Bishop's Appeal - Crisis in Ukraine: Bishop Marray requests donations for the on-going efforts for the crisis in war-torn Ukraine. Read his letter here. Prayer for the People of Ukraine and Peace in Europe linked here.
Diocesan Summer Holidays and Office Hours
The Diocesan offices will be closed on Monday, June 20th in celebration of Juneteenth and on Monday, July 4th. The Diocese of Easton Office Hours during the summer will be Monday thru Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm. On Friday's, the phone will be answered remotely 8:30am - 12:30pm.
Thank you for your continued support
of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
Camp Wright Update - CAMPERS HAVE ARRIVED!!!
Let's all pray for a healthy happy summer as the Camp Wright staff concluded their orientation last week and campers have arrived!!
Please pray for the health and safety of our campers and staff. May they grow nearer to God, to one another, and to the world around them. We give thanks for the sunshine, the bay breezes, and all the wonders of creation that reveal themselves at Camp Wright.
Do you know someone who would love to be working at Camp Wright this summer? There are still a handful of staff positions available. Contact our Camp Director.
Retreat House: Latest Newsletter here.

You Help Grow Our Circles - The Retreat House Annual Appeal

To receive the Retreat House newsletter and other email offerings, sign up here. View their calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069 or contact Francie Thayer.
Trinity Cathedral, Easton Continuing in the tradition of the Summer Sing, after some pandemic twists and turns, each season will feature a major choral work accompanied by an orchestra. This season will feature the music of Bach and Mendelssohn. Learn more here.
Christ Church, Easton Book Studies
"Being Disciples" This three-week class looks at discipleship as a lifestyle and an attitude that followers of Christ take on to help the world.
“Anam Cara” This six-week book study of Celtic Christianity emphasizes that the world and everything in it, including Creation itself, is sacred. It takes its lineage from the early Desert Fathers and Mothers of the church. Learn more about book studies here.
Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to Joanne. Churches are also encouraged to add to their local enews.
Pastoral Concerns

We pray for all those affected by gun violence, particularly remembering the victims of Uvalde and Buffalo in recent weeks. O God, whose mercies cannot be numbered: Accept our prayers on behalf of your servants, the souls of the departed who we remember today, and grant them an entrance into the land of light and joy, in the fellowship of your saints; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Pray for cessation of the war in Ukraine, Middle East and in other parts of the world. For the citizens of Ukraine, refugees and displaced children, the elderly, parents, sick and the nations that are providing a safe and secure shelter for migrant citizens.

We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for The Rev. Paula E. Clark bishop-elect of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago. The Rev. Kevin Cross. The Rev. Mary Friel. Doug Girardeau. Rev. Bryan Glancey & Barbs Glancey. The Rev. Jim Kamihachi & Weasie Kamihachi. The Rev. Ron Knapp. Art Leiby. Tom Mendenhall. The Rev. Bill Ortt. The Rev. Beverly Porteus, Becky Richardson. Ray Zeigler.

Submit prayer requests to: Names are listed for four weeks unless otherwise specified. 
Diocesan Prayer Calendar

Second Sunday after Pentecost
June 19th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Trinity, Elkton, and St.
Stephen’s, Earleville, and for their Rector the Rev. Nicholas Sichangi, and
his spouse, Jane and their sons: Christopher, Dennis, and Hudson.

Third Sunday after Pentecost
June 26th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Paul’s, Trappe, and
for their Supply Clergy, the Rev. Nathaniel Pierce.

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
July 3rd
We commend this great nation to your merciful care, that, being guided by your Providence, we may dwell secure in your peace. Grant to the President, and all that hold authority in the nation, wisdom and strength to know and do your will.

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
July 10th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at The Retreat House at Hillsboro, and for the leadership of Francie Thayer and staff.

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
July 17th
We give thanks for the life of Harriet Ross Tubman whose vision and courage saved many from oppression and injustice in the times of slavery. May her work continue to inspire us to address equality for all.

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
July 24th
We give thanks to the witness to Christ’s love for children through the ministry of Camp Agape. For the many volunteers and donors that help make camp and year-long offerings a reality.

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
July 31st
Let us pray for the Bishops and their spouses attending the Lambeth Conference. We give thanks for their host, The Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Justin Welby and his wife, Caroline.

For additional weeks, please contact Lynn Anstatt.
From the Office of the Presiding Bishop

Presiding Bishop calls Episcopalians to ‘A Season of Prayer for Revival’
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites Episcopalians everywhere to mark the season after Pentecost with 30 days of prayer leading up to and encompassing the 80th General Convention in Baltimore, Maryland. Click here.
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry to speak at Mother Emanuel commemorative service. Read more.
United Thank Offering - e-Newsletter
The Episcopal Church General Convention
There will be four legislative days (from Friday, July 8th through Monday, July 11th), preceded by registration on Thursday, July 7th. Only deputies, bishops, some alternate deputies, and essential staff and volunteers will attend.

Have You Signed Up for General Convention? Volunteers Still Needed!! Read more here. Watch - Volunteers are needed for the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church!

You may also read the House of Deputies Latest Newsletter
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