Dear Friends In Christ,
Greetings from Washington DC! This year I have the honored of attending the 68th Annual
North American National Deans Conference, being held at the National Cathedral. Over 80
Deans are gathered from Canada and the United States. I have met a Brit too.
During an orientation, led by the Very Rev Penny Bridges, Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral in
San Diego and Convener of the Deans Conference, it was acknowledged that this church group
tends not to be competitive; rather it is a safe place for people to gather, to share what they
have learned and experience, and to offer support as we engage in ministry together. How
lovely! Then over dinner, I heard similar prayers for the congregations we serve.
Years ago I was told by a wise soul: the world is hard enough out there. With each other, let
us strive to be kind and understanding, as we offer love, forgiveness, and caring support. This is
how we are called to love God and each other. I am grateful for all of you.
Anne Sawyer
Interim Dean & Priest-in-Charge