Dear CU Denver Student Organization Officers,

We hope your summer is going well and are excited to begin another academic year shortly in CU in the City! We wanted to let our officers know of a change to the required training structure. In the past, we required an all-day in-person training to make sure student organization officers were aware of the policies and procedures they must follow. We have decided to implement a Canvas course to inform our officers of these policies. This will allow individual officers to complete the course asynchronously and on their own time.
We will be inviting all the mandatory officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer) to the Canvas course shortly and ask that if you are no longer the officer for this organization, to please reach out to us to correct whoever is the correct officer at The Canvas course must be completed before your organization is able to host events and/or table. We encourage you to complete it by September 9th.
We will still be hosting our required Fall Conference for mandatory officers, but we will be sending out the registration for this closer to the beginning of the academic year. If you have any questions about the course requirements, please contact us at

Student Life & Campus Community, Student Organization Team