The Trust's Restoration Technicians show off native plants, which will be installed as part of the E-Pond habitat improvement project.

Hello Sarah,

It's Giving Tuesday, a day for celebrating radical generosity in our community and beyond. You've probably received at least a few Giving Tuesday messages today.

We'd like to focus this Giving Tuesday message on sharing our gratitude for YOU. You contributed to increased access to the Parkway, growing the Trust's outdoor education programs, and implementing wildlife habitat restoration projects on the Parkway.

Today, we'd like to highlight some of the accomplishments you made possible in 2023.

  • When the storms washed over the Central Valley this year, the floodwater had somewhere to go. The restored floodplains at Sycamore Island and Fresno River West were tested by the high river flows, and they THRIVED! After years of hard work, it was exciting to witness the floodplains do what nature intended.

  • In May, the Trust's park operations at Sycamore Island expanded to 7 days a week! With free access Monday through Friday, the property bustled with activity. Anglers, hikers, cyclists, and families got outside to enjoy the river, ponds, and miles of dirt roads until the season ended in mid-November. Sycamore Island will reopen on January 12, 2024.

  • This summer, the Trust's River Camp programs expanded to SEVEN camp locations, including the new Inclusion Program for children with intellectual or developmental disabilities and more partnerships with local school districts. More than 2,000 children in preschool through high school spent a week outside learning about and exploring the San Joaquin River in Fresno, Madera, and Firebaugh.

  • The Trust's restoration project team embarked on the Fresno River West E-pond habitat enhancement project planting last week. Assisted by an American Conservation Experience Crew and over 60 volunteers, they successfully planted hundreds of native trees and shrubs at the project site. The planting work will continue for the remainder of the year to complete the installation of 4,190 plants.

  • This year, the Trust piloted the first Voyagers: Investigating, Sierras, Trails, and Seas (VISTAS) program, which took 16 high school students on excursions to the mountains, San Joaquin River, and the coast. For most program participants, VISTAS provided their first overnight camping experience and first time seeing the ocean. Watch your mailbox for our 2023 year-end appeal letter that shares one success story from the VISTAS program.

These are just a few of the accomplishments you've made possible this year. We are grateful for your ongoing support and the contributions you make to creating and protecting the Parkway.

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