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Weekly News Update

Dear Friends In Christ,

Greetings from Washington DC! This year I have the honored of attending the 68th Annual

North American National Deans Conference, being held at the National Cathedral. Over 80

Deans are gathered from Canada and the United States. I have met a Brit too.

During an orientation, led by the Very Rev Penny Bridges, Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral in

San Diego and Convener of the Deans Conference, it was acknowledged that this church group

tends not to be competitive; rather it is a safe place for people to gather, to share what they

have learned and experience, and to offer support as we engage in ministry together. How

lovely! Then over dinner, I heard similar prayers for the congregations we serve.

Years ago I was told by a wise soul: the world is hard enough out there. With each other, let

us strive to be kind and understanding, as we offer love, forgiveness, and caring support. This is

how we are called to love God and each other. I am grateful for all of you.


Anne Sawyer

Interim Dean & Priest-in-Charge

Diocesan Confirmations

You are invited to be confirmed, to reaffirm your confirmational vows, and/or to be received into the Episcopal Church. The service will be held at St. John’s Cathedral on May 6, 2023 at 10am by Bishop John H. Taylor.

May is around the corner, so please let us know if you are interested. Preparation would involve 2-3 classes with other interested members. Then, during the service Bishop Taylor would evoke the Holy Spirit by laying his hands on your head.

Say yes to God by emailing Rev. Anne at or Kyle Black at, or by calling at 213-747-6285. Please join us for this special day in

your life and our church.

Upcoming Services

The Fourth Sunday of Eastertide

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Said Mass is at 8:00 am | In-Person Only

Choral Mass is at 10:00 am | In-Person and Online

Livestream available via Facebook and YouTube | Service Leaflet


Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 8pm

In-Person and Online

Join us for choral prayers in candle light on the first Sunday of the month. Compline begins at 8 pm followed by a time of food and fellowship.

Vestry On-Call

Nancy Koehring

Vestry members are partners with clergy, encouraging the growth of community and the establishment of common ground in the spiritual life of the congregation. Parishioners are always welcome to speak with these individuals on Sunday morning; they assist in making sure our questions, comments, or concerns are heard.


St. John's Cathedral Quilt

Canon Earl Mounger would like to thank those of you who have added your name to the new quilt project. He says that it is not too late to add your name. The quilt documents members of the cathedral past and present with their place of birth, the year they became a member, and their involvement in parish life. Earl still needs fifteen names to finish the second quilt. Please use the form below and turn into the parish office along with cash or check for $25 to offset production costs.

Download Order Form
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